SccGetCommandOptions Function

This function prompts the user for advanced options for a given command.

SCCRTN SccGetCommandOptions(
   LPVOID pvContext,
   HWND hWnd,
   enum SCCCOMMAND iCommand,
   LPCMDOPTS* ppvOptions


  • pvContext
    [in] The source control plug-in context structure.

  • hWnd
    [in] A handle to the IDE window that the source control plug-in can use as a parent for any dialog boxes that it provides.

  • iCommand
    [in] The command for which advanced options are requested (see Command Code Enumerator for possible values).

  • ppvOptions
    [in] The option structure (can also be NULL).

Return Value

The source control plug-in implementation of this function is expected to return one of the following values:






The source control plug-in supports advanced options for the command.


The user cancelled the source control plug-in's Options dialog box.


The source control plug-in does not support this operation.


Cannot perform this operation on a file that is currently checked out.


There was a problem accessing the source control system, probably due to network or contention issues. A retry is recommended.


Nonspecific failure.


The IDE calls this function for the first time with ppvOptions=NULL to determine if the source control plug-in supports the advanced options feature for the specified command. If the plug-in does support the feature for that command, the IDE calls this function again when the user requests advanced options (usually implemented as an Advanced button in a dialog box) and supplies a non-NULL pointer for ppvOptions that points to a NULL pointer. The plug-in stores any advanced options specified by the user in a private structure and returns a pointer to that structure in ppvOptions. This structure is then passed to all other Source Control Plug-in API functions that need to know about it, including subsequent calls to the SccGetCommandOptions function.

An example may help clarify this situation.

A user chooses the Get command and the IDE displays a Get dialog box. The IDE calls the SccGetCommandOptions function with iCommand set to SCC_COMMAND_GET and ppvOptions set to NULL. This is interpreted by the source control plug-in as the question, "Do you have any advanced options for this command?" If the plug-in returns SCC_I_ADV_SUPPORT, the IDE displays an Advanced button in its Get dialog box.

The first time the user clicks the Advanced button, the IDE again calls the SccGetCommandOptions function, this time with a non-NULLppvOptions that points to a NULL pointer. The plug-in displays its own Get Options dialog box, prompts the user for information, puts that information into its own structure, and returns a pointer to that structure in ppvOptions.

If the user clicks Advanced again in the same dialog box, the IDE calls the SccGetCommandOptions function again without changing ppvOptions, so that the structure is passed back to the plug-in. This enables the plug-in to reinitialize its dialog box to the values that the user had previously set. The plug-in modifies the structure in place before returning.

Finally, when the user clicks OK in the IDE's Get dialog box, the IDE calls the SccGet Function, passing the structure returned in ppvOptions that contains the advanced options.


The command SCC_COMMAND_OPTIONS is used when the IDE displays an Options dialog box that lets the user set preferences that control how the integration works. If the source control plug-in wants to supply its own preferences dialog box, it can display it from an Advanced button in the IDE's preferences dialog box. The plug-in is solely responsible for getting and persisting this information; the IDE does not use it or modify it.

See Also


Source Control Plug-in API Functions

Command Code Enumerator