edgeMode property

Determines how to extend the input image as necessary with color values so that the matrix operations can be applied when the kernel is positioned at or near the edge of the input image.

This property is read-only.



HRESULT get_edgeMode(
  [out] SVGAnimatedEnumeration **enumValue

Property values

Type: SVGAnimatedEnumeration

One of the following three values:

Value Condition
duplicate duplicate

Indicates that the input image is extended along each of its borders as necessary by duplicating the color values at the given edge of the input image:

Original N-by-M image, where m=M-1 and n=N-1:
          11 12 ... 1m 1M
          21 22 ... 2m 2M
          .. .. ... .. ..
          n1 n2 ... nm nM
          N1 N2 ... Nm NM
Extended by two pixels using "duplicate":
  11 11   11 12 ... 1m 1M   1M 1M
  11 11   11 12 ... 1m 1M   1M 1M
  11 11   11 12 ... 1m 1M   1M 1M
  21 21   21 22 ... 2m 2M   2M 2M
  .. ..   .. .. ... .. ..   .. ..
  n1 n1   n1 n2 ... nm nM   nM nM
  N1 N1   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   NM NM
  N1 N1   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   NM NM
  N1 N1   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   NM NM
wrap wrap

Indicates that the input image is extended by taking the color values from the opposite edge of the image:

Extended by two pixels using "wrap":
  nm nM   n1 n2 ... nm nM   n1 n2
  Nm NM   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   N1 N2
  1m 1M   11 12 ... 1m 1M   11 12
  2m 2M   21 22 ... 2m 2M   21 22
  .. ..   .. .. ... .. ..   .. ..
  nm nM   n1 n2 ... nm nM   n1 n2
  Nm NM   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   N1 N2
  1m 1M   11 12 ... 1m 1M   11 12
  2m 2M   21 22 ... 2m 2M   21 22
none none

Indicates that the input image is extended with pixel values of zero for R, G, B and A.


Standards information


One of three values that determines how to extend the input image as necessary with color values so that the matrix operations can be applied when the kernel is positioned at or near the edge of the input image.

If attribute ISVGFEConvolveMatrixElement::edgeMode is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of duplicate were specified.