Compiler Messages

When compiling or decompiling a Help project, the compiler returns messages to report typical events, and problems that were encountered.

When a project is compiled using Help Workshop or HxComp.exe, messages are displayed on-screen during the process, and a log file is created after the job is complete.

Error Message Types

When the compiler is used programmatically, the in-process COM server returns messages, which the client can obtain through the IHxCompError interface.

There are four types of messages: informational, warning, error, and fatal error. Compiler messages are designated by an HXC* prefix, followed by a unique four-digit numeric code and the message string. The following table describes the ID naming convention for all compiler messages except informational messages, which are self-explanatory and therefore not documented.


In compiler messages that contain line number and character position values, the compiler will return a value of "0" when the actual value cannot be determined by the parser.




HxComp server warning or error

Fatal Error HXCxxxx

HxComp server fatal error


HxComp.exe error


HxComp.exe warning

The range for numeric message identifiers is as follows:


Message type


Command-line only


Internal fatal


Internal error


HxCompServer fatal


HxCompServer error


HxCompServer warning


MSXML parser error


MSXML parser warning


HxV Parser error


HxV Parser warning


Attribute validator error


Attribute validator warning


Attribute validator/XML DOM error


Attribute validator/XML DOM warning


HxC parser error


HxC parser warning


CUrlList error


CUrlList warning

The following table lists all of the possible warning and error messages that the compiler can return.



HXC6001: Unable to open file . File not decompiled.

Unable to open file %1. File not decompiled.

HXC6002: Cannot open file . Ignored.

Cannot open file %1. Ignored.

HXC6003: Unable to write to . .

Unable to write to %1. %2.

HXC6004: The value of the FileVersion attribute in is not x.x.x.x (where 0 <= x <= 65535). Ignored.

The value of the FileVersion attribute in %1 is not x.x.x.x (where 0 <= x <= 65535). Ignored.

HXC6005: The Title attribute of the <HelpCollection>tag contains more than 2000 characters. Ignored:

The Title attribute of the <HelpCollection>tag contains more than 2000 characters. Ignored: %1

HXC6006: The value of the Name attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> element exceeds 256 characters.

The value of the Name attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> element exceeds 256 characters.

HXC6007: The value of the Value attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> element exceeds 256 characters.

The value of the Value attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> element exceeds 256 characters.

HXC6008: The Name attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> tag has no value.

The Name attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> tag has no value.

HXC6009: The Value attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> tag has no value.

The Value attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> tag has no value.

HXC6010: The HTML <title> element is missing or invalid in file .

The HTML <title> element is missing or invalid in file %1.

HXC6011: The virtual topic was used before being declared.

The virtual topic %1 was used before being declared.

HXC6012: No file matching the wildcard string was found.

No file matching the wildcard string %1 was found.

HXC6013: No sample files were added from . ignored.

No sample files were added from %1. %2 ignored.

HXC6014: No index (.HxK) files are specified in the collection definition (.HxC) file.

No index (.HxK) files are specified in the collection definition (.HxC) file.

HXC6015: The CopyDestDir attribute in for a <sample> tag in the sample definition (.HxE) file has no value.

The CopyDestDir attribute in for a <sample> tag in the sample definition (.HxE) file has no value.

HXC6016: // or \\\\ in a file specification is not supported. Ignored.

// or \\\\ in a file specification is not supported. Ignored.

HXC6017: in a file specification is not supported. Ignored.

%1 in a file specification is not supported. Ignored.

HXC6018: A parent node in the TOC is missing the Title attribute for the <HelpTOCNode> element.

A parent node in the TOC is missing the Title attribute for the <HelpTOCNode> element.

HXC6019: No URL assigned to node. Assigning ~~Empty~~.htm.

No URL assigned to node. Assigning ~~Empty~~.htm.

HXC6020: The value of the Title attribute for a <HelpTOCNode> element in the .HxT file exceeds 2000 characters. Ignored:

The value of the Title attribute for a <HelpTOCNode> element in the .HxT file exceeds 2000 characters. Ignored: %1


Invalid TOC type.

HXC6022: The Name attribute for an <ItemMoniker> element in a collection definition (.HxC) file has no value.

The Name attribute for an <ItemMoniker> element in a collection definition (.HxC) file has no value.

HXC6023: The ProgId attribute for an <ItemMoniker> element in a collection definition (.HxC) file has no value.

The ProgId attribute for an <ItemMoniker> element in a collection definition (.HxC) file has no value.

