
The following are helpful terms and their definitions for reading the Visual Studio SDK documentation.


  • add-in
    A utility application, driver, or other software added to a primary application. In the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE), an add-in is an Automation-based application that extends the capabilities of the IDE.

  • automation model
    The automation model, known in previous versions of Visual Studio as the extensibility model, is a programming interface that gives you access to the underlying routines that drive the IDE. Add-ins, wizards, and macros use objects in the automation model to control or extend the functionality of the IDE.

  • Command Table Compiler (CTC)
    A tool that converts XML or text descriptions of the menus and commands of a VSPackage into a binary resource.


    Beginning with Visual Studio 2008 SDK, use XML Command Table (.vsct) files instead of command table configuration (.ctc) files to define how menus and commands appear in your VSPackages. For more information, see XML-Based Command Table Configuration (.vsct) Files.

  • command UI context
    Association of a GUID with the visibility of a UI command or element such as a toolbar. Command UI context is unlike selection context in that it is not attached to a window.

    Command UI context can be used to:

    • Assign a GUID to a toolbar that appears when a particular window is activated.

    • Assign a GUID to the availability of a command without having to load or run a VSPackage.

    • Assign a GUID to affect active key binding.

    • Assign a GUID to turn on macro recording.

    • Assign a GUID to activate debug mode or to toggle between design and run mode in an editor.

  • component
    Piece of software that can be made part of an application's functionality without that application having any pre-existing information about the software's implementation. Communication between a component and an application is solely through OLE style interfaces.

  • component manager
    A service, SOleComponentManager, which provides non-user interface coordination services for top-level components. The SOleComponentManager service implements the IOleComponentManager interface.

  • component UI manager
    A service, SOleComponentUIManager, which provides user interface coordination services. The SOleComponentUIManager service implements the IOleComponentUIManager and IOleInPlaceComponentUIManager interfaces.

  • context bag
    An IVsUserContext object (COM object) attached to an environment component. This object holds lookup keywords, F1 keywords, and attributes that relate to the component. Context bags additionally point to any subcontext bags that are linked to them.

  • context provider
    A component in the IDE that has a context bag associated with it. Such components include a tool window, editor, or project hierarchy.

  • designer
    A programming interface that allows users to manipulate elements of the UI (forms, buttons, and other controls).

  • DocData
    A COM object encapsulating the underlying data of a document in a world where there is document/view separation (for example, in the text editor case, this would be the text buffer underlying all text editor views). If the EditorFactory does not supply this object, the IDE will manufacture one on its behalf. The responsibility of this object is to manage data persistence and the sharing semantics for multiple views over this same DocData. If the DocData object supports the IOleCommandTarget interface, it will be included in the command routing of the UIShell.

  • DocObject
    Technology used to host the UI within a frame provided by the host. More specifically, this term refers to any embedding that supports the IOleDocument and related interfaces. This technology has many potential applications such as an implementation detail of COM documents, tool windows in Visual Basic 5.0, ActiveX designers in Visual Basic 6.0, and so on.

  • document
    Used to refer generically to the document as a whole—both the DocData and the DocView. For example, a DocumentFrame contains a DocView, but it also retains a reference to the DocData to handle persistence.

  • DocView
    The DocObject/Embedding/WindowPane with which the user interacts to view and manipulate the underlying DocData. Note that users do not take advantage of the Document/View separation that is part of the DocObject interface design. Users use an entire DocObject to act as a view instead of using a more abstract (and less formalized) notion of underlying data known as DocData. DocView objects are always embedded with Document frame objects (MDI child windows) of the IDE.

  • DTE
    The DTE (Development Tools Extensibility) object is the top-most access point in the Visual Studio automation model, which allows you to programmatically automate and extend the IDE.

  • Dynamic Help window
    Tool window that is implemented by the IDE and displays a list of lookup keyword or F1 Help topics.

  • editor
    Code (class, CLSID) that implements the DocView. It also implements DocData if the view/data separation is supported.

  • extension
    A feature that modifies, customizes, or adds to an IDE. You create extensions using the automation model or VSPackages.

  • external editor
    An editor that is not specific to the IDE, such as Microsoft Word. It has been registered through its own mechanisms and can be used outside the IDE. If this editor can be embedded, it appears within a window in the IDE. If it cannot be embedded, a separate top-level window is created.

  • hierarchy
    Tree of nodes, each node associated with a set of properties.

  • independent top-level component
    A component that uses a modeless top-level window and can operate effectively as a stand-alone application window, but is implemented as an in-process object. Therefore, an independent top-level component must coordinate modality and message loop services with the IDE. In-process objects do not have their own message loop.

