Making HTML safer: details for toStaticHTML (HTML)
[ This article is for Windows 8.x and Windows Phone 8.x developers writing Windows Runtime apps. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation ]
As described in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features and differences, HTML you inject into a page in your app's local context is filtered by the toStaticHTML method.
This security restriction affects these properties and methods:
- createContextualFragment
- innerHTML and outerHTML
- insertAdjacentHTML
- pasteHTML
- document.write and document.writeln
- DOMParser.parseFromString
The next sections describe which content is considered safe, and which is not.
(For info about how to work around HTML that doesn't make it through this filtering process, see HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features and differences.)
This list describes whether an element is considered safe. The system throws an exception when it finds an unsafe element.
Element | Allowed |
Unknown tag | No |
XML tag | No |
<!-- --> | No |
a | Yes |
abbr | Yes |
acronym | Yes |
address | Yes |
altGlyph | Yes |
altGlyphDef | Yes |
altGlyphItem | Yes |
applet | No |
area | Yes |
article | Yes |
aside | Yes |
audio | Yes |
b | Yes |
base | No |
bdi | Yes |
bdo | Yes |
bgsound | Yes |
big | Yes |
blink | No |
blockquote | Yes |
body | Yes |
br | Yes |
button | Yes |
canvas | Yes |
caption | Yes |
center | Yes |
circle | Yes |
cite | Yes |
clipPath | Yes |
code | Yes |
col | Yes |
colGroup | Yes |
color-profile | Yes |
command* | Yes |
comment | No |
cursor | Yes |
datalist | Yes |
dd | Yes |
defs | Yes |
del | Yes |
desc | Yes |
details | Yes |
dfn | Yes |
dir | Yes |
div | Yes |
dl | Yes |
dt | Yes |
ellipse | Yes |
em | Yes |
embed | No |
EVENT | No |
feBlend | Yes |
feColorMatrix | Yes |
feComponentTransfer | Yes |
feComposite | Yes |
feConvolveMatrix | Yes |
feDiffuseLighting | Yes |
feDisplacementMap | Yes |
feDistantLight | Yes |
feFlood | Yes |
feFuncA | Yes |
feFuncB | Yes |
feFuncG | Yes |
feFuncG | Yes |
feFuncR | Yes |
feGaussianBlur | Yes |
feImage | Yes |
feMerge | Yes |
feMergeNode | Yes |
feMorphology | Yes |
feOffset | Yes |
fePointLight | Yes |
feSpecularLighting | Yes |
feSpotlight | Yes |
feTile | Yes |
feTurbulence | Yes |
fieldset | Yes |
figcaption | Yes |
figure | Yes |
filter | Yes |
font-face | Yes |
font-face-format | Yes |
font-face-name | Yes |
font-face-src | Yes |
font-face-uri | Yes |
font | Yes |
footer | Yes |
form | Yes |
frame | No |
frameset | No |
g | Yes |
glyph | Yes |
glyphRef | Yes |
h1 | Yes |
h2 | Yes |
h3 | Yes |
h4 | Yes |
h5 | Yes |
h6 | Yes |
head | Yes |
header | Yes |
hgroup | Yes |
hkern | Yes |
hr | Yes |
html | Yes |
i | Yes |
iframe | No |
image | Yes |
img | Yes |
input | Yes |
ins | Yes |
isindex | No |
kbd | No |
keygen* | Yes |
label | Yes |
layer | No |
legend | Yes |
li | Yes |
line | Yes |
linearGradient | Yes |
link | No |
listing | Yes |
map | Yes |
mark | Yes |
marquee | Yes |
mask | Yes |
menu | Yes |
meta | No |
metadata | Yes |
meter | Yes |
missing-glyph | Yes |
mpath | Yes |
multicol | No |
nav | Yes |
nextid | Yes |
nobr | Yes |
noframes | Yes |
noscript | No |
object | No |
ol | Yes |
optGroup | Yes |
option | Yes |
output | Yes |
p | Yes |
param | No |
path | Yes |
pattern | Yes |
plaintext | Yes |
polygon | Yes |
polyline | Yes |
pre | Yes |
progress | Yes |
q | Yes |
radialGradient | Yes |
rb | No |
rect | Yes |
rp | No |
rt | Yes |
ruby | Yes |
s | Yes |
samp | Yes |
script | No |
section | Yes |