HXC6026: The value of the InitData attribute for an <ItemMoniker> element in an .HxC file exceeds 49 characters. Truncated:

The value of the InitData attribute for an <ItemMoniker> element in an .HxC file exceeds 49 characters. Truncated: %1

HXC6027: Ignoring hidden file:

Ignoring hidden file: %1

HXC6028: The value of the Name attribute () for the <HelpIndex> element is duplicated in more than one index (.HxK) file. Ignored the duplicate in .

The value of the Name attribute (%1) for the <HelpIndex> element is duplicated in more than one index (.HxK) file. Ignored the duplicate in %2.

HXC6029: The value of the Name attribute () for the <ItemMoniker> element is duplicated in more than one collection definition (.HxC) file. Ignored the duplicate in .

The value of the Name attribute (%1) for the <ItemMoniker> element is duplicated in more than one collection definition (.HxC) file. Ignored the duplicate in %2.

HXC6030: No index defined in <MsHelp:Keyword>.

No index defined in <MsHelp:Keyword>.

HXC6031: No term defined in <MsHelp:Keyword>.

No term defined in <MsHelp:Keyword>.

HXC6032: Unable to open stop word file .

Unable to open stop word file %1.

HXC6033: The Url attribute of the <HelpTOCNode> element has no value. Ignored.

The Url attribute of the <HelpTOCNode> element has no value. Ignored.

HXC6034: Stop word file name is too long. Stop word file ignored.

Stop word file name is too long. Stop word file ignored.

HXC6035: The sample load string is too long; the string has been truncated to characters.

The sample load string is too long; the string has been truncated to %1 characters.

HXC6036: The copy destination directory is too long; the string has been truncated to characters.

The copy destination directory is too long; the string has been truncated to %1 characters.

HXC6037: TOC node is indented more than 256 levels. Ignored.

TOC node is indented more than 256 levels. Ignored.

HXC6038: Level of keyword is greater than 16 in the index. Ignored.

Level of keyword %1 is greater than 16 in the %2 index. Ignored.

HXC6039: The NodeType attribute for a <HelpTOCNode> element in an .HxT file that is set to the value TOC cannot have child nodes. Ignored.

The NodeType attribute for a <HelpTOCNode> element in an .HxT file that is set to the value TOC cannot have child nodes. Ignored.

HXC6040: Unknown MSHelp tag .

Unknown MSHelp tag %1.

HXC6041: Encountered undefined attribute for MSHelp tag .

Encountered undefined attribute %1 for MSHelp tag %2.

HXC6042: <MSHelp> tag requires attribute .

<MSHelp> tag %1 requires attribute %2.

HXC6043: VTopic must start with a letter or underscore, contain letter, digit, period, hyphen, underscore only.

VTopic%1 must start with a letter or underscore, contain letter, digit, period, hyphen, underscore only. Ignored.

HXC6044: VTopic contains no characters. Ignored.

VTopic contains no characters. Ignored.

HXC6045: Vtopic contains more than 64 characters. Ignored.

VTopic %1 contains more than 64 characters. Ignored.

HXC6046: KeywordList contains more than 2000 characters. Ignored:

KeywordList contains more than 2000 characters, Ignored: %1

HXC6047: Charset is invalid in . Ignored and set to DefaultCharset 1.

Charset %1 is invalid in %2. Ignored and set to DefaultCharset 1.

HXC6048: No term was defined for the <Keyword> tag in . Ignored.

No term was defined for the <Keyword> tag in %1. Ignored.

HXC6049: contains a keyword (including Ref, and probably after entity resolution) of length more than 503. Ignored:

%1 contains a keyword (including Ref, and probably after entity resolution) of length more than 503. Ignored: %2

HXC6050: A project file extension was specified in the .HxE, but no matching file was compiled. Ignoring the extension.

A project file extension was specified in the .HxE, but no matching file was compiled. Ignoring the extension.

HXC6051: Ignoring the keyword term with the string length of 0:

Ignoring the keyword term with string of length 0: %1

HXC6052: The value of the Name attribute for the <ItemMoniker> tag contains more than characters. Ignored.

The value of the Name attribute in the <ItemMoniker> tag contains more than %1 characters. Ignored.

HXC6053: The value of the ProgId attribute for the <ItemMoniker> tag contains more than characters. Ignored.

The value of the ProgId attribute in the <ItemMoniker> tag contains more than %1 characters. Ignored.

