Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop Namespace


  Structure Description
Public structure BIND_OPTS2
Public structure BINDINFO
Public structure BLOB
Public structure BSTRBLOB
Public structure CABOOL
Public structure CABSTR
Public structure CABSTRBLOB
Public structure CAC
Public structure CACLIPDATA
Public structure CACLSID
Public structure CACY
Public structure CADATE
Public structure CADBL
Public structure CADWORD
Public structure CAFILETIME
Public structure CAFLT
Public structure CAH
Public structure CAI
Public structure CAL
Public structure CALPOLESTR
Public structure CALPSTR
Public structure CALPWSTR
Public structure CAPROPVARIANT
Public structure CASCODE
Public structure CAUB
Public structure CAUH
Public structure CAUI
Public structure CAUL
Public structure CAUUID
Public structure CLIPDATA
Public structure COAUTHIDENTITY
Public structure COAUTHINFO
Public structure CONNECTDATA
Public structure CONTROLINFO
Public structure COSERVERINFO
Public structure CUSTDATA
Public structure CUSTDATAITEM
Public structure DISPPARAMS
Public structure DVEXTENTINFO
Public structure DVTARGETDEVICE
Public structure ELEMDESC
Public structure EXCEPINFO
Public structure FILETIME
Public structure FORMATETC
Public structure FUNCDESC
Public structure IDLDESC
Public structure INTERFACEINFO
Public structure LARGE_INTEGER
Public structure LICINFO
Public structure LOGPALETTE
Public structure MSG
Public structure MULTI_QI
Public structure OLECHOSTINFO
Public structure OLECMD
Public structure OLECMDTEXT
Public structure OLECRINFO
Public structure OLEVERB
Public structure PAGERANGE
Public structure PAGESET
Public structure PALETTEENTRY
Public structure PARAMDESC
Public structure PARAMDESCEX
Public structure POINT
Public structure POINTF
Public structure POINTL
Public structure PROPBAG2
Public structure PROPPAGEINFO
Public structure PROPSPEC
Public structure PROPVARIANT
Public structure QACONTAINER
Public structure QACONTROL
Public structure RECT
Public structure RECTL
Public structure RPCOLEMESSAGE
Public structure SAFEARRAY
Public structure SAFEARRAYBOUND
Public structure SIZE
Public structure SIZEL
Public structure STATDATA
Public structure STATPROPSETSTG
Public structure STATPROPSTG
Public structure STATSTG
Public structure STGMEDIUM
Public structure StorageLayout
Public structure TEXTMETRICOLE
Public structure TEXTMETRICW
Public structure TLIBATTR
Public structure TYPEATTR
Public structure TYPEDESC
Public structure ULARGE_INTEGER
Public structure VARDESC
Public structure VERSIONEDSTREAM


  Interface Description
Public interface IAddrExclusionControl Infrastructure.
Public interface IAddrTrackingControl Infrastructure.
Public interface IAdviseSink Enables containers and other objects to receive notice of changes. Standard OLE interface. For more information, see IAdviseSink.
Public interface IAdviseSink2 Extends and inherits from IAdviseSink. Supports an additional notification. Standard OLE interface. For more information, see IAdviseSink2.
Public interface IAdviseSinkEx Extends IAdviseSink to provide notification of changes in an object's view status. Standard OLE interface. For more information, see IAdviseSinkEx.
Public interface IAsyncManager Monitors an asynchronous distributed COM (DCOM) call. Used as an argument in the RegisterAsync method of the IRpcChannelBuffer3 interface.
Public interface IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer Manages a buffer for a remote procedure call. Used for asynchronous distributed COM (DCOM) calls. For more information about remote invocation, see Standard Marshaling and Write Your Own Transport for COM Calls Leveraging the Power of Late Binding.
Public interface IBindCtx Accumulates information about objects bound in a particular operation but that need to be released at the end of the operation. Commonly used in operations involving moniker binding. Standard COM interface. For more information, see IBindCtx.
