Setting the Capture Frame Rate

A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


Before you can set the frame rate for capturing video you must first determine the frame rates that a capture device supports. You can do this by first calling IAMStreamConfig::GetNumberOfCapabilities and then making successive calls to IAMStreamConfig::GetStreamCaps to enumerate the capabilities for a particular media type. Each set of capabilities is described in an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure. For video data, the media format is FORMAT_VideoInfo2 so the AM_MEDIA_TYPE.pbFormat member points to a VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. The supported frame rate for the media type is contained in VIDEOINFOHEADER2.AvgTimePerFrame.

You can set one of the supported frame rates by preparing an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure and then calling IAMStreamConfig::SetFormat.

See Also


Video Capture Tasks