HXC6054: The value of the InitData attribute for the <ItemMoniker> tag contains more than characters. Ignored.

The value of the InitData attribute in the <ItemMoniker> tag contains more than %1 characters. Ignored.

HXC6055: LangId is invalid in . Using default 1033.

LangId %1 is invalid in %2. Using default 1033.

HXC6056: IconFile in is not in the project root directory and was not saved.

IconFile %1 is not in project root directory and was not saved.

HXC6057: A file specification, , begins with $ or #. Files and directories in the project root starting with those characters are unsupported. The files will not be added.

A file specification, %1, begins with '$' or '#'. Files and directories in the project root starting with those characters are unsupported. The files will not be added.

HXC6058: Icon is invalid in . Ignored.

Icon %1 is invalid in %2. Ignored.

HXC6059: Compressed sample compiled from outside the project root. Decompiled to $OutsideRoot\$Samples.

Compressed sample %1 compiled from outside project root. Decompiled to $OutsideRoot\$Samples.

HXC6060: File list name is too long.

File list name %1 is too long.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.


An internal error has occurred on subfile %1; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.

HXC5007: Initialization of the XML parser failed. Reinstall Microsoft Help Workshop.

Initialization of the XML parser failed. Reinstall Microsoft Help Workshop.

HXC3001: Unable to create a temporary file for the attribute index .

Unable to create a temporary file for the attribute index, %1.

HXC3002: Unable to complete index compilation. Likely causes are insufficient memory or hard drive space.

Unable to complete index compilation. Likely causes are insufficient memory or hard drive space.


Unable to open project file %1.

HXC3004: Unable to open file to be decompiled.

Unable to open file %1 to be decompiled.

Fatal Error HXC3005: The number of errors is greater than or equal to 50 of the number of topics. Deleting all output files.

The number of errors is greater than or equal to 50% of the number of topics. Deleting all output files.

HXC3006: The following file name contains more than 2048 characters:

The following file name contains more than 2048 characters: %1

HXC3007: The value of the Name attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr>tag contains more than 256 characters.

The value of the Name attribute for an <MSHelp:Attr> tag contains more than 256 characters.

HXC3008: The name of an end tag for an HTML or XML element exceeds 256 characters.

The name of an end tag for an HTML or XML element exceeds 256 characters.

HXC3009: Illegal tag.

Illegal tag.

HXC3010: The name of an HTML element exceeds 256 characters.

The name of an HTML element exceeds 256 characters.

HXC3011: The value of the <title> tag for an HTML topic exceeds 2000 characters.

The value of the <title> tag for an HTML topic exceeds 2000 characters.

HXC3012: Unexpected character in tag name.

Unexpected character in tag name.

HXC3013: Unexpected characters in the end tag.

Unexpected characters in the end tag.

HXC3014: Cannot add a keyword () to an automatically generated (sorted) index (). Memory allocation failure or malformed link text.

Cannot add a keyword (%1) to an automatically generated (sorted) index (%2). Memory allocation failure or malformed link text.

HXC3019: The .HxT file has the same base name as another TOC file and will be ignored.

The .HxT file %1 has the same base name as another TOC file and will be ignored.

HXC3020: No .HxE file specified.

No .HxE file specified.

HXC3021: No target specified for keyword .

No target specified for keyword %1.


No cross-reference Target specified for Keyword %1.

HXC3023: Failed to open file .

Failed to open file %1.

HXC3024: Out of memory.

Out of memory.

HXC3025: Failed to read file .

Failed to read file %1.

HXC3026: Errors were found compiling the sample. not compiled.

Errors were found compiling the sample. %1 not compiled.

HXC3027: In the .HxE file, no path to the distribution directory was specified with a DistribDir attribute.

In the .HxE file, no path to the distribution directory was specified with a DistribDir attribute.

HXC3028: Sample staging directory not specified. Sample will not be built.

Sample staging directory not specified. Sample %1 will not be built.

HXC3029: The sum of the TOCTitle attribute, RLTitle attribute, and <TITLE> tag for a topic file exceeds 2000 characters.

The sum of the TOCTitle attribute, RLTitle attribute, and <TITLE> tag for a topic file exceeds 2000 characters.

HXC3030: An index name is specified in the Index attribute of an <MSHelp:keyword> tag, but there is no corresponding index in the project.

An index name is specified in the Index attribute of an <MSHelp:Keyword> tag, but there is no corresponding index in the project.

HXC3031: A group of keywords for a single Help link or KTable exceeds 4,096 bytes.