  • information provider
    The information provider is a module that can lookup keywords and return a list of topics, in the form of IVsUserContextItem objects. To provide F1 and lookup keyword items for the information provider, register your compiled Help file (.HxS) with the system. The Help topics in these files are used to provide the list of topics displayed in the Dynamic Help window and shown whether a user presses F1.

  • in-place component
    A VSPackage object that implements the IOleInPlaceComponent interface to manage a window that is visually contained within a document window owned by the IDE. In-place components do not participate in standard OLE menu-merging; instead they integrate their user interface elements into the IDE.

    There are two types of in-place components: hardwired in-place components and component controls.

    Hardwired in-place components have menus, toolbars, and commands that are integrated tightly into the user interface of the IDE, appearing as if they were built directly into the IDE.

    Component controls do not have any of their own user interface elements integrated into the IDE; instead they use the IDE's menus, commands, and toolbars. For example, the Bold command could be used to bold a selected word within a rich text control embedded in a form. However, component controls can request that dynamically installed component-specific UI elements be displayed.

  • language service
    A set of objects that allows VSPackage developers to implement features of computer language code editors, such as text marking and colorizing.

  • Miscellaneous Files project
    Project used to house open files that are not in any project. The list of items in this project is not persisted.

  • project
    Projects are made up of hierarchy objects, or COM objects that implement the IVsHierarchy interface.

  • project-specific designer or editor
    A designer that cannot be used independently of project type. All project-specific designers must enter their Editor Factory information in the registry. The IDE then can instantiate the designer whenever a certain file type is opened in a particular project.

  • project-type window
    A window that constantly tracks the currently active project hierarchy and item from the global selection context. Project-type windows use the SVsTrackSelectionEx service to alert the IDE of changes and to display feedback to the user. Solution Explorer is an example of a project-type window.

  • Properties window
    Formerly Property Browser.

  • reference-based projects
    Project that do not require the files for the project to be in the same directory. Instead, references to files from other unrelated directories are stored and maintained by the project itself.

  • running document table
    Internal structure by which the IDE maintains the list of all currently open documents. This list includes all open documents in memory regardless of whether the documents are currently being edited. A document is any item that is saved, including stored procedures opened in an editor, files in a project or the main project file (for example, *.vcproj file).

  • selection context
    Data that is part of the detail of every window in the IDE and is used to track active selections. Selection context consists of:

    • Pointer to the IVsHierarchy interface of the project hierarchy

    • Item identifier of the project item.

    • Pointer to the ISelectionContainer interface providing access to properties for the active objects.

    • Array of element values.

  • service
    A contract for a set of COM interfaces that reside in a single COM object. When you create a service, which is identified by a GUID, you define the set of COM interfaces that carries out the service. COM objects use services to communicate with one another.

  • solution
    Group of related projects with which a user works.

  • standard designer
    A designer that can be used independent of project type. All standard designers must enter their Editor Factory information in the registry. The IDE then can instantiate the designer whenever a file with a specific extension is opened. The data must persist to a file.

  • standard editor
    Editor that can be used independent of any particular project type. Such editors have EditorFactories registered in the registry. This allows the IDE to locate and invoke the editor.

  • standard OS editor
    An embedding that is not Visual-Studio specific. It is registered using the well-known Win32 keys (for example, the Win32 Explorer knows how to invoke). If such an editor can be embedded, the editor will still show up in its place in the IDE. Otherwise, a separate top-level window is created for such editors.

  • subcontext bag
    An IVsUserContext object linked to a context bag. This object holds lookup keywords, F1 keywords, and attributes for a selection within an IDE component. Examples of subcontext include a command in a tool window, or a keyword in an editor.

  • Task list
    Tool window that is implemented by the IDE and displays a list of active tasks.

  • text buffer
    Common name for the object VSTextBuffer.

  • Text view
    Common name for the object VSTextView.

  • tool top-level component
    A component that operates as a modeless popup window, coordinating tightly with the user interface of the IDE. Like independent top-level components, tool top-level components must also coordinate modality and message loop services with the IDE.

  • top-level component
    A VSPackage object that manages a modeless top-level window instead of the client area of an IDE window. Top-level components implement the IOleComponent interface to take advantage of message loop services such as access to idle time.

  • UI active
    A VSPackage object that is visible and currently has focus.

  • UI hierarchy
    A COM object that implements the IVsUIHierarchy interface to allow the display of a hierarchy. The UI hierarchy window implements the ISelectionContainer interface to update the Properties window; other project-type windows can use this implementation, if desired.

  • VSPackage
    An installable piece of software that extends the Visual Studio IDE by contributing one or more of the following: user interface, services, project types, or editor/designer. A VSPackage consists of a COM object that implements the IVsPackage interface and one or more other COM objects that implement other interfaces to support selection and other features. In addition, a VSPackage has specific registration requirements.