URL Monikers Functions
This section lists the functions for URL Monikers.
Topic | Contents |
AsyncInstallDistributionUnit | Installs the specified component. |
CoGetClassObjectFromURL | Returns a factory object for a given CLSID. |
CoInternetCombineIUri | Combines a base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and a relative URI into a full URI. |
CoInternetCombineUrl | Combines a base URL and a relative URL into a full URL. |
CoInternetCombineUrlEx | Combines a base URL and a relative URL into a full URI. |
CoInternetCompareUrl | Compares two URLs and determines if they are equal. |
CoInternetParseIUri | Transforms and identifies parts of URLs. Compare to CoInternetParseUrl. |
CoInternetParseUrl | Transforms and identifies parts of URLs. Compare to CoInternetParseIUri. |
CoInternetQueryInfo | Retrieves information related to the specified URL. |
CompareSecurityIds | Compares two security identifiers (SIDs) for equivalence. |
CompatFlagsFromClsid | Reads the Microsoft ActiveX Compatibility registry entries for the specified ActiveX control. |
CopyBindInfo | Copies the given BINDINFO structure. |
CopyStgMedium | Copies the given STGMEDIUM structure. |
CreateAsyncBindCtx | Creates an asynchronous bind context for use with asynchronous monikers. |
CreateAsyncBindCtxEx | Creates an asynchronous bind context for use with asynchronous monikers. |
CreateFormatEnumerator | Creates an object that implements IEnumFORMATETC over a static array of FORMATETC structures. |
CreateIUriBuilder | Creates a new IUriBuilder instance, and initializes it from an optional IUri. |
CreateUri | Creates a new IUri instance, and initializes it from a URI string. CreateUri also normalizes and validates the URI. |
CreateUriFromMultiByteString | Converts an ANSI URL with components in various multibyte character set (MBCS) encodings to an IUri object. |
CreateUriWithFragment | Creates a new IUri instance (and optional fragment), and initializes the instance from a URI string. |
CreateURLBinding | Not implemented. |
CreateURLMoniker | Deprecated in Windows Internet Explorer 7. Use CreateURLMonikerEx instead. |
CreateURLMonikerEx | Creates a URL moniker from a full URL, or from a base context URL moniker and a partial URL. |
CreateURLMonikerEx2 | Creates a new URL moniker from a full URI, or from a base context URL moniker and a relative URI. |
FaultInIEFeature | This synchronous function is invoked by the client of a Windows Internet Explorer feature before the client accesses the feature. |
FindMediaType | Retrieves the 32-bit value assigned to the specified media type. |
FindMediaTypeClass | Retrieves the CLSID for the specified media type. |
FindMimeFromData | Determines the MIME type from the data provided. |
GetClassFileOrMime | Gets the CLSID of the object to instantiate for the specified file. |
GetClassURL | Not implemented. |
GetComponentIDFromCLSSPEC | Gets a string component ID from information contained in a union |
IEInstallScope | This function provides the current Install Scope to a ActiveX DLL. |
IsAsyncMoniker | Tests to determine whether a moniker supports asynchronous binding. |
IsValidURL | Determines if a specified string is a valid URL. |
MkParseDisplayNameEx | Creates a moniker to the object that is specified by the given string. |
ObtainUserAgentString | Retrieves the User-Agent HTTP request header string that is currently being used. |
RegisterBindStatusCallback | Registers a callback interface with an existing bind context. |
RegisterFormatEnumerator | Registers a FORMATETC enumerator object on the given bind context. |
RegisterMediaTypeClass | Registers a mapping of media types to CLSIDs to override the default mapping specified in the registry. |
RegisterMediaTypes | Registers media type strings. |
ReleaseBindInfo | Releases the resources used by the specified BINDINFO structure. |
RevokeBindStatusCallback | Revokes a bind status callback interface previously registered on a bind context. |
RevokeFormatEnumerator | Removes a format enumerator from the given bind context. |
URLDownloadToCacheFile | Downloads data to the Internet cache and returns the file name of the cache location for retrieving the bits. |
URLDownloadToFile | Downloads bits from the Internet and saves them to a file. |
UrlMkGetSessionOption | Gets options for the current Internet session. |
UrlMkSetSessionOption | Sets options for the current Internet session. |
URLOpenBlockingStream | Creates a blocking type stream object from a URL and downloads the data from the Internet. When the data is downloaded, the client application or control can read it by using the IStream::Read method. |
URLOpenPullStream | Creates a pull type stream object from a URL. |
URLOpenStream | Creates a push type stream object from a URL. |