샘플: Google Maps API를 지리 공간 데이터 공급자로 사용하기 위한 맞춤 플러그인 만들기

사용자 지정 플러그 인을 사용하여 Field Service 및 Project Service에서 기본 Bing 지도 API를 사용하는 대신 선택한 데이터 공급자의 지리 공간 데이터를 사용할 수 있습니다.

샘플은 Google Maps API를 지리 공간 데이터 공급자로 사용할 사용자 지정 플러그 인(Dynamics 365)에서 사용 가능합니다.

필수 구성 요소

샘플 프로젝트를 다운로드하고 샘플 프로젝트에 사용되는 NuGet 패키지를 복원하려면 인터넷 연결이 필요합니다.

요구 사항

  • Dynamics 365 Field Service 솔루션을 Dynamics 365 (online) 인스턴스에 설치해야 합니다. 추가 정보: Field Service 설치 및 설정

  • 샘플의 GoogleDataContracts.cs 파일에 자체 Google API 키를 제공합니다.

    public const string GoogleApiKey = "<PROVIDE YOUR GOOGLE API KEY";


이 샘플에서는 Universal Resource Scheduling 에서 msdyn_GeocodeAddressmsdyn_RetrieveDistanceMatrix 작업에 대한 사용자 지정 플러그 인을 만들고 기본 기본 Bing 지도 API를 사용하는 대신 지리 공간 데이터에 Google Maps API를 사용하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

샘플 실행

이 샘플에서는 플러그 인 어셈블리 파일 : CustomPlugin-FS-Geospatial을 생성합니다.

  1. 샘플 리포지토리를 다운로드 또는 복제합니다.
  2. 컴퓨터에서 리포지토리를 다운로드하거나 복제한 위치로 이동하고 field-service/CustomPlugin-FS-Geospatial 폴더로 이동하고 CustomPlugin-FS-Geospatial.sln 파일을 두 번 클릭하여 Visual Studio에서 솔루션을 엽니다.
  3. Visual Studio에서 빌드>솔루션 빌드를 선택합니다. 프로젝트를 빌드할 때 NuGet 패키지를 자동으로 복원하는 옵션이 Visual Studio에서 활성화된 경우 솔루션에 사용되는 NuGet 패키지가 자동으로 다운로드됩니다. 추가 정보: NuGet 패키지 복원 사용 및 사용 안 함

샘플을 실행한 후

샘플을 성공적으로 실행(빌드)하고 하면 사용자 지정 플러그 인 어셈블리 파일 CustomPlugin-FS-Geospatial<Project>\bin\debug 폴더에서 사용할 수 있게 됩니다. 플러그 인을 사용하여 기본 Bing 지도 API 대신 Google Maps API를 사용할 수 있으려면 Dynamics 365 (online) 인스턴스에 샘플 사용자 지정 플러그 인 어셈블리를 등록하세요. 추가 정보: 사용자 지정 플러그 인 등록 및 배포

msdyn_GeocodeAddress 작업을 위한 플러그 인 샘플 코드

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples.GoogleDataContracts;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;

namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples

    /// <summary>
    /// msdyn_GeocodeAddress Plugin.
    /// </summary>  
    public class msdyn_GeocodeAddress : IPlugin
        const string PluginStatusCodeKey = "PluginStatus";
        const string Address1Key = "Line1";
        const string CityKey = "City";
        const string StateKey = "StateOrProvince";
        const string PostalCodeKey = "PostalCode";
        const string CountryKey = "Country";
        const string LatitudeKey = "Latitude";
        const string LongitudeKey = "Longitude";
        const string LcidKey = "Lcid";

        public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            if (serviceProvider == null)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("serviceProvider");

            // Obtain the execution context service from the service provider.
            IPluginExecutionContext PluginExecutionContext = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));

            // Obtain the organization factory service from the service provider.
            IOrganizationServiceFactory factory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));

            // Use the factory to generate the organization service.
            IOrganizationService OrganizationService = factory.CreateOrganizationService(PluginExecutionContext.UserId);

