Common Utilities for the Virtualization Samples
The following utilities are used by the C# virtualization samples.
using System;
using System.Management;
namespace HyperVSamples
public static class ResourceType
public const UInt16 Other = 1;
public const UInt16 ComputerSystem = 2;
public const UInt16 Processor = 3;
public const UInt16 Memory = 4;
public const UInt16 IDEController = 5;
public const UInt16 ParallelSCSIHBA = 6;
public const UInt16 FCHBA = 7;
public const UInt16 iSCSIHBA = 8;
public const UInt16 IBHCA = 9;
public const UInt16 EthernetAdapter = 10;
public const UInt16 OtherNetworkAdapter = 11;
public const UInt16 IOSlot = 12;
public const UInt16 IODevice = 13;
public const UInt16 FloppyDrive = 14;
public const UInt16 CDDrive = 15;
public const UInt16 DVDdrive = 16;
public const UInt16 Serialport = 17;
public const UInt16 Parallelport = 18;
public const UInt16 USBController = 19;
public const UInt16 GraphicsController = 20;
public const UInt16 StorageExtent = 21;
public const UInt16 Disk = 22;
public const UInt16 Tape = 23;
public const UInt16 OtherStorageDevice = 24;
public const UInt16 FirewireController = 25;
public const UInt16 PartitionableUnit = 26;
public const UInt16 BasePartitionableUnit = 27;
public const UInt16 PowerSupply = 28;
public const UInt16 CoolingDevice = 29;
public const UInt16 DisketteController = 1;
public static class ResourceSubType
public const string DisketteController = null;
public const string DisketteDrive = "Microsoft Synthetic Diskette Drive";
public const string ParallelSCSIHBA = "Microsoft Synthetic SCSI Controller";
public const string IDEController = "Microsoft Emulated IDE Controller";
public const string DiskSynthetic = "Microsoft Synthetic Disk Drive";
public const string DiskPhysical = "Microsoft Physical Disk Drive";
public const string DVDPhysical = "Microsoft Physical DVD Drive";
public const string DVDSynthetic = "Microsoft Synthetic DVD Drive";
public const string CDROMPhysical = "Microsoft Physical CD Drive";
public const string CDROMSynthetic = "Microsoft Synthetic CD Drive";
public const string EthernetSynthetic = "Microsoft Synthetic Ethernet Port";
//logical drive
public const string DVDLogical = "Microsoft Virtual CD/DVD Disk";
public const string ISOImage = "Microsoft ISO Image";
public const string VHD = "Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk";
public const string DVD = "Microsoft Virtual DVD Disk";
public const string VFD = "Microsoft Virtual Floppy Disk";
public const string videoSynthetic = "Microsoft Synthetic Display Controller";
public static class OtherResourceType
public const string DisketteController = "Microsoft Virtual Diskette Controller";
public static class ReturnCode
public const UInt32 Completed = 0;
public const UInt32 Started = 4096;
public const UInt32 Failed = 32768;
public const UInt32 AccessDenied = 32769;
public const UInt32 NotSupported = 32770;
public const UInt32 Unknown = 32771;
public const UInt32 Timeout = 32772;
public const UInt32 InvalidParameter = 32773;
public const UInt32 SystemInUse = 32774;
public const UInt32 InvalidState = 32775;
public const UInt32 IncorrectDataType = 32776;
public const UInt32 SystemNotAvailable = 32777;
public const UInt32 OutofMemory = 32778;
public class Utility
static class JobState
public const UInt16 New = 2;
public const UInt16 Starting = 3;
public const UInt16 Running = 4;
public const UInt16 Suspended = 5;
public const UInt16 ShuttingDown = 6;
public const UInt16 Completed = 7;
public const UInt16 Terminated = 8;
public const UInt16 Killed = 9;
public const UInt16 Exception = 10;
public const UInt16 Service = 11;
/// <summary>
/// Common utility function to get a service object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scope"></param>
/// <param name="serviceName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ManagementObject GetServiceObject(ManagementScope scope, string serviceName)
ManagementPath wmiPath = new ManagementPath(serviceName);
ManagementClass serviceClass = new ManagementClass(scope, wmiPath, null);
ManagementObjectCollection services = serviceClass.GetInstances();
ManagementObject serviceObject = null;
foreach (ManagementObject service in services)
serviceObject = service;
return serviceObject;
public static ManagementObject GetHostSystemDevice(string deviceClassName, string deviceObjectElementName, ManagementScope scope)
string hostName = System.Environment.MachineName;
ManagementObject systemDevice = GetSystemDevice(deviceClassName, deviceObjectElementName, hostName, scope);
return systemDevice;
public static ManagementObject GetSystemDevice
string deviceClassName,
string deviceObjectElementName,
string vmName,
ManagementScope scope)
