Warning  The Cellular COM API is deprecated in Windows 10. This content is provided to support maintenance of OEM and mobile operator created Windows Phone 8.1 applications.


This structure represents a RILUICCLOCKSTATE.


    DWORD cbSize;
    DWORD dwParams;
    RILUICCLOCK rilUiccLock;
    DWORD dwLockState;
    DWORD dwVerifyAttemptsLeft;
    DWORD dwUnblockAttemptsLeft;
} ;


  • cbSize
    The size of the structure in bytes.

  • dwParams
    A bitwise combination of RILUICCLOCKSTATEPARAMMASK enumeration values that indicates which members of the structure contain valid data. A member of the structure is valid if the corresponding bit flag is set.

  • rilUiccLock
    Specifies the lock of type RILUICCLOCK.

  • dwLockState
    The current state of the lock, a bitmask of RILUICCLOCKSTATELOCKSTATE.

  • dwVerifyAttemptsLeft
    The number of verification attempts that remain before the lock is blocked.

  • dwUnblockAttemptsLeft
    The number of unblock attempts that remain before the lock is permanently blocked.



Header: Generated from CellularAPI_OEM.idl

Cellular COM structures



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