A group of keywords for a single Help link or KTable exceeds 4,096 bytes.

HXC3032: Out of memory.

Out of memory.

HXC3033: No files found at for sample .

No files found at %1 for sample %2.

HXC3034: Duplicate SampleId detected: . Ignoring sample.

Duplicate SampleId detected: %1. Ignoring sample.

HXC3035: Error compressing files:

Error compressing files: %1

HXC3036: Zero-size file ignored:

Zero-size file ignored: %1

HXC3037: The destination directory exceeds maximum length. not compiled.

The destination directory exceeds maximum length. %1 not compiled.

HXC3040: The sample staging directory path exceeds maximum length. not compiled.

The sample staging directory path exceeds %1 characters. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3041: The sample destination directory path exceeds characters. Check the DistribDir and SampleStagingDir attribute values. Sample not compiled.

The sample destination directory path exceeds %1 characters. Check the DistribDir and SampleStagingDir attribute values. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3042: The SFL name exceeds characters. Sample not compiled.

The SFL name exceeds %1 characters. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3043: The compressed SFL destination path exceeds characters. Check the SFLName and SampleId attribute values. Sample not compiled.

The compressed SFL destination exceeds %1 characters. Check the SFLName and SampleId attribute values. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3044: The SFL contains illegal characters: . Sample not compiled.

The SFL contains illegal characters: %1. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3045: The uncompressed SFL file could not be created. The full destination path may be too long or there may be a destination media problem.

The uncompressed SFL file could not be created. The full destination path may be too long or there may be a destination media problem.

HXC3046: The XML file contains no DOCTYPE declaration or the root element is not .

The XML file %1 contains no DOCTYPE declaration or the root element is not %2.

HXC3048: The value of the SourceDir attribute contains more than characters. Sample not compiled.

The value of the SourceDir attribute contains more than %1 characters. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3049: Sample is missing an ID. Unable to compile sample.

Sample is missing an ID. Unable to compile sample.

HXC3050: The value of the CopyDestDir attribute must be a relative path. Sample not compiled.

The value of the CopyDestDir attribute must be a relative path. Sample %1 not compiled.

HXC3051: The value of the CopyDestDir attribute contains illegal characters. Sample not compiled.

The value of the CopyDestDir attribute contains illegal characters. Sample %1 not compiled.

HXC3052: The value of the SampleId attribute contains illegal characters:

The value of the SampleId attribute contains illegal characters: %1

HXC3053: The destination directory could not be created. The DistribDir or the SampleStagingDir attributes may contain invalid characters.

The destination directory could not be created. The DistribDir or the SampleStagingDir attributes many contain invalid characters.

HXC3054: The stop word list, , is too small. It must contain at least one word.

The stop word list, %1, is too small. It must contain at least one word.

HXC3055: There was an error in creating a full-text index for the content.

There was an error in creating a full-text index for the content.

HXC3056: The length of the sample source directory and file name is too long for sample file in directory . Sample not compiled.

The length of the sample source directory and file name is too long for sample file %1 in directory %2. Sample not compiled.

HXC3057: The length of the sample destination directory and file name is too long for sample file in directory . Sample not compiled.

The length of the sample destination directory and file name is too long for sample file %1 in directory %2. Sample not compiled.

HXC3058: The name of the decompile destination directory is too long. not decompiled.

The name of the decompile destination directory is too long. %1 not compiled.

HXC3059: A link in the TOC to a topic in another .HxS file is too long.

A link in the TOC to a topic in another .HxS file is too long.

HXC3060: The sample destination directory is not a subdirectory of the sample staging directory. Sample not compiled.

The sample destination directory %1 is not a subdirectory of the sample staging directory. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3061: The sample include directory is too long. Sample not compiled.

The sample include directory %1 is too long. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC3062: The sample exclude directory is too long. Sample not compiled.

The sample exclude directory %1 is too long. Sample %2 not compiled.

HXC4031: No .HxV file specified.

No .HxV file specified.

HXC4032: Failed to initialize the XML parser for the .HxV file.

Failed to initialize the XML parser for the .HxV file.

HXC4033: Out of memory.

Out of memory.

HXC4061: Out of memory

Out of memory.

HXC4062: Unexpected element in .HxA file; expecting <>.

Unexpected element in .HxA file; expecting <%1>.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help technical support for assistance.

HXC4092: The element <> in the .HxA file requires a Name attribute.