select | Yes |
small | Yes |
source* | Yes |
spacer | No |
span | Yes |
stop | Yes |
strike | Yes |
strong | Yes |
style | Yes |
sub | Yes |
summary | Yes |
sup | Yes |
svg | Yes |
switch | Yes |
symbol | Yes |
table | Yes |
tBody | Yes |
td | Yes |
text | Yes |
textArea | Yes |
textPath | Yes |
tfoot | Yes |
th | Yes |
thead | Yes |
time | Yes |
title | Yes |
tr | Yes |
track* | Yes |
tref | Yes |
tspan | Yes |
tt | Yes |
u | Yes |
ul | Yes |
var | No |
video | Yes |
view | Yes |
vkern | Yes |
wbr | Yes |
XML | No |
XMP | Yes |
The meta element
Whether meta element is safe depends on what attributes and values it has. For example, some attributes can be used to redirect from the current page, but other attributes and values can do helpful things such as specifying the character set for a page.
For this reason, when the system finds a meta element, it processes the element and reads its attributes and values, then outputs a safe version of the meta tag. Regardless of where they were specified in the input HTML, the processed meta tags always appear as the first children of the head element.
The next list describes whether an attribute is considered safe. The system throws an exception when it finds an unsafe attribute.
Attribute | Related Elements | Allowed |
Unknown attributes |
No | |
Attributes not legal in the tag |
No | |
abbr |
td, th |
Yes |
a-charset |
form |
No |
a |
form, input |
No |
This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes | |
form |
No | |
aggregator |
td, th |
No |
caption |
Yes | |
applet, iframe, img, input, object |
Yes | |
legend |
Yes | |
table |
Yes | |
hr |
Yes | |
div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p |
Yes | |
col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr |
Yes | |
applet |
Yes | |
area, img |
Yes | |
input |
Yes | |
archive |
object |
No |
aria-* | aria attributes are allowed on all elements. | Yes |
async |
Yes | |
audio |
Yes | |
autocomplete | Yes | |
autofocus |
Yes | |
autoplay |
Yes | |
autostart |
embed |
No |
axis |
td, th |
No |
body |
Yes | |
TABLE | Yes | |
td, TH | Yes | |
behavior |
Yes |
Yes | |
TR |
Yes | |
td, th |
Yes | |
body |
Yes | |
marquee |
Yes | |
body |
Yes | |
Yes | |
frameset, iframe, |
No | |
img, object |
Yes | |
frameset, table, td, th, tr |
Yes | |
borderColorDark |
table, td, th, tr |
Yes |
bordercolorlight |
table, td, th, tr |
Yes |
Yes | |
Yes | |
challenge | Yes | |
char |
col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr |
Yes |
charoff |
col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr |
Yes |
charset |
a |
Yes |
charset |
link, script |
No |
charset |
meta |
Yes |
input |
Yes | |
cite |
blockquote, q |
Yes |
cite |
del, ins |
Yes |
all elements but base, head, html, meta, param, script, style, title |
Yes | |
object |
No | |
BR |
Yes | |
code |
applet |
No |
codebase |
object |
No |
codebase |
applet |
No |
codetype |
object |
No |
basefont, font |
Yes | |
hr |
Yes | |
colfield |
td, th |
No |
cols |
No |
No | |
td, th |
Yes | |
DIR, dl, menu, ol, ul | Yes | |
content |
No |
area |
Yes | |
contenteditable | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
contextmenu | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | |
controls |
No |
A |
Yes | |
crosstab |
No |
crosstabgrand |
No |
object |
No | |
data-win-bind | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
data-win-control | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
data-win-fragmentload | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
