
A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This function initiates the generation of the specified digits on the specified call as in-band tones using the specified signaling mode. Invoking this function while digit or tone generation is in progress aborts the current digit or tone generation. Passing a NULL value for the lpsDigits parameter generates no new digits.


Only one in-band generation request at a time (tone generation or digit generation) can be in progress per call.


LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineGenerateDigits(
  HDRVCALL hdCall,
  DWORD dwEndToEndID, 
  DWORD dwDigitMode,
  LPCWSTR lpszDigits, 
  DWORD dwDuration 


  • hdCall
    Handle to the call on which digit generation is to be done.
  • dwEndToEndID
    This unique request identifier should be stored by the service provider and passed back as dwParam2 to the LINEEVENT procedure when the digit generation is completed.
  • dwDigitMode
    Format to be used for signaling these digits. This parameter uses one and only one of the LINEDIGITMODE constants.
  • lpszDigits
    P to a null-terminated Unicode character buffer that contains the digits to be generated. A comma injects an extra delay between the signaling of the previous and next digits it separates. The duration of this pause is configuration defined. The line's device capabilities indicate what this duration is. Multiple commas can be used to inject longer pauses. Invalid digits are ignored during the generation, rather than being reported as an error.
  • dwDuration
    Value that specifies both the duration in milliseconds of DTMF digits and pulse and DTMF inter-digit spacing. A value of zero uses a default value. The dwDuration parameter must be within the range specified by MinDialParams to MaxDialParams in LINEDEVCAPS. If out of range, the actual value is set by the service provider to the nearest value in the range. This parameter is not validated by TAPI when this function is called.

Return Value

Returns zero if the function succeeds or an error number if an error occurs. The following table shows the return values for this function.

Value Description


The handle to the call is invalid.


Not enough memory is available.


The call state is invalid.


The operation is unavailable.


The digit mode is invalid.


The operation failed.


The resource is unavailable


The call state of hdCall can be any state.

The TSPI_lineGenerateDigits function is considered to have completed successfully when the digit generation is successfully initiated; not when all digits are generated.

After all digits in lpsDigits are generated, or after digit generation is aborted or canceled, a LINE_GENERATE message is sent to TAPI.

Only one inband generation request (tone generation or digit generation) is allowed to be in progress per call. This implies that if digit generation is currently in progress on a call, invoking either TSPI_lineGenerateDigits or the TSPI_lineGenerateTone function cancels the digit generation. The service provider must terminate any digit generation in progress when a subsequent TSPI_lineGenerateDigits or TSPI_lineGenerateTone is invoked. Invoking TSPI_lineGenerateDigits with lpszDigits set to NULL cancels any current digit (or tone) generation.

The corresponding function at the TAPI level does not include the formal parameter dwEndToEndID. At that level, there is no end-to-end marking. TAPI uses end-to-end marking at the TSPI level to disambiguate one TSPI_lineGenerateDigits request from another.


Header tapicomn.h
Library coredll.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also

