6 Appendix A: Product Behavior

The information in this specification is applicable to the following Microsoft products or supplemental software. References to product versions include updates to those products.

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022

Exceptions, if any, are noted in this section. If an update version, service pack or Knowledge Base (KB) number appears with a product name, the behavior changed in that update. The new behavior also applies to subsequent updates unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appears with the product version, behavior is different in that product edition.

Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optional behavior in this specification that is prescribed using the terms "SHOULD" or "SHOULD NOT" implies product behavior in accordance with the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified, the term "MAY" implies that the product does not follow the prescription.

<1> Section 1.4:  The following table identifies Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular mode compatibility levels of 1200 and higher and the products to which they are applicable. Newer releases of Analysis Services support Tabular mode compatibility levels at 1200 and higher. For example, Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Analysis Services supports Tabular mode compatibility levels 1200, 1400, 1500, and 1600.

SSAS Tabular mode compatibility level

Product introduced


SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services


SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services


SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services


SQL Server 2022 Analysis Services

<2> Section  The ImpactType field is defined as optional. However, in SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services, the xsd:minOccurs="0" attribute for the ImpactType field is missing from the XSD in the rowset.

<3> Section Microsoft implementations do not support the StorageLocation property.

<4> Section Analysis Services requires this value to be a valid Windows culture name, such as "en-US" or "de-DE".

<5> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the DataAccessOptions property.

<6> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the DefaultMeasureID property.

<7> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the ForceUniqueNames property.

<8> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the DiscourageImplicitMeasures property.

<9> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the DataSourceDefaultMaxConnections property.

<10> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SourceQueryCulture property.

<11> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the MAttributes property.

<12> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the DiscourageCompositeModels property.

<13> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the AutomaticAggregationOptions property.

<14> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the MaxParallelismPerRefresh property.

<15> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the MaxParallelismPerQuery property.

<16> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "Structured" enumeration value.

<17> Section In Analysis Services, the behavior of the value "Default" is dependent upon the context in which impersonation is used.

<18> Section In Analysis Services, the user account is the Windows user account.

<19> Section Microsoft implementations do not support the Snapshot value.

<20> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the ConnectionDetails property.

<21> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the Options property.

<22> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the Credential property.

<23> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the ContextExpression property.

<24> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the ShowAsVariationsOnly property.

<25> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the IsPrivate property.

<26> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the DefaultDetailRowsDefinitionID property.

<27> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the CalculationGroupID property.

<28> Section Analysis Services does not support the RefreshPolicyID property.

<29> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the ExcludeFromModelRefresh property.

<30> Section Analysis Services does not support the AlternateSourcePrecedence property.

<31> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the LineageTag property.

<32> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SourceLineageTag property.

<33> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SystemManaged property.

<34> Section Analysis Services does not support the ExcludeFromAutomaticAggregations property.

<35> Section  For more information on the use of DefaultDetails, see [MSDN-DEFDETAILS].

<36> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the EncodingHint property.

<37> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the LineageTag property.

<38> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SourceLineageTag property.

<39> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "M" value of the Type property.

<40> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "Entity" value of the Type property.

<41> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the "CalculationGroup" value of the Type property.

<42> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support DirectQuery mode for models at compatibility level 1400.

<43> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the RetainDataTillForceCalculate property.

<44> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the QueryGroupID property.

<45> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the ExpressionSourceID property.

<46> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the MAttributes property.

<47> Section By default, the ToCardinality property can only be set to 'One'.

<48> Section  SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the "None" value of the SecurityFilteringBehavior property.

<49> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the DetailRowsDefinitionID property.

<50> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2022 Analysis Services do not support the FormatStringDefinitionID property for the Measure object.

<51> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the DataCategory property.

<52> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the LineageTag property.

<53> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SourceLineageTag property.

<54> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the HideMembers property.

<55> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the LineageTag property.

<56> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SourceLineageTag property.

<57> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the LineageTag property.

<58> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SourceLineageTag property.

<59> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "TM_TYPEID_Variation" value of the ObjectType property.

<60> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "TM_TYPEID_Expression" value of the ObjectType property.

<61> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "TM_TYPEID_ColumnPermission" value of the ObjectType property.

<62> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the "TM_TYPEID_CalculationGroup" value of the ObjectType property.

<63> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the "TM_TYPEID_QueryGroup" value of the ObjectType property.

<64> Section Analysis Services provides a list of known values; however, other values are possible. Because StatusGraphic is a string property, each client can define and use its own specific set of known values. Examples of possible values for the StatusGraphic property include:

  • Five Bars Colored

  • Road Signs

  • Three Circles Colored

  • Three Flags Colored

  • Three Stars Colored

  • Traffic Light

These are not fixed or standard values and can be replaced with any suitable alternatives, or a completely new value can be defined and used.

<65> Section Because TrendGraphic is a string property, each client can define and use its own specific set of known values. Examples of possible values for the TrendGraphic property include:

  • Standard Arrow

  • Status Arrow - Ascending

  • Status Arrow - Descending

  • Smiley Face

These are not fixed or standard values and can be replaced with any suitable alternatives, or a completely new value can be defined and used.

<66> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "TM_TYPEID_Variation" value.

<67> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the "TM_TYPEID_Expression" value.

<68> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the Altered property.

<69> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the ContentType property.

<70> Section In Analysis Services, the only supported value is an empty string, which indicates that Windows authentication is used.

<71> Section The MemberType property is always "Auto" for the Windows identity provider.

<72> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the MetadataPermission property.

<73> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the Variation object.

<74> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the ExtendedProperty object.

<75> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the Expression object.

<76> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the QueryGroupID property.

<77> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the ParameterValuesColumnID property.

<78> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the MAttributes property.

<79> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the LineageTag property.

<80> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services, and SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services do not support the SourceLineageTag property.

<81> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the ColumnPermission object.

<82> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services does not support the DetailRowsDefinition object.

<83> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the CalculationGroup object.

<84> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the CalculationItem object.

<85> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the FormatStringDefinition object. SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2022 Analysis Services support the FormatStringDefinition object for only the CalculationItem object.

<86> Section SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the QueryGroup object.

<87> Section  SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services do not support the RefreshPolicy object.

<88> Section The ID property is required to alter an annotation.

<89> Section When the attach command is specified, the command succeeds and the database is attached to the server. However, in SQL Server 2019 earlier than SQL Server 2019 Cumulative Update 3 (CU3), a message is returned that indicates the failure of the attach command.