

Today’s organizations need a new security model that effectively:

  • adapts to the complexity of the modern environment.
  • embraces the mobile workforce.
  • protects people, devices, apps, and data regardless of their location.

Zero Trust is the Microsoft 365 security model that supports this modern reality. The Zero Trust security model is the focus of this training.

So why is Microsoft such a passionate proponent of the Zero Trust mindset? Well, if recent events revealed anything, it’s that security isn’t getting any easier. Recent high-profile breach activities underscore the growing sophistication of today’s threat actors. They also reveal the complexity of managing business risk in an increasingly connected world. It’s a struggle for organizations of every size and for the public and private sector alike. Microsoft's Zero Trust security model addresses all these concerns, encompassing all types of threats—both outside in and inside out.

As organizations move into this next phase of digital transformation, with technology increasingly woven into our most basic human activities, the questions they must ask themselves from a security standpoint include:

  • How do we help people to have confidence in the security of their devices, their data, and their actions online?
  • How do we protect people so they have peace of mind and feel empowered to innovate and grow their future?
  • How do we foster trust in a Zero Trust world?

Based on the Zero Trust security foundation, this training is designed to help your organization:

  • address security, compliance, identity, and device management as an interdependent whole.
  • extend protection to all data, devices, identities, platforms, and clouds—whether those things are from Microsoft or not.

In this module, you learn about the concepts and principles of the Zero Trust model and how Microsoft 365 supports it.