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Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This structure contains information about a network service or a network service type.


typedef struct _SERVICE_INFO { 
  LPGUID lpServiceType; 
  LPTSTR lpServiceName; 
  LPTSTR lpComment; 
  LPTSTR lpLocale; 
  DWORD dwDisplayHint; 
  DWORD dwVersion; 
  DWORD dwTime; 
  LPTSTR lpMachineName; 
  LPSERVICE_ADDRESSES lpServiceAddress; 
  BLOB ServiceSpecificInfo; 


  • lpServiceType
    Pointer to a GUID that is the type of the network service.
  • lpServiceName
    Pointer to a zero-terminated string that is the name of the network service.
  • lpComment
    Pointer to a zero-terminated string that is a comment or description for the network service, for example, Used for development upgrades.
  • lpLocale
    Pointer to a zero-terminated string that contains locale information.
  • dwDisplayHint
    Specifies a hint as to how to display the network service in a network browsing user interface. The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description


    Displays the network service as a domain.


    Displays the network service as a file.


    The method used to display the object does not matter.


    Displays the network service as a group.


    Displays the network service as a server.


    Displays the network service as a sharepoint.


    Displays the network service as a tree.

  • dwVersion
    Version information for the network service. The high word of this value specifies a major version number. The low word of this value specifies a minor version number.
  • dwTime
    Reserved for future use. This must be set to zero.
  • lpMachineName
    Pointer to a zero-terminated string that is the name of the computer on which the network service is running.
  • lpServiceAddress
    Pointer to a SERVICE_ADDRESSESstructure that contains an array of SERVICE_ADDRESSstructures. Each SERVICE_ADDRESS structure contains information about a network service address.

    A network service can call the getsockname (Windows Sockets) function to determine the local address of the system.

  • ServiceSpecificInfo
    A BLOB (Windows Sockets) structure that specifies service-defined information.


    In general, the data pointed to by the BLOB structure's pBlobData member must not contain any pointers. That is because only the network service knows the format of the data; copying the data without such knowledge would lead to pointer invalidation. If the data pointed to by pBlobData contains variable-sized elements, offsets from pBlobData can be used to indicate the location of those elements. The exception to this general rule occurs when pBlobData points to a SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS structure. This is possible because both the SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS structure, and any SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS structures it contains are predefined, and thus their formats are known to the operating system.


Header winsock2.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also


BLOB (Windows Sockets)