data-win-fragmentload | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
data-win-options | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
data-win-res | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
data-win-resid | This attribute is allowed for all elements. | Yes |
datafield |
td, th |
No |
No | |
No | |
div, param |
Yes | |
datetime |
del, ins |
Yes |
declare |
object |
No |
No | |
default | Yes | |
This attribute is allowed for all elements. |
Yes | |
direction |
Yes |
dirname | Yes | |
disableddisabled |
button, input, optgroup, option, select, textarea |
Yes |
disposition |
No |
draggable | This attribute is allowed on all elements. | Yes |
dropzone | This attribute is allowed on all elements. | Yes |
dynsrc |
Yes |
enctype |
form |
No |
basefont, font |
Yes | |
filter |
td, th, tr |
No |
for |
No |
form | Yes | |
formaction | Yes | |
formenctype | Yes | |
formmethod | Yes | |
formnovalidate | Yes | |
formtarget | Yes | |
formula |
TD |
No |
No | |
frame, iframe |
No | |
frame, frameset, iframe |
No | |
gutter |
No |
headers |
td, th |
Yes |
No | |
marquee |
Yes | |
td, th, TR | Yes | |
img, object, input | Yes | |
height |
applet |
No |
table |
Yes | |
hidden | This attribute is allowed on all elements. | Yes |
high | Yes | |
a, area, link |
Yes | |
base |
Yes | |
hreflang |
a, link |
Yes |
applet, img, object |
Yes | |
marquee |
Yes | |
No | |
id |
This attribute is allowed on all elements. |
Yes |
icon | Yes | |
if |
Not in W3C but supported in MSO |
No |
ifapp |
Not in W3C but supported in MSO |
No |
ismap |
img, input |
No |
keytype | Yes | |
kind | Yes | |
label |
Yes |
Yes | |
This attribute is allowed on all elements. |
Yes | |
No | |
left |
No |
body |
Yes | |
body |
Yes | |
longdesc |
Yes |
longdesc |
frame, iframe |
No |
loop |
BGSOUND, embed, img, MARQUEE |
Yes |
low | Yes | |
lowsrc |
Yes |
manifest | Yes | |
frame, iframe |
No | |
frame, iframe |
No | |
max | Yes | |
input |
No | |
media |
No |
media |
No |
form |
No | |
methods |
a, link |
No |
min | Yes | |
msallowcapture | This attribute is allowed on all elements. | |
msallowclip |
This attribute is allowed on all elements. |
Yes |
mstagchanged | img |
Yes |
Yes | |
All elements |
No | |
No | |
novalidate | Yes | |
No | |
HR |
Yes | |
td, th |
Yes | |
ns |
Not in W3C but supported in MSO |
No |
object |
applet |
No |
on* | on* attributes (such as onabort) are not allowed on any element. | No |
open | Yes | |
optimum | Yes | |
pagefield |
td, th |
No |
pattern | Yes | |
placeholder | Yes | |
poster | Yes | |
prefix |
Not in W3C but supported in MSO |
No |
preload | Yes | |
profile |
No |
prompt |
No |
pubdate | Yes | |
radiogroup | Yes | |
readonly |
Yes |
readonly |
input |
Yes |
a, link |
Yes | |
required | Yes | |
a, link |
Yes | |
reversed | Yes | |
role | This attribute is allowed on all elements. | Yes |
rowfield |
td, th |
No |
No | |
textarea |
Yes | |
td, th |
Yes | |
Yes | |
sandbox | Yes | |
scheme | META |
Yes |
scope |
td, th |
Yes |
scoped | Yes | |
scrollamount |
Yes |
scrolldelay |
Yes |
frame, iframe |
No | |
seamless | Yes | |
security | iframe |
Yes |
option |
Yes | |
Yes | |
A |
Yes | |
shapes |
BGSOUND, img, input, MARQUEE, object, select, textarea |
No |
size |
HR |
No |
Yes | |
size |
input |
Yes |
Yes | |
size |
Yes |
sizes |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
spellcheck | This attribute is allowed on all elements. | Yes |
No | |
src |
input |
Yes |
frame, iframe |
No | |
src |
Yes |
bgsound |
Yes | |
srcdoc | Yes | |
srclang | Yes | |
standby |
object |
No |
start |
OL |
Yes |
