cmdlet을 통해 자동 전화 교환 만들기


  1. PowerShell이 컴퓨터에 설치됨

    • Windows PowerShell 컴퓨터 설정

    • MSTeams 모듈 설치됨

      Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber
    • 설치된 Microsoft Graph 모듈

      Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Force -AllowClobber
  2. 테넌트 관리 권한이 있습니다.

  3. Microsoft Teams 전화 구입했습니다.

  4. 다음 호출 큐는 PowerShell cmdlet을 사용하여 통화 큐 만들기 가이드를 사용하여 설정되었습니다.

참고 항목

다음 cmdlet 중 일부는 Teams PowerShell 모듈의 공개 미리 보기 버전에 포함될 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 Teams PowerShell 공개 미리 보기 설치 를 참조하고 Microsoft Teams PowerShell 릴리스 정보도 참조하세요.

MicrosoftTeams 모듈이 이미 설치된 사용자는 최신 버전이 설치되어 있는지 확인해야 합니다 Update-Module MicrosoftTeams .


다음 자동 전화 교환 호출 흐름이 빌드됩니다.

cmdlet을 사용하여 빌드되는 자동 전화 교환 호출 흐름의 다이어그램

유용한 구성 정보:

  • 자동 전화 교환: Contoso Main

    • 운영자: 아델 밴스
    • 음성 입력 사용: 끄기
    • 디렉터리 검색: 없음
    • 휴일:
      • 2022년 1월 1일
      • 2022년 12월 24일
      • 2022년 12월 25일
  • 자동 전화 교환: Contoso Dial by Name

    • 운영자: 아델 밴스
    • 표준 시간대: UTC
    • 언어: 영어 미국
    • 음성 입력 사용: 켜기
    • 인사말: 없음
    • 메뉴: TTS, "연결하려는 사람의 이름을 말하거나 입력하세요. 이전 메뉴로 돌아가려면 9"를 누릅니다.
    • 디렉터리 검색: 이름으로 전화 걸기
    • 전화 걸기 범위: 영업 & 지원 멤버


Teams 관리자 자격 증명을 입력하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다.

$credential = Get-Credential
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $credential
Connect-MgGraph -Credential $credential

운영자 정보 가져오기

$operatorID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity

$operatorEntity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $operatorID -Type User

전화 걸기 이름 자동 전화 교환 - 리소스 계정 만들기

참고: 기본 자동 전화 교환에서 참조할 수 있도록 여기에 리소스 계정을 만듭니다. 실제 Dial By Name 자동 전화 교환은 나중에 만들어집니다.

라이선스 유형 가져오기


리소스 계정 만들기 및 할당

참고: 전화 큐가 자동 전화 교환으로 종료되므로 여기에 전화 번호가 필요하지 않습니다.

  • ApplicationID
    • 자동 전화 교환: ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07
    • 통화 큐: 11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName -DisplayName "Contoso Dial By Name AA" -ApplicationID "ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07"

Update-MgUser -UserId "" -UsageLocation US

Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses @(contoso:PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER) -RemoveLicenses @()

$dialByNameApplicationInstanceID = (Get-CsOnlineUser "").Identity

Contoso 주 메뉴 자동 전화 교환

휴일 일정 만들기

$dtr = New-CsOnlineDateTimeRange -Start "24/12/2022" -End "25/12/2022"

$christmasSchedule = New-CsOnlineSchedule -Name "Christmas" -FixedSchedule -DateTimeRanges @($dtr)

$dtr = New-CsOnlineDateTimeRange -Start "01/01/2022" -End "02/01/2022"

$newyearSchedule = New-CsOnlineSchedule -Name "New Year" -FixedSchedule -DateTimeRanges @($dtr)

주소, 팩스 및 Email 정보 프롬프트 만들기

$addressPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "To repeat this information at any time press the * key. Our mailing address is: 123 Main Street, Any town, Any Place, County. Our email address is: Our fax number is: 929-555-0151"

휴일 프롬프트 및 메뉴 옵션 만들기

$christmasGreetingPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "Thank you for calling Contoso. Our offices ae currently closed for the Christmas holiday. Our Sales and Support teams will be happy to take your call on the next business day. Regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm eastern time. Thank you for calling Contoso."

$christmasMenuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action DisconnectCall -DtmfResponse Automatic

$christmasMenu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "Christmas Menu" -MenuOptions @($christmasMenuOption)

$christmasCallFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "Christmas" -Greetings @($christmasGreetingPrompt) -Menu $christmasMenu

$christmasCallHandlingAssociation = New-CsAutoAttendantCallHandlingAssociation -Type Holiday -ScheduleId $christmasSchedule.Id -CallFlowId $christmasCallFlow.Id

$newyearGreetingPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "Thank you for calling Contoso. Our offices ae currently closed for the New Year's holiday. Our Sales and Support teams will be happy to take your call on the next business day. Regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm eastern time. Thank you for calling Contoso."

$newyearMenuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action DisconnectCall -DtmfResponse Automatic

$newyearMenu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "New Year Menu" -MenuOptions @($newyearMenuOption)

$newyearCallFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "New Year" -Greetings @($newyearGreetingPrompt) -Menu $newyearMenu

$newyearCallHandlingAssociation = New-CsAutoAttendantCallHandlingAssociation -Type Holiday -ScheduleId $newyearSchedule.Id -CallFlowId $newyearCallFlow.Id

시간 후 일정 만들기

$timerangeMoFr = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 08:30 -end 17:00

$timerangeSa = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 10:00 -end 16:00

$afterHoursSchedule = New-CsOnlineSchedule -Name "After Hours Schedule" -WeeklyRecurrentSchedule -MondayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -TuesdayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -WednesdayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -ThursdayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -FridayHours @($timerangeMoFr) -SaturdayHours @($timerangeSa) -Complement

시간 후 만들기 프롬프트 및 메뉴 옵션

$afterHoursGreetingPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "Thank you for calling Contoso. Our offices are now closed. Regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm eastern time."

$afterHoursMenuPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "To leave a voicemail for our sales team press 1. To leave a message for our support team press 2. If you know the name of the person you would like to reach, press 3. For our address, email and fax information press 4."

$afterHoursMenuOption1Target = (Get-Team -displayname "Sales").GroupID

$afterHoursMenuOption1Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $afterHoursMenuOption1Target -Type SharedVoiceMail -EnableTranscription -EnableSharedVoicemailSystemPromptSuppression

$afterHoursMenuOption1 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone1 -CallTarget $afterHoursMenuOption1Entity

$afterHoursMenuOption2Target = (Get-Team -displayname "Support").GroupID

$afterHoursMenuOption2Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $afterHoursMenuOption2Target -Type SharedVoicemail -EnableTranscription -EnableSharedVoicemailSystemPromptSuppression

$afterHoursMenuOption2 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone2 -CallTarget $afterHoursMenuOption2Entity

$dialbynameAAOption3Target = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity

$dialbynameAAMenuOption3Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $dialbynameAAOption3Target -Type applicationendpoint

$dialbynameAAMenuOption3 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone3 -CallTarget $dialbynameAAMenuOption3Entity

$afterHoursMenuOption4 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action Announcement -DtmfResponse Tone4 -Prompt $addressPrompt

시간 후 만들기 메뉴 및 통화 흐름

$afterHoursMenu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "After Hours Menu" -MenuOptions @($afterHoursMenuOption1, $afterHoursMenuOption2, $dialbynameAAMenuOption3, $afterHoursMenuOption4) -Prompt $afterHoursMenuPrompt

$afterHoursCallFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "After Hours Call Flow" -Greetings @($afterHoursGreetingPrompt) -Menu $afterHoursMenu

$afterHoursCallHandlingAssociation = New-CsAutoAttendantCallHandlingAssociation -Type AfterHours -ScheduleId $afterHoursSchedule.Id -CallFlowId $afterHoursCallFlow.Id

열린 시간 프롬프트 및 메뉴 옵션 만들기

$openHoursGreetingPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt " Thank you for calling Contoso."

$openHoursMenuPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "For Sales press 1. For Support press 2. If you know the name of the person you would like to reach, press 3. For our address, email and fax information, press 4. For all other inquiries press 0 to speak with the operator."