ManagementObject systemDevice = null;
ManagementObject computerSystem = Utility.GetTargetComputer(vmName, scope);
ManagementObjectCollection systemDevices = computerSystem.GetRelated
foreach (ManagementObject device in systemDevices)
if (device["ElementName"].ToString().ToLower() == deviceObjectElementName.ToLower())
systemDevice = device;
return systemDevice;
public static bool JobCompleted(ManagementBaseObject outParams, ManagementScope scope)
bool jobCompleted = true;
//Retrieve msvc_StorageJob path. This is a full wmi path
string JobPath = (string)outParams["Job"];
ManagementObject Job = new ManagementObject(scope, new ManagementPath(JobPath), null);
//Try to get storage job information
while ((UInt16)Job["JobState"] == JobState.Starting
|| (UInt16)Job["JobState"] == JobState.Running)
Console.WriteLine("In progress... {0}% completed.", Job["PercentComplete"]);
//Figure out if job failed
UInt16 jobState = (UInt16)Job["JobState"];
if (jobState != JobState.Completed)
UInt16 jobErrorCode = (UInt16)Job["ErrorCode"];
Console.WriteLine("Error Code:{0}", jobErrorCode);
Console.WriteLine("ErrorDescription: {0}", (string)Job["ErrorDescription"]);
jobCompleted = false;
return jobCompleted;
public static ManagementObject GetTargetComputer(string vmElementName, ManagementScope scope)
string query = string.Format("select * from Msvm_ComputerSystem Where ElementName = '{0}'", vmElementName);
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, new ObjectQuery(query));
ManagementObjectCollection computers = searcher.Get();
ManagementObject computer = null;
foreach (ManagementObject instance in computers)
computer = instance;
return computer;
public static ManagementObject GetVirtualSystemSettingData(ManagementObject vm)
ManagementObject vmSetting = null;
ManagementObjectCollection vmSettings = vm.GetRelated
if (vmSettings.Count != 1)
throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} instance of Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData was found", vmSettings.Count));
foreach (ManagementObject instance in vmSettings)
vmSetting = instance;
return vmSetting;
enum ValueRole
Default = 0,
Minimum = 1,
Maximum = 2,
Increment = 3
enum ValueRange
Default = 0,
Minimum = 1,
Maximum = 2,
Increment = 3
// Get RASD definitions
public static ManagementObject GetResourceAllocationsettingDataDefault
ManagementScope scope,
UInt16 resourceType,
string resourceSubType,
string otherResourceType
ManagementObject RASD = null;
string query = String.Format("select * from Msvm_ResourcePool where ResourceType = '{0}' and ResourceSubType ='{1}' and OtherResourceType = '{2}'",
resourceType, resourceSubType, otherResourceType);
if (resourceType == ResourceType.Other)
query = String.Format("select * from Msvm_ResourcePool where ResourceType = '{0}' and ResourceSubType = null and OtherResourceType = {1}",
resourceType, otherResourceType);
query = String.Format("select * from Msvm_ResourcePool where ResourceType = '{0}' and ResourceSubType ='{1}' and OtherResourceType = null",
resourceType, resourceSubType);
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, new ObjectQuery(query));
ManagementObjectCollection poolResources = searcher.Get();
//Get pool resource allocation ability
if (poolResources.Count == 1)
foreach (ManagementObject poolResource in poolResources)
ManagementObjectCollection allocationCapabilities = poolResource.GetRelated("Msvm_AllocationCapabilities");
foreach (ManagementObject allocationCapability in allocationCapabilities)
ManagementObjectCollection settingDatas = allocationCapability.GetRelationships("Msvm_SettingsDefineCapabilities");
foreach (ManagementObject settingData in settingDatas)
if (Convert.ToInt16(settingData["ValueRole"]) == (UInt16)ValueRole.Default)
RASD = new ManagementObject(settingData["PartComponent"].ToString());
return RASD;
public static ManagementObject GetResourceAllocationsettingData
ManagementObject vm,
UInt16 resourceType,
string resourceSubType,
string otherResourceType
//vm->vmsettings->RASD for IDE controller
ManagementObject RASD = null;
ManagementObjectCollection settingDatas = vm.GetRelated("Msvm_VirtualSystemsettingData");
foreach (ManagementObject settingData in settingDatas)
//retrieve the rasd
ManagementObjectCollection RASDs = settingData.GetRelated("Msvm_ResourceAllocationsettingData");
foreach (ManagementObject rasdInstance in RASDs)
if (Convert.ToUInt16(rasdInstance["ResourceType"]) == resourceType)
//found the matching type
if (resourceType == ResourceType.Other)
if (rasdInstance["OtherResourceType"].ToString() == otherResourceType)
RASD = rasdInstance;
if (rasdInstance["ResourceSubType"].ToString() == resourceSubType)
RASD = rasdInstance;
return RASD;