Public interface IBindHost Implemented by a container to enable hosted objects to do asynchronous data transfers through the container. For more information, see IBindHost and About Cooperative and Asynchronous Data Retrieval.
Public interface IBinding Enables a client program using an asynchronous moniker to control the progress of a bind operation. Used as an argument in the OnStartBinding method of the IBindStatusCallback interface. For more information, see IBinding and About Cooperative and Asynchronous Data Retrieval.
Public interface IBindStatusCallback Provides information about and defines callback methods for monitoring an asynchronous binding operation. For more information, see About Cooperative and Asynchronous Data Retrieval and IBindStatusCallback.
Public interface IBlockingLock Provides a semaphore to enable temporary exclusive access to a resource. For more information, see IBlockingLock.
Public interface ICallFactory Creates an object for processing method calls on asynchronous interfaces. For more information, see ICallFactory and Making and Processing Asynchronous Calls.
Public interface ICancelMethodCalls Manages method call cancellation requests. For more information, see Non-Blocking Method Calls and ICancelMethodCalls.
Public interface IChannelHook Provides a mechanism to intercept and modify calls when the COM engine processes the calls.
Public interface IClassActivator Retrieves a class object. Not used.
Public interface IClassFactory Creates an instance of a class of a specific type. For more information, see IClassFactory.
Public interface IClassFactory2 Creates an instance of a specified class. Supports licensing. Extends and inherits from IClassFactory. For more information, see IClassFactory2.
Public interface IClientSecurity Gets or sets the security settings of an interface proxy or copies the proxy. For more information, see IClientSecurity.
Public interface IComThreadingInfo Provides information about the caller's execution thread, including thread and apartment type. For more information, see IComThreadingInfo.
Public interface IConnectionPoint Supports connection points for connectable objects. For more information, see IConnectionPoint.
Public interface IConnectionPointContainer Supports connection points for connectable objects. Indicates to a client that the object is connectable and provides the IConnectionPoint interface. For more information, see IConnectionPointContainer.
Public interface IContinue Indicates whether or not to continue an operation. Used with remote procedure calls.
Public interface IContinueCallback Provides a generic callback mechanism for interruptible processes that need to ask an object whether or not to continue. For more information, see IContinueCallback.
Public interface IDataAdviseHolder Creates and manages advisory connections between a data object and one or more advise sinks. Implements the advisory methods of IDataObject. For more information, see IDataAdviseHolder.
Public interface IDataObject Enables transfer and notification of changes in data. For more information, see IDataObject.
Public interface IDirectWriterLock Allows only a single writer while enabling multiple readers of a root storage object. For more information, see IDirectWriterLock and IDirectWriterLock - Compound File Implementation.
Public interface IDropTarget Part of implementing drag-and-drop operations. Implemented by an object that can be a target for data during a drag-and-drop operation. For more information, see IDropTarget.
Public interface IDummyHICONIncluder Infrastructure.
Public interface IEnumConnectionPoints Enumerates connection points on a connectable object (implementer of IConnectionPointContainer). For more information, see IEnumConnectionPoints.
Public interface IEnumConnections Enumerates connection points on a connectable object. IConnectionPointContainer provides the IEnumConnectionPoints interface; IConnectionPoint provides the IEnumConnections interface. For more information, see IEnumConnectionPoints and IEnumConnections.
Public interface IEnumFORMATETC Enumerates an array of FORMATETC structures. This structure is a generalized clipboard format. For more information, see IEnumFORMATETC.
Public interface IEnumMoniker Enumerates elements of a moniker, or monikers in a table of monikers. For more information, see IEnumMoniker.
Public interface IEnumOleDocumentViews Enumerates the views a document object supports. For more information, see IEnumOleDocumentViews.
Public interface IEnumOleUndoUnits Enumerates the undo units on the undo or redo stack. For more information, see IEnumOleUndoUnits.