The element <%1> in the .HxA file requires a Name attribute.

HXC4093: An internal error has occurred ().

An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help technical support for assistance.

HXC4094: No AttVal elements were specified for AttName element with Name: .

No AttVal elements were specified for AttName element with Name: %1.

HXC4121: There is no value specified for the File attribute in the IncludeFile tag.

There is no value specified for the File attribute in the IncludeFile tag.

HXC4122: Out of memory.

Out of memory.

HXC4123: Out of memory.

Out of memory.

HXC4124: Failed to initialize the XML parser.

Failed to initialize XML parser.

HXC4125: Out of memory.

Out of memory.

HXC2001 - HXC2006: An internal error has occurred.

An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.


An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.

HXC2001 - HXC2006: An internal error has occurred.

An internal error has occurred; contact Microsoft Help product support for assistance.

HXC2008 - HXC2009: Failed to initialize HTML Help file system. Reinstall Microsoft Help Workshop.

Failed to initialize HTML Help file system. Reinstall Microsoft Help Workshop.


Failed to initialize HTML Help file system. Reinstall Microsoft Help Workshop.

HXC2010: Unable to write the full-text index to the file system.

Unable to write the full-text index to the file system.

HXC2011: Ran out of memory building the full-text index.

Ran out of memory building the full-text index.

HXC2051: Unable to read file , which might be corrupt.

Unable to read file %1, which might be corrupt.

HXC2052: Unable to update the version stamp TopicCount information. The .HxS file has been deleted.

Unable to update the version stamp TopicCount information. The .HxS file has been deleted.

HXC2053: Unable to create file . The file might already exist and be in use.

Unable to create file %1. The file might already exist and be in use.

HXC2054: File is currently in use or cannot be written to.

File %1 is currently in use or cannot be written to.

HXC2055: The environment variable TMP must point to a location that can provide at least 2MB of temporary disk space.

The environment variable TMP must point to a location that can provide at least 2MB of temporary disk space.

HXC2056: Parse of the .HxC file failed.

Parse of the .HxC file failed.

HXC2057: Unable to create the file . The file may already exist and be in use.

Unable to create the file %1. The file may already exist and be in use.

HXC2058: Invalid file:

Invalid file: %1

HXC2059: The value Hxn is not implemented for the CompileResult attribute.

The value Hxn is not implemented for the CompileResult attribute.

HXC2060: Out of memory.

Out of memory.

HXC2061: The output file must have an .HxS extension.

The output file must have an .HxS extension.

HXC2062: The project file must have an .HxC extension.

The project file must have an .HxC extension.

HXC2063: The specified project directory is not valid.

The specified project directory %1 is not valid.

HXC2064: Unable to initialize the full-text index engine.

Unable to initialize the full-text index engine.

HXC7001: The value of a File attribute within an element contains more than 2000 characters. Ignored.

The value of a File attribute within an element contains more than 2000 characters. Ignored.

HXC4001: XML syntax error:

XML syntax error: %1

HXC4002: File not found:

File not found: %1

HXC7061: The Name attribute of the AttName tag is empty. Ignored.

The Name attribute of the AttVal tag is empty. Ignored.

HXC7062: The Name attribute of the AttVal tag is empty. Ignored.

The Name attribute of the AttName tag is empty. Ignored.

HXC7063: The value of the UIString attribute of the AttVal tag is too long and will be ignored:

The value of the UIString attribute of the AttVal tag is too long and will be ignored: %1

HXC7064: The AttName element with name contains no valid AttVal elements.

The AttrName element with name %1 contains no valid AttVal element.

HXC7065: DTDVersion is not in .

DTDVersion is not %1 in %2.

HXC7066: Tag specified an empty URL in . Ignored.

Tag %1 specified an empty URL in %2. Ignored.

HXC7067: Tag specified an empty LocalFile attribute value in . Ignored.

Tag %1 specified an empty LocalFile attribute value in %2. Ignored.

HXC7068: Extension of the LocalFile attribute, , is neither .htm nor .html in . Ignored.

Extension of the LocalFile attribute, %1, is neither .htm nor .html in %2. Ignored.

HXC7100: Attribute Name is longer than 255 characters in . Ignored.

Attribute Name %1 is longer than 255 characters in %2. Ignored.

HXC7101: Attribute Name is empty in . Ignored.

Attribute Name is empty in %1. Ignored.

HXC7102: Attribute Value is longer than 255 characters in . Ignored.

Attribute Value %1 is longer than 255 characters in %2. Ignored.