            // Obtain the tracing service from the service provider.
            ITracingService TracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));

            ExecuteGeocodeAddress(PluginExecutionContext, OrganizationService, TracingService);


        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve geocode address using Google Api
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pluginExecutionContext">Execution context</param>
        /// <param name="organizationService">Organization service</param>
        /// <param name="tracingService">Tracing service</param>
        /// <param name="notificationService">Notification service</param>
        public void ExecuteGeocodeAddress(IPluginExecutionContext pluginExecutionContext, IOrganizationService organizationService,  ITracingService tracingService)
            //Contains 5 fields (string) for individual parts of an address
            ParameterCollection InputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters;
            // Contains 2 fields (double) for resultant geolocation
            ParameterCollection OutputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.OutputParameters;
            //Contains 1 field (int) for status of previous and this plugin
            ParameterCollection SharedVariables = pluginExecutionContext.SharedVariables;

            tracingService.Trace("ExecuteGeocodeAddress started. InputParameters = {0}, OutputParameters = {1}", InputParameters.Count().ToString(), OutputParameters.Count().ToString());

                // If a plugin earlier in the pipeline has already geocoded successfully, quit 
                if ((double)OutputParameters[LatitudeKey] != 0d || (double)OutputParameters[LongitudeKey] != 0d) return;

                // Get user Lcid if request did not include it
                int Lcid = (int)InputParameters[LcidKey];
                string _address = string.Empty;
                if (Lcid == 0)
                    var userSettingsQuery = new QueryExpression("usersettings");
                    userSettingsQuery.ColumnSet.AddColumns("uilanguageid", "systemuserid");
                    userSettingsQuery.Criteria.AddCondition("systemuserid", ConditionOperator.Equal, pluginExecutionContext.InitiatingUserId);
                    var userSettings = organizationService.RetrieveMultiple(userSettingsQuery);
                    if (userSettings.Entities.Count > 0)
                        Lcid = (int)userSettings.Entities[0]["uilanguageid"];

                // Arrange the address components in a single comma-separated string, according to LCID
                _address = GisUtility.FormatInternationalAddress(Lcid,

                // Make Geocoding call to Google API
                WebClient client = new WebClient();
                var url = $"https://{GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer}{GoogleConstants.GoogleGeocodePath}/json?address={_address}&key={GoogleConstants.GoogleApiKey}";
                tracingService.Trace($"Calling {url}\n");
                string response = client.DownloadString(url);   // Post ...

                tracingService.Trace("Parsing response ...\n");
                DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(GeocodeResponse));    // Deserialize response json
                object objResponse = jsonSerializer.ReadObject(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response)));     // Get response as an object
                GeocodeResponse geocodeResponse = objResponse as GeocodeResponse;       // Unbox into our data contracted class for response

                tracingService.Trace("Response Status = " + geocodeResponse.Status + "\n");
                if (geocodeResponse.Status != "OK")
                    throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (Status {geocodeResponse.Status}).");

                tracingService.Trace("Checking geocodeResponse.Result...\n");
                if (geocodeResponse.Results != null)
                    if (geocodeResponse.Results.Count() == 1)
                        tracingService.Trace("Checking geocodeResponse.Result.Geometry.Location...\n");
                        if (geocodeResponse.Results.First()?.Geometry?.Location != null)
                            tracingService.Trace("Setting Latitude, Longitude in OutputParameters...\n");

                            // update output parameters
                            OutputParameters[LatitudeKey] = geocodeResponse.Results.First().Geometry.Location.Lat;
                            OutputParameters[LongitudeKey] = geocodeResponse.Results.First().Geometry.Location.Lng;

                        else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (missing Results[0].Geometry.Location)");
                    else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (more than 1 result returned)");
                else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (missing Results)");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Signal to subsequent plugins in this message pipeline that geocoding failed here.
                OutputParameters[LatitudeKey] = 0d;
                OutputParameters[LongitudeKey] = 0d;