Public interface IEnumOLEVERB Enumerates the verbs available for an object. For more information, see IEnumOLEVERB and OLEVERB.
Public interface IEnumSTATDATA Enumerates an array of structures containing information about advisory connections (sinks) for a data object. For more information, see IEnumSTATDATA and STATDATA.
Public interface IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG Enumerates an array of structures containing statistical data about the property sets managed by the current IPropertySetStorage instance. For more information, see IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG, IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG-Compound File Implementation, and STATPROPSETSTG.
Public interface IEnumSTATPROPSTG
Public interface IEnumSTATSTG Enumerates an array of structures containing statistical data about open storage, stream, or byte array objects. For more information, see IEnumSTATSTG and STATSTG.
Public interface IEnumString Enumerates a group of strings. You do not usually need to implement this interface. For more information, see IEnumString.
Public interface IEnumUnknown Enumerates objects implementing the root COM interface, IUnknown. Commonly implemented by a component containing multiple objects. For more information, see IEnumUnknown.
Public interface IErrorLog Communicates detailed error information between a client and an object. For more information, see IErrorLog.
Public interface IExternalConnection Manages a server object's count of marshaled, or external, connections. Enables the object to shutdown when appropriate. For more information, see IExternalConnection.
Public interface IFillLockBytes Enables asynchronous writing to a structured storage byte array. For more information, see IFillLockBytes and How Asynchronous Binding and Storage Work.
Public interface IFont COM wrapper for a Windows font object. For more information, see IFont and IFont - Ole Implementation.
Public interface IForegroundTransfer Transfers control of the foreground window to the COM server process. For more information, see IForegroundTransfer.
Public interface IGlobalInterfaceTable Enables access to an interface from any apartment in a process. For more information, see IGlobalInterfaceTable and COM Threading and Application Architecture in COM+ Applications.
Public interface IInternalUnknown Provides access to the internal interfaces of a proxy. For more information, see IInternalUnknown.
Public interface ILayoutStorage Enables an application to optimize the layout of compound files for efficient downloading across a slow link. For more information, see ILayoutStorage and StorageLayout.
Public interface ILockBytes Gives a compound file storage object's root storage access to the physical device while isolating it from the details of physical access. For more information, see ILockBytes.
Public interface IMalloc Allocates, frees, and manages memory. In general, use an existing implementation such as that provided by the CoGetMalloc function. For more information, see IMalloc.
Public interface IMallocSpy Enables monitoring of memory allocation, detection of memory leaks, and simulation of memory failure in calls to IMalloc methods. For more information, see IMallocSpy.
Public interface IMarshal Enables a COM object to define and manage the marshaling of its interface pointers. Marshaling is packaging data for transmission to another process or machine. For more information, see IMarshal and IMarshal—Default Implementation.
Public interface IMarshal2 Infrastructure.
Public interface IMessageFilter Enables handling of incoming and outgoing COM messages while waiting for responses from synchronous calls. You can use message filtering to prevent waiting on a synchronous call from blocking another application. For more information, see IMessageFilter.
Public interface IMoniker Enables access to an object through its moniker which allows access without information about the location of the object. For more information, see IMoniker and the references to different implementations such as IMoniker—Class Moniker Implementation.
Public interface IMultiQI Enables querying about multiple interfaces in a single call. Used to minimize the overhead of queries in remote procedure calls. For more information, see IMultiQI.
Public interface IObjectWithSite Provides simple communication between an object and the site in the container. For more information, see IObjectWithSite.
Public interface IOleClientSite Gives an embedded object information about resources provided by its container such as the location and extent of its display site, its moniker, and its user interface. For more information, see IOleClientSite.
Public interface IOleCommandTarget Enables the dispatching of commands between objects and containers. For more information, see IOleCommandTarget
Public interface IOleComponent Provides components needing idle time, such as packages that manage modeless top-level windows, with access to the message loop and other facilities. Register the interface with the component manager, IOleComponentManager.
