802.11 Media-Specific Status Indications
An 802.11 miniport driver can make the following media-specific status indications:
Received signal strength indication (RSSI)
The driver makes this indication to report changes in RSSI values. The driver can make this indication only if an RSSI trigger value had previously been set through OID_802_11_RSSI_TRIGGER.
The driver makes this indication to report data integrity errors on the current association. The driver also uses this indication to request pre-authentication for a BSSID before it roams to that BSSID.
Pairwise master key ID (PMKID) candidate indication
The driver makes this indication to supply the 802.1X supplicant with a list of PMKID candidates. For more information about pre-authentication, see WPA2 Pre-Authentication.
The driver makes this indication whenever its media streaming mode changes. This indication is used to notify applications or services that the device's operational behavior has changed as a result of its media streaming mode.
The driver makes this indication when the state of the radio changes due to a hardware switch setting or through a set operation that uses a proprietary OID or IOCTL.
The miniport driver makes media-specific status indications by calling the NdisMIndicateStatusfunction with the GeneralStatusparameter set to NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INDICATION. The StatusBufferparameter points to a buffer allocated by the driver. The buffer contains data in a format that is specific to the indication being made.
For RSSI indications, the buffer referenced by StatusBuffermust contain an NDIS_802_11_RSSI value.
For the other indications, the buffer referenced by StatusBuffermust contain the following structure:
typedef struct _NDIS_802_11_STATUS_INDICATION
NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE StatusType;
The NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE enumeration has the following values:
The driver sets the StatusType member to this value when making authentication indications.Ndis802_11StatusType_PMKID_CandidateList
The driver sets the StatusType member to this value when making PMKID candidate list indications.Ndis802_11StatusType_MediaStreamMode
The driver sets the StatusType member to this value when making media streaming indications.Ndis802_11StatusType_RadioState
The driver sets the StatusType member to this value when making radio state indications.
Note The StatusType member must not be negative. If it is, NDIS will assume that the indication is an RSSI indication.
After calling NdisMIndicateStatusor making the last call in a series of calls to NdisMIndicateStatus, the miniport driver must call NdisMIndicateStatusComplete.
Note A miniport driver must not call NdisMIndicateStatus from its MiniportInitialize, MiniportHalt, MiniportISR, or MiniportShutdown functions.