XmlValidatingReader.ValidationType 속성


수행할 유효성 검사의 형식을 나타내는 값을 가져오거나 설정합니다.

 property System::Xml::ValidationType ValidationType { System::Xml::ValidationType get(); void set(System::Xml::ValidationType value); };
public System.Xml.ValidationType ValidationType { get; set; }
member this.ValidationType : System.Xml.ValidationType with get, set
Public Property ValidationType As ValidationType

속성 값


ValidationType 값 중 하나입니다. 이 속성이 설정되지 않으면 기본값은 ValidationType.Auto로 설정됩니다.


Read를 호출한 후 속성을 설정하는 경우


다음 예제에서는 두 파일의 유효성을 검사합니다.

#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Schema;
public ref class Sample
   XmlTextReader^ txtreader;
   XmlValidatingReader^ reader;
   Boolean m_success;

      txtreader = nullptr;
      reader = nullptr;
      m_success = true;
      String^ doc1 = "notValid.xml";
      String^ doc2 = "cdDTD.xml";
      String^ doc3 = "book1.xml";
      //Parse the files and validate when requested.
      Validate( doc1, ValidationType::XDR ); //Validation should fail.
      Validate( doc2, ValidationType::DTD ); //Validation should fail.
      Validate( doc3, ValidationType::None ); //No validation performed.

   void Validate( String^ filename, ValidationType vt )
         //Implement the readers.  Set the ValidationType.
         txtreader = gcnew XmlTextReader( filename );
         reader = gcnew XmlValidatingReader( txtreader );
         reader->ValidationType = vt;
         //If the reader is set to validate, set the event handler.
         if ( vt == ValidationType::None )
                  Console::WriteLine( "\nParsing XML file {0}", filename );
            Console::WriteLine( "\nValidating XML file {0}", filename );
            m_success = true;
            //Set the validation event handler.
            reader->ValidationEventHandler += gcnew ValidationEventHandler( this, &Sample::ValidationCallBack );
         // Read XML data
         while ( reader->Read() )
         if ( vt == ValidationType::None )
                  Console::WriteLine( "Finished parsing file." );
                  Console::WriteLine( "Validation finished. Validation {0}", m_success ? (String^)"successful" : "failed" );
         //Close the reader.
         if ( reader != nullptr )


   //Display the validation errors.
   void ValidationCallBack( Object^ /*sender*/, ValidationEventArgs^ args )
      m_success = false;
      Console::Write( "\r\n\tValidation error: {0}", args->Message );


int main()
   gcnew Sample;

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;

public class Sample
  private const String doc1 = "notValid.xml";
  private const String doc2 = "cdDTD.xml";
  private const String doc3 = "book1.xml";

  private XmlTextReader txtreader = null;
  private XmlValidatingReader reader = null;
  private Boolean m_success = true;

  public Sample ()
      //Parse the files and validate when requested.
      Validate(doc1, ValidationType.XDR);  //Validation should fail.
      Validate(doc2, ValidationType.DTD);  //Validation should fail.
      Validate(doc3, ValidationType.None); //No validation performed.

  public static void Main ()
      Sample validation = new Sample();

  private void Validate(String filename, ValidationType vt)
        //Implement the readers.  Set the ValidationType.
        txtreader = new XmlTextReader(filename);
        reader = new XmlValidatingReader(txtreader);
        reader.ValidationType = vt;

        //If the reader is set to validate, set the event handler.
        if (vt==ValidationType.None)
                Console.WriteLine("\nParsing XML file " + filename.ToString());
           Console.WriteLine("\nValidating XML file " + filename.ToString());
           m_success = true;
           //Set the validation event handler.
           reader.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler (ValidationCallBack);

        // Read XML data
        while (reader.Read()){}

        if (vt==ValidationType.None)
           Console.WriteLine("Finished parsing file.");
          Console.WriteLine ("Validation finished. Validation {0}", (m_success==true ? "successful" : "failed"));

        //Close the reader.
        if (reader != null)

  //Display the validation errors.
  private void ValidationCallBack (object sender, ValidationEventArgs args)
     m_success = false;

     Console.Write("\r\n\tValidation error: " + args.Message);
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Schema