start | img |
Yes |
step | Yes | |
style |
This attribute is allowed on all elements. |
Yes |
table |
Yes | |
subtotal |
td, th |
No |
a, area, button, input, select, textarea |
Yes | |
object |
No | |
This attribute is allowed on all elements. |
Yes | |
a, area, base, form, link |
No | |
text |
body |
Yes |
This attribute is allowed on all elements. |
Yes | |
top |
No |
topmargin |
body |
Yes |
a, link |
Yes | |
object |
Yes | |
type |
Yes |
Yes | |
type |
Yes |
type |
input |
No |
li |
Yes | |
OL |
Yes | |
UL |
Yes | |
No | |
usemap |
img, input, object |
Yes |
col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr |
Yes | |
caption |
Yes | |
input |
Yes | |
Yes | |
value |
No |
button |
Yes | |
LI |
Yes | |
valuetype |
No |
version |
html |
Yes |
body |
Yes | |
embed |
No | |
applet, img, object |
Yes | |
vspace [c44] |
marquee |
Yes |
webpartid [c45] | div |
Yes |
wide |
Not in W3C but supported in MSO |
No |
width |
HR |
Y |
Yes | |
width |
img, object, input | Yes |
marquee |
Yes | |
table |
Yes | |
td, th |
Yes | |
width |
applet |
No |
col |
Yes | |
colgroup |
Yes | |
pre |
Yes | |
Yes | |
x-ms-flow | Yes |
CSS pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, and rules
This list describes whether a pseudo-class, pseudo-element, or rule is considered safe. The system throws an exception when it finds an unsafe item.
pseudo-class, pseudo-element, or rule | Allowed |
Unknown pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements and rules | No |
!important | Yes |
:active | Yes |
:first-letter | Yes |
:first-line | Yes |
:hover | Yes |
:link | Yes |
:visited | Yes |
@charset | No |
@font-face | No |
@import | No |
@media | Yes |
@page | Yes |
CSS properties
The next list describes whether a CSS property is considered safe. The system throws an exception when it finds an unsafe property.
Property | Allowed |
Unknown properties | No |
CSS comments (/* comment */) | No |
-ms-animation | Yes |
-ms-animation-delay | Yes |
-ms-animation-direction | Yes |
-ms-animation-duration | Yes |
-ms-animation-iteration-count | Yes |
-ms-animation-name | Yes |
-ms-animation-play-state | Yes |
-ms-animation-timing-function | Yes |
-ms-backface-visibility | Yes |
-ms-behavior | Yes |
-ms-box | Yes |
-ms-box-align | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-chaining | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-max | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-max-style | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-min-style | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-snap-interval | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-snap-start | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-snap-style | Yes |
-ms-content-zoom-snap-type | Yes |
-ms-content-zooming | Yes |
-ms-grid | Yes |
-ms-grid-cell | Yes |
-ms-grid-column | Yes |
-ms-grid-column-align | Yes |
-ms-grid-column-span | Yes |
-ms-grid-columns | Yes |
-ms-grid-row | Yes |
-ms-grid-row-align | Yes |
-ms-grid-row-span | Yes |
-ms-perspective | Yes |
-ms-perspective-origin | Yes |
-ms-scroll-chaining | Yes |
-ms-scroll-rails | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-points-x | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-points-y | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-style | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-type | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-x | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-x-interval | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-x-start | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-y | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-y-interval | Yes |