HXC7103: Attribute Name is empty in . Ignored.

Attribute Name is empty in %1. Ignored.

HXC7104: The Index attribute () in the <Keyword> tag is longer than 49 characters in . Ignored.

The Index attribute (%1) in the <Keyword> tag is longer than 49 characters in %2. Ignored.

HXC7105: The Index attribute in the <Keyword> tag is empty in . Ignored.

The Index attribute in the <Keyword> tag is empty in %1. Ignored.

HXC7106: The Term attribute () in the <Keyword> tag is longer than 2000 characters in . Ignored.

The Term attribute (%1) in the <Keyword> tag is longer than 2000 characters in %2. Ignored.

HXC7107: The Term attribute in the <Keyword> tag is empty in . Ignored.

The Term attribute in the <Keyword> tag is empty in %1. Ignored.

HXC7091: The value of the AttName attribute in the .HxA file is too long and will be ignored:

The value of the AttName attribute in the .HxA file is too long and will be ignored: %1

HXC7092: The value of the UIString attribute of the AttName tag is too long and will be ignored:

The value of the UIString attribute of the AttName tag is too long and will be ignored: %1

HXC7093: The value of the AttVal attribute in the .HxA file is too long and will be ignored:

The value of the AttVal attribute in the .HxA file is too long and will be ignored: %1

HXC7094: The attribute of the AttName tag is defined multiple times; using the last definition.

The %1 attribute of the AttName tag is defined multiple times; using the last definition.

HXC7151: URL is not under the project root. Ignored.

URL %1 is not under the project root. Ignored.

HXC7152: File is not under the project root. Ignored.

File %1 is not under the project root. Ignored.

Fatal Error HXC1001: Option requires a value.

Option %1 requires a value.

Fatal Error HXC1002: Option does not take a value.

Option %1 does not take a value.

Fatal Error HXC1003: Option can only be specified once.

Option %1 can only be specified once.

Fatal Error HXC1004: Unrecognized parameter .

Unrecognized parameter %1.

Fatal Error HXC1005: The decompile options -u and -d cannot be used if the -p option is specified.

The decompile options -u and -d cannot be used if the -p option is specified.

Fatal Error HXC1006: The compile options -r and -o cannot be used if the -u option is specified.

The compile options -r and -o cannot be used if the -u option is specified.

Fatal Error HXC1007: The directory , specified as the project root, does not exist.

The directory %1, specified as the project root, does not exist.

Fatal Error HXC1008: The directory , specified as the decompile directory, does not exist.

The directory %1, specified as the decompile directory, does not exist.

Fatal Error HXC1009: The log file cannot be saved to directory .

The log file cannot be saved to directory %1.

Fatal Error HXC1010: Directory cannot be used as the decompile directory.

Directory %1 cannot be used as the decompile directory.

HXC1011: Unable to locate the project file .

Unable to locate the project file %1.

HXC1012: Unable to read the project file

Unable to read the project file %1.

HXC1013: Unable to write to the output directory .

Unable to write to the output directory %1.

Fatal Error HXC1014: A dash must be followed by an option letter.

A dash must be followed by an option letter.

Fatal Error HXC1015: The -n and -l options cannot both be specified.

The -n and -l options cannot both be specified.

Fatal Error HXC1016: The directory , specified for the log file, does not exist.

The directory %1, specified for the log file, does not exist.

Fatal Error HXC1017: No .HxC file has been specified. Use the -p option.

No .HxC file has been specified. Use the -p option.

Fatal Error HXC1018: The output file name is too long.

The output file name is too long.

Fatal Error HXC1019: The .HxC file name is too long.

The .HxC file name is too long.

Fatal Error HXC1020: The project root name is too long.

The project root name is too long.

Fatal Error HXC1021: Log file cannot have an .Hx* extension.

Log file cannot have an .Hx* extension.

HXC1022: The compiler server could not be initialized. Reinstall the Microsoft Help 2.0 compiler.

The compiler server could not be initialized. Reinstall the Microsoft Help 2.0 compiler.

Fatal Error HXC1023: The decompile directory name is too long.

The decompile directory name is too long.

Fatal Error HXC1024: The decompile file name is too long.

The decompile file name is too long.

HXC1025: The output directory does not exist.

The output directory %1 does not exist.

Fatal Error HXC1026: Unable to open the log file .

Unable to open the log file %1.

Fatal Error HXC1027

The log file name is too long.

See Also