Public Class Sample
    Private doc1 As String = "notValid.xml"
    Private doc2 As String = "cdDTD.xml"
    Private doc3 As String = "book1.xml"
    Private txtreader As XmlTextReader = Nothing
    Private reader As XmlValidatingReader = Nothing
    Private m_success As Boolean = True
    Public Sub New()
        'Parse the files and validate when requested.
        Validate(doc1, ValidationType.XDR) 'Validation should fail.
        Validate(doc2, ValidationType.DTD) 'Validation should fail.
        Validate(doc3, ValidationType.None) 'No validation performed.
    End Sub
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim validation As New Sample()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Validate(filename As String, vt As ValidationType)
            'Implement the readers.  Set the ValidationType.
            txtreader = New XmlTextReader(filename)
            reader = New XmlValidatingReader(txtreader)
            reader.ValidationType = vt
            'If the reader is set to validate, set the event handler.
            If vt = ValidationType.None Then
                Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr & "Parsing XML file " & filename.ToString())
                Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr & "Validating XML file " & filename.ToString())
                m_success = True
                'Set the validation event handler.
                AddHandler reader.ValidationEventHandler, AddressOf ValidationCallBack
            End If
            ' Read XML data
            While reader.Read()
            End While 
            If vt = ValidationType.None Then
                Console.WriteLine("Finished parsing file.")
                Console.WriteLine("Validation finished. Validation {0}", IIf(m_success, "successful", "failed"))
            End If
            'Close the reader.
            If Not (reader Is Nothing) Then
            End If
        End Try 
    End Sub
    'Display the validation errors.
    Private Sub ValidationCallBack(sender As Object, args As ValidationEventArgs)
        m_success = False
        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.Tab & "Validation error: " & args.Message)
    End Sub
End Class

샘플에서는 다음 네 개의 입력 파일을 사용합니다.

notValid.xml ("x-schema:" 접두사는 판독기용 XDR(XML-Data 축소) 스키마를 식별합니다.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<bookstore xmlns="x-schema:schema1.xdr">
  <book genre="novel" style="hardcover">
    <title>The Handmaid's Tale</title>
  <book genre="novel" style="other">
    <title>The Poisonwood Bible</title>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <Schema xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
   <ElementType name="first-name" content="textOnly"/>
   <ElementType name="last-name" content="textOnly"/>
   <ElementType name="name" content="textOnly"/>
   <ElementType name="price" content="textOnly" dt:type="fixed.14.4"/>
   <ElementType name="author" content="eltOnly" order="one">
     <group order="seq">
       <element type="name"/>
     <group order="seq">
       <element type="first-name"/>
       <element type="last-name"/>
   <ElementType name="title" content="textOnly"/>
   <AttributeType name="genre" dt:type="string"/>
   <AttributeType name="style" dt:type="enumeration"
         dt:values="paperback hardcover"/>
   <ElementType name="book" content="eltOnly">
     <attribute type="genre" required="yes"/>
     <attribute type="style" required="yes"/>
     <element type="title"/>
     <element type="author"/>
     <element type="price"/>
   <ElementType name="bookstore" content="eltOnly">
     <element type="book"/>


<!--XML file using a DTD-->
<!DOCTYPE bookstore [
  <!ELEMENT bookstore (cd)*> 
  <!ELEMENT cd (title,artist,price)>
  <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT artist (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT price (#PCDATA)>]>
  <cd genre="alternative"  ISBN="2-3631-4">


<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<!DOCTYPE book [<!ENTITY h 'hardcover'>]>
  <title>Pride And Prejudice</title>



클래스는 XmlValidatingReader .NET Framework 2.0에서 사용되지 않습니다. 클래스 및 Create 메서드를 사용하여 유효성 XmlReader 검사 인스턴스를 XmlReaderSettings 만들 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 XmlReader 참조 페이지의 설명 섹션을 참조하세요.

이 속성은 첫 번째 호출 Read전에 설정해야 합니다. 이 속성을 ValidationType.None으로 설정하면 유효성 검사되지 않는 판독기를 만듭니다.

유효성 XmlResolver 검사를 위해 외부 DTD(문서 형식 정의) 또는 스키마가 필요한 경우 사용됩니다.

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