Add Class from Typelib Wizard


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The latest version of this topic can be found at Add Class from Typelib Wizard.

Use this wizard to add an MFC class from an available type library. The wizard creates a class for each interface you add from the selected type library.

Add class from
Specifies the location of the type library, from which the class is created.

Option Description
Registry The type library is registered in the system. Registered type libraries are listed in Available type libraries.
File The type library is not necessarily registered in the system but is contained in a file. You must provide the file location in Location.

Available type libraries
Lists the type libraries currently registered in the system. Select a type library from this list to display its interfaces in the Interfaces list.

See "Inside Distributed COM: Type Libraries and Language Integration" in the MSDN library for more information about registering type libraries.

Specifies the location of the type library. If you click File under Add Class From, you can provide the location of the file containing the type library. To browse to the location of the file, click the ellipsis button.

Lists the interfaces in the type library currently selected in the Available type libraries list.

Transfer button Description
> Adds the interface currently selected in the Interfaces list. Dimmed if no interface is selected.
>> Adds all the interfaces in the type library currently selected in the Available type libraries list.
< Removes the class currently selected in the Generated classes list. Dimmed if no class is currently selected in the Generated classes list.
<< Removes all the classes in the Generated classes list. Dimmed if the Generated classes list is empty.

Generated classes
Specifies the class names to be generated from the interfaces added using the > or >> button. You can click this box to select a class, and then use the up or down keys to scroll through the list, viewing each class name in the Class box and file name in the File box that the wizard generates when you click Finish. You can select only one class at a time in this box.

You can remove a class by selecting it in this list and clicking <. You do not need to select a class in the Generated classes box to remove all classes; by clicking <<, you remove all classes in the Generated classes box.

Specifies the name of the class selected in the Generated classes box that the wizard adds when you click Finish. You can edit the name in the Class box.

Sets the name of the header file for the new class. By default, this name is based on the name you provide in Generated classes. Click the ellipsis button to save the file name to the location of your choice, or to append the class declaration to an existing file. If you choose an existing file, the wizard will not save it to the selected location until you click Finish in the wizard.

The wizard does not overwrite a file. If you select the name of an existing file, when you click Finish, the wizard prompts you to indicate whether the class declaration should be appended to the contents of the file. Click Yes to append the file; click No to return to the wizard and specify another file name.

See Also

MFC Class from a Type Library
Automation Clients: Using Type Libraries