Public interface IOleComponentManager Defines a component manager, a component that coordinates other components with its message loop for message processing and allocation of idle time. You can get an instance of the interface from the SOleComponentManager (SID_SOleComponentManager) service.
Public interface IOleContainer Enumerates objects in a compound document or locks a container. For more information, see IOleContainer.
Public interface IOleControl Supports keyboard mnemonics, properties, and events for control objects. For more information, see IOleControl.
Public interface IOleControlSite Manages embedded controls in a container. Used by site objects. For more information, see IOleControlSite.
Public interface IOleDocument Creates or enumerates views and provides other information. Implemented by a document for use by a container. For more information, see IOleDocument.
Public interface IOleDocumentSite Enables a document object to directly instruct its client site to activate it as a document object. Implemented by the container. For more information, see IOleDocumentSite.
Public interface IOleDocumentView Provides communication between a container and each view supported by a document object. For more information, see IOleDocumentView.
Public interface IOleInPlaceActiveObject Enables a top-level container to manipulate an in-place object. For information on the COM interface, see IOleInPlaceActiveObject.
Public interface IOleInPlaceFrame Controls the container's top-level frame, including menus, keyboard responses, and dialogs. For more information, see IOleInPlaceFrame.
Public interface IOleInPlaceObject Manages the activation, deactivation, and visibility of in-place objects. For more information, see IOleInPlaceObject.
Public interface IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless Enables a windowless object to process window messages and take part in drag-and-drop operations. Extends and inherits from IOleInPlaceObject. For more information, see IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless.
Public interface IOleInPlaceSite Manages the interaction between the container and the object's in-place client site. For more information, see IOleInPlaceSite.
Public interface IOleInPlaceSiteEx Provides additional activation and deactivation notification methods to avoid screen flashing when activating or deactivating an object. Extends and inherits from IOleInPlaceSite. For more information, see IOleInPlaceSiteEx.
Public interface IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless Enables a windowless object to process window messages, participate in drag-and-drop operations, and draw. Extends and inherits from IOleInPlaceSiteEx. For more information, see IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless.
Public interface IOleInPlaceUIWindow Negotiates border space on the document or frame window. For information, see IOleInPlaceUIWindow.
Public interface IOleObject Enables an embedded object to provide basic functionality to its container. For information, see IOleObject.
Public interface IOleParentUndoUnit Enables undo units to contain child undo units and thus to support complex undo actions. For more information, see IOleParentUndoUnit.
Public interface IOleUndoManager Enables containers to implement multi-level undo and redo operations for actions in contained controls. For more information, see IOleUndoManager.
Public interface IOleUndoUnit Defines an undo unit, a component containing the information necessary to undo or redo a single action. For more information, see IOleUndoUnit.
Public interface IOleWindow Enables an application to get handles to the windows participating in in-place activation, and to enter and exit context-sensitive help mode. For more information, see IOleWindow.
Public interface IOplockStorage Infrastructure.
Public interface IParseDisplayName Translates a user-readable display name into a moniker object. For more information, see IParseDisplayName.
Public interface IPerPropertyBrowsing Accesses the information displayed in an object's property pages. For more information, see IPerPropertyBrowsing.
Public interface IPersist Gets the class identifier (CLSID) of an object that can be persisted (stored) in the system. For more information, see IPersist.
Public interface IPersistFile Enables an object to be saved or loaded to a disk file. Inherits from IPersist. For more information, see IPersistFile.
Public interface IPersistMemory Saves and loads objects from a stream. Inherits from IPersist. For more information, see IPersistMemory.
Public interface IPersistPropertyBag Defines a property-based persistence system. Inherits from IPersist. For more information, see IPersistPropertyBag.
Public interface IPersistPropertyBag2 Defines a property-based persistence system. Extends IPropertyBag and inherits from IPersist. For more information, see IPersistPropertyBag2.
Public interface IPersistStorage Enables a container to pass a storage object to a contained object and to save and to load the object. Inherits from IPersist. For more information, see IPersistStorage.
