Purchase Reservation Availability (report)

The Purchase Reservation Availability report shows the availability of items for shipment on purchase documents, such as return orders.

You determine whether the report indicates the status of each document or of each purchase line.

When you run the report, you can also update the quantity that's available for shipment in the Qty. to Receive field on the purchase lines. On purchase credit memos and negative purchase order lines, the Qty. to Receive field contains the quantity to ship. Then, use the report to determine which documents to ship.


This report isn't available for advanced warehouse functionality.

Use cases

Procurement specialists use the report to:

  • Determine availability of items for shipment. The report shows the availability of items for shipment on purchase documents, such as return orders. Use this information to determine which documents are ready to ship, and plan accordingly.

Warehouse managers use the report to:

  • Update the quantity available for shipment. The report lets you update the quantity available for shipment in the Qty. to Receive field on the purchase lines. Use this information to ensure accurate inventory management and timely shipments.

Shipping specialists use the report to:

  • Determine which documents to ship. The report provides information on the availability of items for shipment on purchase documents. Use this information to determine which documents to ship, and ensure timely deliveries.

Controllers use the report to:

  • Monitor procurement and inventory management. The report provides information on the availability of items for shipment on purchase documents, allowing you to monitor procurement and inventory management processes and identify potential issues.

Try the report

Try the report here: Purchase Reservation Availability


If you press CTRL and choose the report link, the report opens in a new browser tab. This allows you to stay on this page while you explore the report in the other browser tab.

See also

Purchase reports
Ad hoc analysis of purchasing data
Purchasing analytics overview

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