Payment practices report

Authorities in some country/regions require large companies to report their payment practices and performance regarding how quickly they pay their vendors. For example, each year Swedish companies with 250 or more employees must report to the Swedish Companies Registration Office the payment times they have for purchases from smaller companies. Similar acts exist in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. The legislation is intended to protect smaller businesses from bearing financial burdens that late payments cause.


Only some countries currently require this type of reporting. Because the requirements are largely the same, this is a global feature that all countries/regions can use.

You can base the report on different sources, and can sort vendors based on their size or defined payment terms. Companies can provide reports for vendors for the following information, as required by local authorities:

  • The average agreed payment period.
  • The average actual payment term.
  • The percentage of invoices they paid within the agreed payment period.

You can select the period for which to run a calculation and to find details based on a grouping that you choose. For each of these groupings, you can find sourced entries.

Generate the report

To run the Payment Practices report, use the following steps:

  1. Select the Lightbulb that op the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Payment Practices, and then select the related link.

  2. Select New.

  3. On the General FastTab, enter values in the following fields:

    Field Description
    No. Specify the number of the entry or record for the report.
    Aggregation Type Specify how data is aggregated. If you choose Period, the report is covers the period defined in the Starting Date and Ending Date fields. If you choose Company Size, the report is based on the number of employees in the vendor company. Note: To use the Company Size option, you must first create sizes in the Company Sizes page and assign them to the relevant vendors in the Company Size Code field on the Vendor Card page.
    Header Type Specifies the source for entries in the payment practice, and you can choose Vendors, Customers or both.
    Starting Date Specifies the starting date of the payment practice.
    Ending Date Specifies the ending date of the payment practice.
  4. After you fill in the fields in the header, use the Generate action to generate the report data.

When you generate the report, Business Central fills in the Generated On and Generated By fields with the date and time it was generated and by whom, respectively.

Edit the results

Based on the selection in the Aggregation Type field, you get different lines. You can change the values on the lines. If you do, the report is marked as Modified Manually.

Review the calculations

To explore the calculations behind the values on the Statistics FastTab, choose the value in the field to open the Payment Practice Data List page.

To print the document, choose the Print action.

See also

Finance reports
Analyzing Financial Statements in Microsoft Excel
Accounts Receivable Reports and Analytics
Accounts Payable Reports and Analytics
Setting Up Finance
Local Functionality Overview

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