Public interface IPersistStream Saves and loads objects using a simple stream. Inherits from IPersist. For more information, see IPersistStream.
Public interface IPersistStreamInit Saves and loads objects from a stream. Replaces IPersistStream and adds an initialization method. Inherits from IPersist. For more information, see IPersistStreamInit.
Public interface IPointerInactive Enables an inactive object to receive mouse and keyboard messages. For more information, see IPointerInactive.
Public interface IPrint Supports programmatic printing for an object. For more information, see IPrint.
Public interface IProcessInitControl Enables specification of a time-out interval for initialization of a process. For more information, see IProcessInitControl.
Public interface IProgressNotify Enables objects to receive notice about the progress of a download. For more information, see IProgressNotify.
Public interface IPropertyBag Sets and retrieves values for particular properties. For more information, see IPropertyBag.
Public interface IPropertyBag2 Sets and retrieves values for particular properties. Extends, but does not inherit from, IPropertyBag. Adds methods to retrieve type information about a property. For more information, see IPropertyBag2.
Public interface IPropertyNotifySink Enables an object to receive notification of property changes on objects that use the interface as an outgoing interface. For more information, see IPropertyNotifySink.
Public interface IPropertyPage Defines the main features of an object representing property pages. For more information, see IPropertyPage.
Public interface IPropertyPage2 Defines the main features of an object representing property pages. Adds support for an initial selection of a property on a page. Extends and inherits from IPropertyPage. For more information, see IPropertyPage2.
Public interface IPropertyPageSite Provides the main features for a property pages site. Each property page within a property frame has a site. For more information, see IPropertyPageSite.
Public interface IPropertySetStorage Creates, opens, deletes, and enumerates storage of property sets supporting the IPropertyStorage interface. For more information, see IPropertySetStorage.
Public interface IPropertyStorage Manages the persistent properties of a single property set. For more information, see IPropertyStorage and IPropertySetStorage.
Public interface IProvideClassInfo Provides the type information (ITypeInfo) for a given coclass (Component Automation). For more information, see IProvideClassInfo.
Public interface IProvideClassInfo2 Provides the type information (ITypeInfo) for a given coclass (Component Automation). Extends and inherits from IProvideClassInfo. Provides an easier method to get the default event set. For more information, see IProvideClassInfo.
Public interface IProvideMultipleClassInfo Retrieves type information from a component that may have multiple coclasses. Extends and inherits from IProvideClassInfo2. For more information, see IProvideMultipleClassInfo.
Public interface IPSFactoryBuffer Creates proxies and stubs for remote invocation. For more information, see IPSFactoryBuffer.
Public interface IQuickActivate Decreases the time to activate a control by combining loading and initialization into a single call. For more information, see IQuickActivate.
Public interface IRecordInfo Describes the structure of a user-defined type (UDT) stored in a variant. For more information, see IRecordInfo Interface.
Public interface IReleaseMarshalBuffers Infrastructure.
Public interface IRootStorage Switches the underlying file of a storage object to a different file and saves the object to that file. For more information, see IRootStorage.
Public interface IROTData Retrieves data to enable the Running Object Table (ROT) to compare monikers. For more information, see IROTData.
Public interface IRpcChannelBuffer Marshals data between a COM client proxy and a COM server stub. For more information, see IRpcChannelBuffer.
Public interface IRpcChannelBuffer2 Marshals data between a COM client proxy and a COM server stub. Extends and inherits from IRpcChannelBuffer. Adds a method to retrieve the protocol version.
Public interface IRpcChannelBuffer3 Marshals data between a COM client proxy and a COM server stub. Extends and inherits from IRpcChannelBuffer2.
Public interface IRpcHelper Provides helper methods for remote procedure calls. Methods provide DCOM protocol version and convert an object reference to an interface identifier.
Public interface IRpcOptions Sets or gets the values of properties controlling how COM handles remote procedure calls (RPC). For more information, see IRpcOptions.