                //TODO: You may need to decide which caught exceptions will rethrow and which ones will simply signal geocoding did not complete.
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(string.Format("Geocoding failed at {0} with exception -- {1}: {2}"
                    , GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer, ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message), ex);


msdyn_RetrieveDistanceMatrix 작업을 위한 플러그 인 샘플 코드

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples.GoogleDataContracts;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using static Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples.GoogleDataContracts.DistanceMatrixResponse.CResult.CElement;

namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples

    /// <summary>
    /// msdyn_RetrieveDistanceMatrix Plugin.
    /// </summary>
    public class msdyn_RetrieveDistance : IPlugin
        const string PluginStatusCodeKey = "PluginStatus";
        const string SourcesKey = "Sources";
        const string TargetsKey = "Targets";
        const string MatrixKey = "Result";

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the msdyn_RetrieveDistance class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unsecure"></param>
        /// <param name="secure"></param>
        public msdyn_RetrieveDistance(string unsecure, string secure)
            // TODO: Implement your custom configuration handling.

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the plugin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider"></param>
        public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            if (serviceProvider == null)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("serviceProvider");

            // Obtain the execution context service from the service provider.
            IPluginExecutionContext PluginExecutionContext = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));

            // Obtain the organization factory service from the service provider.
            IOrganizationServiceFactory factory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));

            // Use the factory to generate the organization service.
            IOrganizationService OrganizationService = factory.CreateOrganizationService(PluginExecutionContext.UserId);

            // Obtain the tracing service from the service provider.
            ITracingService TracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));

            ExecuteDistanceMatrix(PluginExecutionContext, OrganizationService, TracingService);


        public void ExecuteDistanceMatrix(IPluginExecutionContext pluginExecutionContext, IOrganizationService organizationService, ITracingService tracingService)
            //Contains 2 fields (EntityCollection) for sources and targets
            ParameterCollection InputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters;
            // Contains 1 field (EntityCollection) for results
            ParameterCollection OutputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.OutputParameters;
            //Contains 1 field (int) for status of previous and this plugin
            ParameterCollection SharedVariables = pluginExecutionContext.SharedVariables;

            tracingService.Trace("ExecuteDistanceMatrix started.  InputParameters = {0},OutputParameters = {1}", InputParameters.Count().ToString(), OutputParameters.Count().ToString());

                // If a plugin earlier in the pipeline has already retrieved a distance matrix successfully, quit 
                if (OutputParameters[MatrixKey] != null)
                    if (((EntityCollection)OutputParameters[MatrixKey]).Entities != null)
                        if (((EntityCollection)OutputParameters[MatrixKey]).Entities.Count > 0) return;

                // Make Distance Matrix call to Google API
                WebClient client = new WebClient();
                var url = String.Format($"https://{GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer}{GoogleConstants.GoogleDistanceMatrixPath}/json"
                    + "?units=imperial"
                    + $"&origins={string.Join("|", ((EntityCollection)InputParameters[SourcesKey]).Entities.Select(e => e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("latitude") + "," + e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("longitude")))}"
                    + $"&destinations={string.Join("|", ((EntityCollection)InputParameters[TargetsKey]).Entities.Select(e => e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("latitude") + "," + e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("longitude")))}"
                    + $"&key={GoogleConstants.GoogleApiKey}");
                tracingService.Trace($"Calling {url}\n");
                string response = client.DownloadString(url);   // Post ...

                tracingService.Trace("Parsing response ...\n");
                DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DistanceMatrixResponse));    // Deserialize response json
                object objResponse = jsonSerializer.ReadObject(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response)));     // Get response as an object
                DistanceMatrixResponse distancematrixResponse = objResponse as DistanceMatrixResponse;       // Unbox as our data contracted class for response

                tracingService.Trace("Response Status = " + distancematrixResponse.Status + "\n");
                if (distancematrixResponse.Status != "OK")
                    throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (Status={distancematrixResponse.Status}). {distancematrixResponse.ErrorMessage}");

                tracingService.Trace("Checking distancematrixResponse.Results...\n");
                if (distancematrixResponse.Rows != null)
                    tracingService.Trace("Parsing distancematrixResponse.Results.Elements...\n");