-ms-scroll-snap-y-start | Yes |
-ms-scrollbar-3d-light-color | Yes |
-ms-scrollbar-dark-shadow-color | Yes |
-ms-transform | Yes |
-ms-transform-origin | Yes |
-ms-transform-style | Yes |
-ms-transition | Yes |
-ms-transition-delay | Yes |
-ms-transition-duration | Yes |
-ms-transition-property | Yes |
-ms-transition-timing-function | Yes |
accelerator | Yes |
alignment-baseline | Yes |
azimuth | Yes |
background | Yes |
background-attachment | Yes |
background-clip | Yes |
background-color | Yes |
background-image | Yes |
background-origin | Yes |
background-position | Yes |
background-position-x | Yes |
background-position-y | Yes |
background-repeat | Yes |
background-size | Yes |
baseline-shift | Yes |
behavior | Yes |
block-direction | Yes |
border | Yes |
border-bottom | Yes |
border-bottom-color | Yes |
border-bottom-left-radius | Yes |
border-bottom-right-radius | Yes |
border-bottom-style | Yes |
border-bottom-width | Yes |
border-collapse | Yes |
border-color | Yes |
border-left | Yes |
border-left-color | Yes |
border-left-style | Yes |
border-left-width | Yes |
border-radius | Yes |
border-right | Yes |
border-right-color | Yes |
border-right-style | Yes |
border-right-width | Yes |
border-spacing | Yes |
border-style | Yes |
border-top | Yes |
border-top-color | Yes |
border-top-left-radius | Yes |
border-top-right-radius | Yes |
border-top-style | Yes |
border-top-width | Yes |
border-width | Yes |
bottom | Yes |
box-shadow | Yes |
break-after | Yes |
break-before | Yes |
break-inside | Yes |
caption-side | Yes |
clear | Yes |
clip | Yes |
clip-bottom | Yes |
clip-left | Yes |
clip-path | Yes |
clip-right | Yes |
clip-rule | Yes |
Yes | |
color | Yes |
color-interpolation-filters | Yes |
column-count | Yes |
column-fill | Yes |
column-gap | Yes |
column-rule | Yes |
column-rule-color | Yes |
column-rule-style | Yes |
column-rule-width | Yes |
column-span | Yes |
column-width | Yes |
columns | Yes |
content | Yes |
counter-increment | Yes |
counter-reset | Yes |
css-float | Yes |
cue | Yes |
cue-after | Yes |
cue-before | Yes |
cursor | Yes |
direction | Yes |
display | Yes |
dominant-baseline | Yes |
elevation | Yes |
empty-cells | Yes |
fill | Yes |
fill-opacity | Yes |
fill-rule | Yes |
filter | Yes |
float | Yes |
flood-color | Yes |
flood-opacity | Yes |
font | Yes |
font-color | Yes |
font-emphasize | Yes |
font-emphasize-position | Yes |
font-emphasize-style | Yes |
font-family | Yes |
font-size | Yes |
font-size-adjust | Yes |
font-stretch | Yes |
font-style | Yes |
font-variant | Yes |
font-weight | Yes |
glyph-orientation-horizontal | Yes |
glyphorientation-vertical | Yes |
has-layout | Yes |
height | Yes |
horiz-align | Yes |
ime-mode | Yes |
kerning | Yes |
language | Yes |
layout-flow | Yes |
layout-grid | Yes |
layout-grid-char | Yes |
layout-grid-line | Yes |
layout-grid-mode | Yes |
layout-grid-type | Yes |
left | Yes |
letter-spacing | Yes |
line-break | Yes |
line-height | Yes |
list-image-1 | Yes |
list-image-2 | Yes |
list-image-3 | Yes |
list-style | Yes |
list-style-image | Yes |
list-style-position | Yes |
list-style-type | Yes |
margin | Yes |
margin-bottom | Yes |
margin-left | Yes |
margin-right | Yes |
margin-top | Yes |
marker | Yes |
marker-end | Yes |
marker-mid | Yes |
marker-offset | Yes |
marker-start | Yes |
marks | Yes |
masks | Yes |
max-width | Yes |
min-height | Yes |
min-width | Yes |
mso-………. | No |
