IHTMLEventObj2 interface
This interface provides access to the IHTMLEventObj interface and to other properties of the event, such as attributes and bookmarks.
The IHTMLEventObj2 interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IHTMLEventObj2 also has these types of members:
- Methods
- Properties
The IHTMLEventObj2 interface has these methods.
Method | Description |
getAttribute | Retrieves the value of the specified attribute. |
removeAttribute | Removes an attribute from an object. |
setAttribute | Sets the value of the specified attribute. |
The IHTMLEventObj2 interface has these properties.
Property | Description |
Retrieves a value that indicates the state of the ALT key. For the standards based property, see IDOMKeyboardEvent::altKey. |
Sets or retrieves the mouse button pressed by the user. This property is not supported for Windows apps using JavaScript. For the standards based property that can be used with Windows apps using JavaScript , see IDOMMouseEvent::button. |
Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer, or user's finger, position relative to the client area of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars. For the standards based property, see IDOMMouseEvent::clientX. |
Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer, or user's finger, position relative to the client area of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars. |
Sets or retrieves the state of the CTRL key. For the standards based property, see IDOMKeyboardEvent::ctrlKey. |
Sets or retrieves the data column affected by the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::oncellchange event. |
Sets or retrieves the object from which activation or the mouse pointer is exiting during the event. |
Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate of a pointer's position relative to the object firing the event. |
Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate of a pointer's position relative to the object firing the event. |
Sets or retrieves the name of the property that changes on the object. |
Sets or retrieves the result of the data transfer for a data source object. |
Sets or retrieves from a data source object a reference to the default record set. |
Retrieves whether the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onkeydown event is being repeated. For the standards based property, see IDOMKeyboardEvent::repeat. |
Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user's screen. For the standards based property, see IDOMMouseEvent::screenX. |
Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user's screen. For the standards based property, see IDOMMouseEvent::screenY. |
Retrieves the state of the SHIFT key. For the standards based property, see IDOMKeyboardEvent::shiftKey. |
Sets or retrieves the object that fired the event. |
Sets or retrieves the filter object that caused the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onfilterchange event to fire. |
Retrieves the URN of the behavior that fired the event. |
Sets or retrieves a reference to the object toward which the user is moving the mouse pointer or, for a touch device, a finger. |
Sets or retrieves the event name from the event object. |
Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer, or user's finger, offset from the closest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event. |
Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer, or user's finger, offset from the closest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event. |
Minimum supported client |
Windows XP |
Minimum supported server |
Windows 2000 Server |
Header |
Mshtml.h |
Mshtml.idl |
Mshtml.dll |