Vendor - Order Detail (report)

The Vendor - Order Detail report shows each purchase order and the line level breakdown for each vendor. The report includes:

  • Outstanding purchase receipts
  • Applied line and invoice discounts
  • Outstanding amounts.

Lines that have an expected receipt date in the past are included in the quantity on back order.

Use cases

Procurement specialists use the report to:

  • Analyze outstanding purchase orders from vendors. The report provides a concise view of all purchase orders and their line level breakdowns from each vendor. Use this information to analyze your expected purchase volume grouped by vendor and make informed decisions on managing their purchasing activities.
  • Identify overdue back orders. The report includes information on outstanding receipts and expected receipt dates for each purchase order. Use this information to compare overall outstanding receipts with the expected receipt date to highlight overdue back orders. This comparison can help identify potential supply chain issues so you can take necessary actions to avoid delays.

Procurement managers use the report to:

  • Monitor vendor performance. The report provides a complete view of purchase orders and their line level breakdowns from each vendor. Procurement managers can use this information to monitor vendor performance and identify discrepancies in pricing or delivery timelines.
  • Analyze procurement trends. The report provides a comprehensive view of all purchase orders and their line level breakdowns. Procurement managers can use this information to analyze procurement trends, identify patterns, and make informed decisions on ways to optimize procurement activities.

Try the report

Try the report here: Vendor - Order Detail


If you press CTRL and choose the report link, the report opens in a new browser tab. This allows you to stay on this page while you explore the report in the other browser tab.

See also

Purchase reports
Ad hoc analysis of purchasing data
Purchasing analytics overview

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