Vendor Item Catalog (report)

The Vendor Item Catalog report shows a list of vendors for selected items, or items for selected vendors. For each combination of item and vendor, it shows direct unit cost, lead time calculation, and the vendor's item number.


This report isn't available in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Instead, use the Item/Vendor Catalog (10164) report.

Use cases

Procurement managers use the report to:

  • Compare vendor prices. The report provides a list of vendors for selected items and shows the direct unit cost for each combination of item and vendor. Use this information to compare vendor prices and select the vendor that provides the best value for money.
  • Manage lead time. The report shows the lead time calculation for each combination of item and vendor. Use this information to manage lead time effectively and ensure timely deliveries.

Purchasing agents use the report to:

  • Manage vendor relationships. The report provides a list of vendors for selected items and shows the vendor's item number for each combination of item and vendor. Use this information to manage vendor relationships effectively and ensure smooth procurement processes.

Controllers use the report to:

  • Manage costs. The report provides information on direct unit cost for each combination of item and vendor. Use this information to manage costs effectively and identify ways to save cost.

Try the report

Try the report here: Vendor Item catalog


If you press CTRL and choose the report link, the report opens in a new browser tab. This allows you to stay on this page while you explore the report in the other browser tab.

See also

Purchase reports
Ad hoc analysis of purchasing data
Purchasing analytics overview

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