GPMC Interfaces
The following table lists the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) interfaces.
Interface | Description |
IGPM | Accesses GPMC interfaces to retrieve GPMC information and to create objects. Manages and queries Group Policy Objects (GPOs) and GPO links. Queries scope of management (SOM) objects. |
IGPMAsyncCancel | Cancels an asynchronous GPMC operation, such as a backup, restore, import, copy, or report generation. The GPMC function called by the client asynchronously returns a pointer to the IGPMAsyncCancel interface. IGPMAsyncCancel is not available through scripting. |
IGPMAsyncProgress | Enables client notification about the progress of an operation. Implemented by the client, and passed as a parameter to GPMC methods that can run asynchronously. IGPMAsyncProgress is not available through scripting. |
IGPMBackup | Retrieves the properties of GPMBackup objects. Deletes GPMBackup objects. |
IGPMBackupCollection | Accesses a collection of GPO backups. |
IGPMBackupDir | Queries GPO backups and GPO backup collections. |
IGPMClientSideExtension | Queries client-side extension properties such as the ID and the display name. |
IGPMConstants | Retrieves the values of GPMC constants. |
IGPMCSECollection | Accesses a collection of client-side extension objects. |
IGPMDomain | Queries SOM objects. Creates, restores, and queries GPOs. Creates and queries WMI filters. WMI filter queries use WMI Query Language (WQL). |
IGPMGPO | Manages an individual GPO. Deletes, copies, imports, or backs up a GPO. Enables or disables user and computer configuration options. Sets security information. Retrieves multiple GPO properties for a given GPO, and generates reports of the settings in the GPO. |
IGPMGPOCollection | Accesses a collection of GPOs. |
IGPMGPOLink | Manages a GPO link from a SOM. Sets and retrieves the properties of GPO links, such as the link order or whether a link is enabled or enforced. |
IGPMGPOLinksCollection | Accesses a collection of GPO links. |
IGPMPermission | Retrieves permission properties. |
IGPMResult | Retrieves status message information while performing GPMC operations on GPOs, such as restore, import, backup, and copy operations. |
IGPMRSOP | Queries Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) in logging or planning mode. Generates RSoP reports. |
IGPMSearchCriteria | Defines the criteria for search operations. |
IGPMSecurityInfo | Defines the set of permissions that exist on a SOM, GPO, or WMI filter. Removes or adds permissions. |
IGPMSitesContainer | Queries SOM objects for particular sites in a forest. |
IGPMSOM | Creates and retrieves GPO links for a SOM. Sets and retrieves security attributes and properties for a SOM. |
IGPMSOMCollection | Accesses a collection of SOMs. |
IGPMStatusMessage | Retrieves the properties of the status messages of GPO operations. |
IGPMStatusMsgCollection | Accesses a collection of status messages. |
IGPMTrustee | Retrieves information about a trustee that is a user, group, or computer in the domain. |
IGPMWMIFilter | Sets or retrieves the security attributes and properties of a WMI filter. |
IGPMWMIFilterCollection | Accesses a collection of WMI filters. |
IGPMMapEntry | Retrieves map entries. |
IGPMMapEntryCollection | Accesses a collection of map entries. |
IGPMigrationTable | Accesses a migration table. |