How to turn off scaling
By default, applications are scaled to 200% for XAML and 150% for HTML apps. It is possible to turn off the default scale factor. This will cause your application to use the actual pixel dimensions of the device (1910 x 1080 pixels).
You can opt out of scale factor by using the following code snippet:
var result = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewScaling.trySetDisableLayoutScaling(true);
Or, you can use a web-friendly method:
@media (max-height: 1080px) {
@-ms-viewport {
height: 1080px;
You can opt out of scale factor by using the following code snippet:
bool result = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewScaling.TrySetDisableLayoutScaling(true);
DirectX/C++ applications are not scaled. Automatic scaling only applies to HTML and XAML applications.