The "flattened" index of a compute shader thread within a thread group, which turns the multi-dimensional SV_GroupThreadID into a 1D value. SV_GroupIndex varies from 0 to (numthreadsX * numthreadsY * numThreadsZ) – 1.
Type |
uint |
SV_GroupIndex = SV_GroupThreadID.z*dimx*dimy +
SV_GroupThreadID.y*dimx +
where dimx and dimy are the dimensions specified in the numthreads attribute for the entry point.
This system value is optional. However, its use ensures that a thread only writes to its assigned region of memory in the groupshared variable.
The following illustration shows the relationship between the parameters passed to ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch, Dispatch(5,3,2), the values specified in the numthreads attribute, numthreads(10,8,3), and values that will passed to the compute shader for the thread-related system values (SV_GroupIndex,SV_DispatchThreadID,SV_GroupThreadID,SV_GroupID).
This function is supported in the following types of shaders:
Vertex | Hull | Domain | Geometry | Pixel | Compute |
x |