Gianpaolo's blog

thoughts of a dotcom refugee happily expatriated at Microsoft

I'm Back!!! Well... sort of

Still not fully back on blogging quite yet (soon I promise). In the meantime, (if you want) you can...

Date: 03/30/2009

Crikey... I am moving to Australia

In a few weeks, I will be packing all my goods in Redmond and board a big Qantas Airbus A380 to...

Date: 12/03/2008

PDC is over, it was awesome! Now, off to Sydney

What a week at the PDC! With the CTP release Azure Services Platform I don't think that anyone is...

Date: 11/01/2008

Head in the cloud, Feet on the ground: an article about the cloud

My brother in arms Eugenio and I wrote an article a few weeks back discussing the opportunity that...

Date: 10/15/2008

Cloud Services Architecture symposium

As indicated in various press articles and blog entries in the recent weeks, PDC will be Microsoft's...

Date: 09/24/2008

So, I have been tagged...

Over the week end, my good buddy Vittorio a.k.a. the man who knows more about identity than it is...

Date: 09/16/2008

A little English lesson for cloud lingo lovers...

Being a non native English speaker I regularly make pronunciation or grammar mistakes and I usually...

Date: 09/02/2008

Multi Tenant Data Access (MTDA) Blueprint

Although cloud storage fabrics are very cool, a lot of multi-tenant applications will be build...

Date: 08/25/2008

Software + Services for Architects Webcast

A couple of weeks ago, I recorded a webcast (~1hour) going through some of the architectural...

Date: 07/21/2008

I can't believe we are still talking about whether saas == multi-tenancy...

I was reading Why multi-tenancy matters and Many degrees of multi-tenancy today and honestly, I am...

Date: 06/20/2008

Cloudy Future for the Enterprise and most likely for ISVs too

As I mentioned previously, the study of clouds (cloud computing of course) is becoming a very...

Date: 06/19/2008

Nephologist: The Hottest Job in the Software Industry!

Nephology (from the Greek word nephos for 'cloud') is the study of clouds and cloud formation. It...

Date: 05/27/2008

You liked LitwareHR v1, You loved LitwareHR v2, You are going to die for LitwareHR 'cloud storage' edition :)

More seriously... Eugenio just announced and released on Codeplex the latest drop of LitwareHR....

Date: 05/06/2008

Consumerization of IT: an example

Over the last 2 years or so (here and here for example), I have been discussing how consumer grade...

Date: 03/27/2008

S+S Architecture Site on MSDN

Yesterday, we released (here) on the MSDN Architecture center a section dedicated to Software +...

Date: 02/15/2008

I think Phil drank the Kool-Aid too but he has not realized it yet :)

Phil believes that I did drink too much Kool-Aid. But after reading his post, it seems to me that we...

Date: 02/08/2008

S+S: Real or have I drunk too much Kool-Aid? :)

Readers of this blog must have seen that recently I have been spending quite some time discussing...

Date: 02/08/2008

LitwareHR v2 Webcast

Yesterday I recorded a 25min. walk through of litwareHR v2 (recording available here) Even though...

Date: 02/07/2008

An "S+S World"

Below is an diagram I have been using for a while in my presentations on software + services (more...

Date: 01/28/2008

Introducing Narumoto-san

Many of the readers of this blog also follow Fred's blog and Eugenio's blog. It is now time to add...

Date: 01/28/2008

Monetization: the next frontier of SaaS / S+S architecture

Over the week end, I was looking at AMZN DevPay announcement and I started thinking in more general...

Date: 01/18/2008

2008 the year of INTRAnet-SaaS / INTRAnet-S+S

In the next couple of days I might have fun again and offer my 10 or so 2008 predictions as I did in...

Date: 12/31/2007

FYI: my LinkedIn contact

In the last couple of weeks, I finally decided to create an account on Facebook and LinkedIn. (I...

Date: 12/31/2007

No Hobbits but great chat with Lukas

When I went to New Zealand I did not manage to see any hobbits but I had the pleasure to record an...

Date: 12/15/2007

More about S+S

I just got back from a 2 weeks tour in Australia and New Zealand discussing with a lot of ISVs,...

Date: 12/11/2007

LitwareHR v2: from SaaS to S+S

Unless you have been abducted by aliens a few months ago and just returned to earth I am pretty sure...

Date: 11/21/2007

ISVs are from Mars, and Hosters are from Venus

It took us a bit longer than expected, but our latest white paper is finally here! This white paper...

Date: 11/08/2007

Complexity does not go away, it just changes hands...

A law that I always found interesting in Physics is the the Lavoisier Law which states that the mass...

Date: 08/28/2007

Efficient Software Delivery through Service Delivery Platforms

Several weeks ago, we wrote a introductory article on service delivery platforms published in the...

Date: 07/05/2007

Intra-enterprise SaaS

Today, on his blog, Sinclair asks: Can the Fortune 500 Achieve Efficiency through Intra-enterprise...

Date: 07/04/2007

Either I don't get it or I'm calling (at least partial) BS on SaS 70

Please educate me on SaS 70 as either I don't get it or its importance is in my opinion overly...

Date: 06/30/2007

One for all, and all for one

From the left: eugenio, fred, me. Not sure why I am the fat one and by the way, Fred is way too tall...

Date: 06/28/2007

Phil on SaaS Appliance

I read with interest Phil's post on SaaS appliance and how a few companies are using this model for...

Date: 06/19/2007

Guess What? Fred's back!

After spending almost 2 months in China with our valiant Chinese colleagues, Fred is back to...

Date: 06/12/2007

Hosting LitwareHR

Eugenio spent the last couple of weeks exploring the implications of hosting LitwareHR on a...

Date: 06/11/2007

For Those Who Believe that the Browser is Good Enough

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know how much work we have put into efficient...

Date: 05/30/2007

Build - Run - Consume - Monetize

Build - Run - Consume - Monetize a.k.a BRCM (pronounced "breekam"?!) is a simple model that I am...

Date: 05/21/2007

My Wife is an Ecosexual...

I was browsing through Wired Magazine earlier this morning and I discovered that my wife is an...

Date: 05/18/2007


I was catching up on Phil's always excellent blog tonight and I smiled when I read about OpenSAM....

Date: 05/17/2007


Eric Nelson one of Microsoft's SaaS experts in the UK, who apparently gave up being a developer :)...

Date: 05/17/2007

SaaS Undertakers do exist...

About one month ago, I blogged here about the need of "SaaS Undertakers" looking after the SaaS data...

Date: 05/15/2007

From High Margin-Low Volume to High Volume-Low Margin

If I was to summarize (simplify?!) the trend that is happening in the SaaS space, I would say that...

Date: 05/08/2007

SaaSCon Debrief

On April 17-18 I was in Santa Clara mingling with the international SaaS crowd at SaaSCon. There,...

Date: 05/01/2007

Desktop vs. Webtop panel at SIIA S4 Conference

Earlier this week, at SIIA S4 conference, I participated in a short panel, nicely moderated by...

Date: 04/23/2007

Recommendation: Add Eugenio's Blog to Your List

I mentioned just over a month ago that our SaaS architecture brainpower just increased with Eugenio...

Date: 04/20/2007

SaaS Undertaker ++

Richard Veynard responded to my SaaS undertaker tongue in cheek idea (previous post) by suggesting a...

Date: 04/16/2007

SaaS company biting the dust and idea for a new startup, I think :)

I am not sure the following email (forwarded to me yesterday which I edited to removed the company's...

Date: 04/15/2007