Public interface IRpcProxyBuffer Controls the remote procedure call (RPC) proxy used to marshal data between COM components. For more information, see IRpcProxyBuffer.
Public interface IRpcStubBuffer Controls the remote procedure calls (RPC) stub used to marshal data between COM components. For more information, see IRpcStubBuffer.
Public interface IRpcSyntaxNegotiate Negotiates syntax between components in remote procedure calls (RPC). An array of RPCOLEMESSAGE objects represents the syntax.
Public interface IRunnableObject Enables a container to control the running of its embedded objects. For more information, see IRunnableObject.
Public interface IRunningObjectTable Manages access to the Running Object Table (ROT), a global look-up table. You can get an instance of the interface from the GetRunningObjectTable method. For more information, see IRunningObjectTable.
Public interface ISequentialStream Supports simple sequential access to streams. For more information, see ISequentialStream.
Public interface IServerSecurity Used by a server to authenticate a client and to manage impersonation of a client. For more information, see IServerSecurity.
Public interface IServiceProvider Provides access to a service identified by a globally unique identifier (GUID). For more information, see IServiceProvider.
Public interface ISimpleFrameSite Supports simple frame controls serving as containers for other controls. For more information, see ISimpleFrameSite.
Public interface ISpecifyPropertyPages Indicates an object supports property pages and retrieves those pages. For more information, see ISpecifyPropertyPages.
Public interface IStdMarshalInfo Specifies the handler to use in the destination process during standard marshaling. For more information, see IStdMarshalInfo.
Public interface IStorage Supports creation and management of structured storage objects which enable. hierarchical storage of information within a single file. For more information, see IStorage.
Public interface IStream Reads and writes data to stream objects. For more information, see IStream.
Public interface ISurrogate Loads or frees a surrogate. A surrogate is an EXE file that can load DLL servers to give them the advantages of being an EXE server. For more information, see ISurrogate.
Public interface ISynchronize Provides asynchronous communication between objects about events. For more information, see ISynchronize.
Public interface ISynchronizeContainer Manages a group of synchronization objects. For more information, see ISynchronizeContainer.
Public interface ISynchronizeEvent Assigns a Win32 event handle to a synchronization object. For more information, see ISynchronizeEvent.
Public interface ISynchronizeHandle Retrieves the Win32 handle from a synchronization object. For more information, see ISynchronizeHandle.
Public interface ISynchronizeMutex Supports a synchronization object using a mutex object. Extends and inherits from ISynchronize. For general information about mutex objects, see Mutex Class.
Public interface IThumbnailExtractor Infrastructure.
Public interface ITimeAndNoticeControl Infrastructure.
Public interface ITypeComp Provides information compilers need when binding and instantiating structures and interfaces. For more information, see ITypeComp Interface.
Public interface ITypeInfo Provides information, from a type library, about an object and its capabilities. For more information, see ITypeInfo Interface.
Public interface ITypeLib Provides access to the contents of a type library. For more information, see ITypeLib Interface.
Public interface IUrlMon Infrastructure.
Public interface IViewObject Enables an object to display itself without passing a data object to the caller. For more information, see IViewObject.
Public interface IViewObject2 Enables an object to display itself without passing a data object to the caller. Also returns the size of the drawing for a given view of an object. Extends and inherits from IViewObject. For more information, see IViewObject2.
Public interface IViewObjectEx Adds better drawing, hit-testing for non-rectangular objects, and sizing to the capabilities of IViewObject2. For more information, see IViewObjectEx.
Public interface IWaitMultiple Enables waiting for a group of cross-process calls.
Public interface SBindHost Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IBindHost interface.
Public interface SContainerDispatch Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IDispatch Interface.