$openHoursMenuOption1Target = (Get-CsOnlineUser "").Identity

$openHoursMenuOption1Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $openHoursMenuOption1Target -Type applicationendpoint

$openHoursMenuOption1 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone1 -CallTarget $openHoursMenuOption1Entity

$openHoursMenuOption2Target = (Get-CsOnlineUser "").Identity

$openHoursMenuOption2Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $openHoursMenuOption2Target -Type applicationendpoint

$openHoursMenuOption2 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone2 -CallTarget $openHoursMenuOption2Entity

$openHoursMenuOption4 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action Announcement -DtmfResponse Tone4 -Prompt $addressPrompt

$openHoursMenuOption0 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToOperator -DtmfResponse Tone0

영업 시간 만들기 메뉴

$openHoursMenu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "Open Hours Menu" -MenuOptions @($openHoursMenuOption1, $openHoursMenuOption2, $dialbynameAAMenuOption3, $openHoursMenuOption4, $openHoursMenuOption0) -Prompt $openHoursMenuPrompt

$openHoursCallFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "Open Hours Call Flow" -Greetings @($openHoursGreetingPrompt) -Menu $openHoursMenu

자동 전화 교환 만들기

$autoAttendant = New-CsAutoAttendant -Name "Contoso Main" -DefaultCallFlow $openHoursCallFlow -CallFlows @($afterHoursCallFlow, $christmasCallFlow, $newyearCallFlow) -CallHandlingAssociations @($afterHoursCallHandlingAssociation, $christmasCallHandlingAssociation, $newyearCallHandlingAssociation) -LanguageId "en-US" -TimeZoneId "Eastern Standard Time" -Operator $operatorEntity

라이선스 유형 가져오기


리소스 계정 만들기 및 할당

  • ApplicationID
    • 자동 전화 교환: ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07
    • 통화 큐: 11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName -DisplayName "Contoso Main AA" -ApplicationID "ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07"

Update-MgUser -UserId "" -UsageLocation US

$Sku = Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'contoso:PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER'
$addLicenses = @(
@{SkuId = $Sku.SkuId}

Set-MgUserLicense -UserId '' -AddLicenses $addLicenses -RemoveLicenses @()

$applicationInstanceID = (Get-CsOnlineUser "").Identity

$autoAttendantID = (Get-CsAutoAttendant -NameFilter "Contoso Main").Identity

New-CsOnlineApplicationInstanceAssociation -Identities @($applicationInstanceID) -ConfigurationID $autoAttendantID -ConfigurationType AutoAttendant

할당되지 않은 서비스 번호 목록 가져오기

Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -PstnAssignmentStatus Unassigned -CapabilitiesContain VoiceApplicationAssignment

사용 가능한 전화 번호 할당

참고: 전화 번호에 할당된 사용 위치는 리소스 계정에 할당된 사용 위치와 일치해야 합니다.

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity -PhoneNumber +{spare number from output of above command} -PhoneNumberType CallingPlan

전화 걸기 이름 자동 전화 교환 - 완료

다이얼 범위 만들기

$salesGroupID = Find-CsGroup -SearchQuery "Sales" | % { $_.Id }

$supportGroupID = Find-CsGroup -SearchQuery "Support" | % { $_.Id }

$dialScope = New-CsAutoAttendantDialScope -GroupScope -GroupIds @($salesGroupID, $supportGroupID)

프롬프트 및 메뉴 옵션 만들기

$dialByNameMenuPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "Please say or enter the name of the person you would like to reach. To return to the previous menu press 9."

$dialByNameMenuOption9Target = (Get-CsOnlineUser "").Identity

$dialByNameMenuOption9Entity = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity -Identity $dialByNameMenuOption9Target -Type applicationendpoint

$dialByNameMenuOption9 = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption -Action TransferCallToTarget -DtmfResponse Tone9 -CallTarget $dialByNameMenuOption9Entity

$dialByNameMenu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "Contoso Dial By Name AA" -MenuOptions @($dialByNameMenuOption9) -Prompt $dialByNameMenuPrompt

$dialByNameMenu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu -Name "Contoso Dial By Name AA" -MenuOptions @($dialByNameMenuOption9) -Prompt $dialByNameMenuPrompt -EnableDialByName -DirectorySearchMethod ByName

$dialByNameCallFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow -Name "Contoso Dial By Name Call Flow" -Menu $dialByNameMenu

$dialByNameAutoAttendant = New-CsAutoAttendant -Name "Contoso Dial By Name" -DefaultCallFlow $dialByNameCallFlow -LanguageId "en-US" -TimeZoneId "UTC" -Operator $operatorEntity -EnableVoiceResponse -InclusionScope $dialScope

리소스 계정 할당

New-CsOnlineApplicationInstanceAssociation -Identities @($dialByNameApplicationInstanceID) -ConfigurationID $dialByNameAutoAttendant.Id -ConfigurationType AutoAttendant