nav-banner-image | Yes |
navbutton_background_color | Yes |
navbutton_home_hovered | Yes |
navbutton_home_normal | Yes |
navbutton_home_pushed | Yes |
navbutton_horiz_hovered | Yes |
navbutton_horiz_normal | Yes |
navbutton_horiz_pushed | Yes |
navbutton_next_hovered | Yes |
navbutton_next_normal | Yes |
navbutton_next_pushed | Yes |
navbutton_prev_hovered | Yes |
navbutton_prev_normal | Yes |
navbutton_prev_pushed | Yes |
navbutton_up_hovered | Yes |
navbutton_up_normal | Yes |
navbutton_up_pushed | Yes |
navbutton_vert_hovered | Yes |
navbutton_vert_normal | Yes |
navbutton_vert_pushed | Yes |
opacity | Yes |
orphans | Yes |
outline-color | Yes |
outline-style | Yes |
outline-width | Yes |
overflow | Yes |
overflow-x | Yes |
overflow-y | Yes |
padding | Yes |
padding-bottom | Yes |
padding-left | Yes |
padding-right | Yes |
padding-top | Yes |
page | Yes |
page-break-after | Yes |
page-break-before | Yes |
page-break-inside | Yes |
panose-1 | Yes |
pause | Yes |
pause-after | Yes |
pause-before | Yes |
pitch | Yes |
pitch-range | Yes |
pixel-bottom | Yes |
pixel-height | Yes |
pixel-left | Yes |
pixel-right | Yes |
pixel-top | Yes |
pixel-width | Yes |
play-during | Yes |
pointer-events | Yes |
pos-bottom | Yes |
pos-height | Yes |
pos-left | Yes |
pos-right | Yes |
pos-top | Yes |
pos-width | Yes |
position | Yes |
punctuation-trim | Yes |
punctuation-wrap | Yes |
quotes | Yes |
richness | Yes |
right | Yes |
row-span | Yes |
ruby-align | Yes |
ruby-overhang | Yes |
ruby-position | Yes |
scrollbar-3dlight-color | Yes |
scrollbar-arrow-color | Yes |
scrollbar-base-color | Yes |
scrollbar-dark-shadow-color | Yes |
scrollbar-face-color | Yes |
scrollbar-highlight-color | Yes |
scrollbar-shadow-color | Yes |
scrollbar-track-color | Yes |
separator-image | Yes |
size | Yes |
speak | Yes |
speak-header | Yes |
speak-numeral | Yes |
speak-punctuation | Yes |
speech-rate | Yes |
src | Yes |
stop-color | Yes |
stop-opacity | Yes |
stress | Yes |
stroke | yes |
stroke-dasharray | Yes |
stroke-dashoffset | Yes |
stroke-linecap | Yes |
stroke-linejoin | Yes |
stroke-miterlimit | Yes |
stroke-opacity | Yes |
stroke-width | Yes |
style-float | Yes |
tab-interval | Yes |
table-border-color-dark | Yes |
table-border-color-light | Yes |
table-layout | Yes |
tab-stops | Yes |
text-anchor | Yes |
text-align | Yes |
text-align-last | Yes |
text-autospace | Yes |
text-combine | Yes |
text-decoration | Yes |
text-decoration-blink | Yes |
text-decoration-line-through | Yes |
text-decoration-none | Yes |
text-decoration-overline | Yes |
text-decoration-underline | Yes |
text-effect | Yes |
text-fit | Yes |
text-indent | Yes |
text-justify | Yes |
text-justify-trim | Yes |
text-kashida | Yes |
text-kashida-space | Yes |
text-line-through | Yes |
text-overflow | Yes |
text-shadow | Yes |
text-transform | Yes |
text-underline | Yes |
text-underline-color | Yes |
text-underline-position | Yes |
text-underline-style | Yes |
top | Yes |
top-bar-button | Yes |
unicode-bidi | Yes |
version | Yes |
vert-align | Yes |
vertical-align | Yes |
visibility | Yes |
voice-family | Yes |
volume | Yes |
white-space | Yes |
width | Yes |
windows | Yes |
word-break | Yes |
word-spacing | Yes |
word-wrap | Yes |
writing-mode | Yes |
z-index | Yes |
zoom | Yes |
Smart tags
toStaticHTML removes all smart tags and related attributes.
URIs and Schemes
toStaticHTML blocks these schemes and removes them from HTML it processes:
URIs must be well-formed. toStaticHTML blocks malformed URIs and removes them from HTML it processes.