Vendor - Detail Trial Balance (report)

The Vendor - Detail Trial Balance report shows vendor balances at the end of the period. The report groups the following information by vendor:

  • Opening balance
  • Transactions within a given period
  • Closing balance

If you specify a date range in the date filter, for each vendor the report displays:

  • Beginning balance
  • Each transaction within the period, and their remaining amounts and due dates
  • Ending balance

You can run the report in your local currency or in the vendor's currency. You can also exclude vendors that didn't have transactions in the period.

Use cases - A version (persona version)

Procurement specialists use the report to:

  • Analyze vendor balances and transactions for a specific period.
  • Identify vendors with outstanding balances and negotiate payment terms with them.
  • Reconcile vendor accounts and ensure that all transactions are accurate.
  • Monitor vendor performance and identify opportunities for cost savings.

Account payables use the report to:

  • Reconcile vendor accounts and ensure that all invoices are paid in a timely manner.
  • Identify overdue invoices and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.
  • Monitor cash flow and vendor payments.

Controllers use the report to:

  • Monitor cash flow and vendor payments.
  • Identify vendors with high outstanding balances and take steps to reduce the amounts owed.
  • Forecast cash flow and plan for vendor payments.
  • Analyze vendor balances and transactions to identify opportunities to save cost.

Purchasing agents use the report to:

  • Monitor vendor performance and identify opportunities to save cost.
  • Analyze transaction data to identify trends and patterns in vendor behavior, such as late deliveries or price increases.
  • Negotiate better terms with vendors and improve overall procurement efficiency.

Use cases - B version (process version)

Make your procurement process efficient and cost-effective:

  • Analyze vendor balances and transactions for a specific period.
  • Identify vendors with outstanding balances and negotiate payment terms with them.
  • Reconcile vendor accounts and ensure that all transactions are accurate.
  • Monitor vendor performance and identify opportunities to save cost.

Ensure timely and accurate processing of vendor invoices in your accounts payable processes:

  • Reconcile vendor accounts and ensure that all invoices are paid in a timely manner.
  • Identify past due invoices and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.
  • Monitor cash flow and vendor payments.

For your financial planning and analysis:

  • Monitor cash flow and vendor payments.
  • Identify vendors with high outstanding balances and take steps to reduce the amounts owed.
  • Forecast future cash flows and plan for vendor payments.
  • Analyze vendor balances and transactions to identify opportunities to save cost.

Oversee your overall procurement strategy and vendor management:

  • Monitor vendor performance and identify opportunities to save cost.
  • Analyze transaction data to identify trends and patterns in vendor behavior, such as late deliveries or price increases.
  • Negotiate better terms with vendors and improve overall procurement efficiency.

Try the report

Try the report here: Vendor - Detail Trial Balance


If you press CTRL and choose the report link, the report opens in a new browser tab. This allows you to stay on this page while you explore the report in the other browser tab.

See also

Purchase reports
Ad hoc analysis of purchasing data
Purchasing analytics overview

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