                    // build and update output parameter
                    var result = new EntityCollection();
                    result.Entities.AddRange(distancematrixResponse.Rows.Select(r => ToEntity(r.Columns.Select(c => ToEntity(c.Status, c.Duration, c.Distance)).ToArray())));
                    OutputParameters[MatrixKey] = result;

                else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (missing Rows)");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Signal to subsequent plugins in this message pipeline that retrieval of distance matrix failed here.
                OutputParameters[MatrixKey] = null;

                //TODO: You may need to decide which caught exceptions will rethrow and which ones will simply signal geocoding did not complete.
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(string.Format("Geocoding failed at {0} with exception -- {1}: {2}"
                    , GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer, ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message), ex);

            // For debugging purposes, throw an exception to see the details of the parameters
            CreateExceptionWithDetails("Debugging...", InputParameters, OutputParameters, SharedVariables);

        private Entity ToEntity(string status, CProperty duration, CProperty meters)
            var e = new Entity("organization");
            e["status"] = status;
            if (status.ToUpper() == "OK")
                e["miles"] = meters.Value * 0.000621371d;      // Convert to miles
                e["duration"] = duration.Value;
            {                                        // either NOT_FOUND or ZERO_RESULTS
                e["miles"] = 0d;
                e["duration"] = 0d;
            return e;

        private Entity ToEntity(params Entity[] entities)
            var c = new EntityCollection();
            var e = new Entity("organization");
            e[MatrixKey] = c;
            return e;

        private void CreateExceptionWithDetails(string message, ParameterCollection inputs, ParameterCollection outputs, ParameterCollection shareds)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(message + "\n");
            sb.AppendLine("InputParameters -- ");
            foreach (var item in inputs)
                sb.AppendLine("\t" + item.Key + " : '" + item.Value + "' ");
                if (((EntityCollection)item.Value).Entities != null)
                    ((EntityCollection)item.Value).Entities.ToList().ForEach(e => sb.AppendLine("\t\t" + e.GetAttributeValue<double>("latitude").ToString() + "," + e.GetAttributeValue<double>("longitude").ToString()));
            if (outputs != null)
                sb.AppendLine("OutputParameters -- ");
                foreach (var item in outputs)
                    sb.AppendLine("\t" + item.Key + " : '" + item.Value + "' ");
                    if (item.Value != null)
                        if (((EntityCollection)item.Value).Entities != null)
                            ((EntityCollection)item.Value).Entities.ToList().ForEach(r => {
                                sb.AppendLine("\t\t" + r.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(MatrixKey).ToString());
                                if (r.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(MatrixKey).Entities != null)
                                    r.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(MatrixKey).Entities.ToList().ForEach(e => sb.AppendLine("\t\t" + e.GetAttributeValue<double>("distance").ToString() + "," + e.GetAttributeValue<double>("duration").ToString()));

            sb.AppendLine("SharedVariables -- ");
            foreach (var item in shareds) sb.AppendLine("\t" + item.Key + " : '" + item.Value + "' ");
            throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(sb.ToString());

개인정보취급방침 고지 사항

사용자는 샘플 코드를 사용하여 개인 정보 보호 및 보안 관행이 Microsoft Dynamics 365와 다를 수 있는 타사 서비스와 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. 타사 서비스에 제출하는 데이터는 해당 개인정보취급방침에 따릅니다. 의심의 소지를 없애기 위해 Microsoft Dynamics 365에서 공유되는 데이터는 사용자의 Microsoft Dynamics 365 계약 또는 해당 Microsoft Dynamics 365 보안 센터에 적용되지 않습니다. 이러한 다른 개인 정보 취급 방침을 검토하는 것이 좋습니다.


사용자 지정 플러그인을 생성하여 선호하는 지리 공간 데이터 공급자 사용

사용자 지정 플러그인을 등록 및 배포하여 선호하는 지리 공간 데이터 공급자 사용