Public interface SOleComponentManager
Public interface SOleUndoManager Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IOleUndoManager interface.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration _OLECADVF
Public enumeration _OLECCONTEXT
Public enumeration _OLECHOSTF
Public enumeration _OLECRF
Public enumeration _OLECSTATE
Public enumeration _OLECWINDOW
Public enumeration _OLEGAC
Public enumeration _OLEIDLEF
Public enumeration _OLELOOP
Public enumeration ACTIVATEFLAGS
Public enumeration ADVF
Public enumeration ApplicationType
Public enumeration APTTYPE
Public enumeration BIND_FLAGS
Public enumeration BINDF
Public enumeration BINDINFO_OPTIONS
Public enumeration BINDINFOF
Public enumeration BINDSPEED
Public enumeration BINDSTATUS
Public enumeration BINDSTRING
Public enumeration BINDVERB
Public enumeration BSCF
Public enumeration CALLCONV
Public enumeration CALLTYPE
Public enumeration CHANGEKIND
Public enumeration CIP_STATUS
Public enumeration CLSCTX
Public enumeration Constants
Public enumeration CTRLINFO
Public enumeration DATADIR
Public enumeration DCOM_CALL_STATE
Public enumeration DESCKIND
Public enumeration DISCARDCACHE
Public enumeration DOCMISC
Public enumeration DVASPECT
Public enumeration DVASPECT2
Public enumeration DVASPECTINFOFLAG
Public enumeration DVEXTENTMODE
Public enumeration EXTCONN
Public enumeration FUNCFLAGS
Public enumeration FUNCKIND
Public enumeration GUIDKIND
Public enumeration HITRESULT
Public enumeration INVOKEKIND
Public enumeration LIBFLAGS
Public enumeration LOCKTYPE
Public enumeration MEMCTX
Public enumeration MKRREDUCE
Public enumeration MKSYS
Public enumeration MONIKERPROPERTY
Public enumeration MSHCTX
Public enumeration MSHLFLAGS
Public enumeration OIBDG_FLAGS
Public enumeration OLECLOSE
Public enumeration OLECMDEXECOPT
Public enumeration OLECMDF
Public enumeration OLECMDID
Public enumeration OLECMDTEXTF
Public enumeration OLECONTF
Public enumeration OLEDCFLAGS
Public enumeration OLEGETMONIKER
Public enumeration OLELINKBIND
Public enumeration OLEMISC Constants that describe characteristics of objects.
Public enumeration OLERENDER
Public enumeration OLEUPDATE
Public enumeration OLEVERBATTRIB
Public enumeration OLEWHICHMK
Public enumeration PARSEACTION
Public enumeration PENDINGMSG
Public enumeration PENDINGTYPE
Public enumeration PI_FLAGS
Public enumeration PICTUREATTRIBUTES
Public enumeration PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE
Public enumeration POINTERINACTIVE
Public enumeration PRINTFLAG
Public enumeration PROPBAG2_TYPE
Public enumeration PROPPAGESTATUS
Public enumeration PSUACTION
Public enumeration PUAF
Public enumeration QACONTAINERFLAGS
Public enumeration QUERYOPTION
Public enumeration READYSTATE
Public enumeration SERVERCALL
Public enumeration SF_TYPE
Public enumeration ShutdownType
Public enumeration STATFLAG
Public enumeration STGC
Public enumeration STGMOVE
Public enumeration STGTY
Public enumeration STREAM_SEEK
Public enumeration SYSKIND
Public enumeration SZM_FLAGS
Public enumeration THDTYPE
Public enumeration TYMED
Public enumeration TYPEFLAGS
Public enumeration TYPEKIND
Public enumeration TYSPEC
Public enumeration UASFLAGS
Public enumeration URL_ENCODING
Public enumeration URLTEMPLATE
Public enumeration URLZONE
Public enumeration URLZONEREG
Public enumeration USERCLASSTYPE
Public enumeration VARFLAGS
Public enumeration VARKIND
Public enumeration VIEWSTATUS
Public enumeration XFORMCOORDS
Public enumeration ZAFLAGS Specifies Internet zone manager access options.