XML DOM Properties

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The following table shows the XML DOM properties, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description

async Property

Specifies if asynchronous download is permitted.

attributes Property

Contains the list of attributes for this node.

baseName Property

Returns the base name for the name qualified with the namespace.

childNodes Property

Contains a node list containing the children nodes.

context Property

Gets the node (subtree) that is applied to the selection.

data Property (IXMLDOMCharacterData)

Stores the node data depending on the node type.

data Property (IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction)

Retrieves and sets the content of the processing instruction, excluding the target.

dataType Property

Specifies the data type for this node.

definition Property

Returns the definition of the node in the document type definition (DTD) or schema.

doctype Property

Contains the document type node that specifies the document type definition (DTD) for this document.

documentElement Property

Contains the root element of the document.

entities Property

Contains a list of the entities declared in the DOCTYPE declaration.

errorCode Property

Contains the error code of the last parse error.

expr Property

Gets or sets the XML Path Language (XPath) expression string.

filepos Property

Contains the absolute file position where the error occurred.

firstChild Property

Contains the first child of the node.

implementation Property

Contains IXMLDOMImplementation for the document.

input Property

Specifies which XML input tree to transform.

lastChild Property

Returns the last child node.

length Property (IXMLDOMCharacterData)

Specifies the length, in characters, of the data.

length Property (IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap)

Indicates the number of items in the collection.

length Property (IXMLDOMNodeList)

Indicates the number of items in the collection.

length Property (XMLSchemaCache/IXMLSchemaCollection)

Returns the number of namespaces currently in the collection.

line Property

Specifies the line number that contains the error.

linepos Property

Contains the character position within the line where the error occurred.

name Property (IXMLDOMAttribute)

Contains the attribute name.

name Property (IXMLDOMDocumentType)

Contains the name of the document type.

namespaces Property

Returns the list of namespaces used in the document as XMLSchemaCache.

namespaceURI Property (IXMLDOMNode)

Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the namespace.

namespaceURI Property (XMLSchemaCache/IXMLSchemaCollection)

Returns the namespace at the specified index.

nextSibling Property

Contains the next sibling of the node in the parent's child list.

nodeName Property

Contains the qualified name of the element, attribute, or entity reference, or a fixed string for other node types.

nodeType Property

Specifies the XML Document Object Model (DOM) node type, which determines valid values and whether the node can have child nodes.

nodeTypedValue Property

Contains the node value expressed in its defined data type.

nodeTypeString Property

Returns the node type in string form.

nodeValue Property

Contains the text associated with the node.

notationName Property

Contains the notation name.

notations Property

Contains a list of the IXMLDOMNotation members that are present in the document type declaration.

ondataavailable Property

Specifies the event handler for the ondataavailable Event.

onreadystatechange Property (DOMDocument)

Specifies the event handler to be called when the onreadystatechange Property (DOMDocument) changes.

ontransformnode Property

Specifies the event handler for the ontransformnode event.

output Property

Gets a custom output to write the result of the transformation.

ownerDocument Property

Returns the root of the document that contains the node.

parentNode Property

Contains the parent node.

parsed Property

Indicates the parsed status of the node and child nodes.

parseError Property

Returns IXMLDOMParseError that contains information about the last parsing error.

prefix Property

Returns the namespace prefix.

preserveWhiteSpace Property

Specifies the default white space handling.

previousSibling Property

Contains the previous sibling of the node in the parent's child list.

publicId Property (IXMLDOMEntity)

Contains the public identifier associated with the entity.

publicId Property (IXMLDOMNotation)

Contains the public identifier for the notation.

readyState Property (DOMDocument)

Indicates the current state of the XML document.

reason Property

Describes the reason for the error.

resolveExternals Property

Indicates whether external definitions, resolvable namespaces, document type definition (DTD) external subsets, and external entity references, are to be resolved at parse time, independent of validation.

schemas Property

Finds schema documents during load.

specified Property

Indicates whether the node (usually an attribute) is explicitly specified or derived from a default value in the document type definition (DTD) or schema.

srcText Property

Returns the full text of the line containing the error.

systemId Property (IXMLDOMEntity)

Contains the system identifier associated with the entity.

systemId Property (IXMLDOMNotation)

Contains the system identifier for the notation.

tagName Property

Contains the element name.

target Property

Specifies the target for the processing instruction.

text Property

Represents the text content of the node or the concatenated text representing the node and its descendants.

url Property (DOMDocument)

Returns the URL for the last loaded XML document.

url Property (IXMLDOMParseError)

Contains the URL of the XML document containing the last error.

validateOnParse Property

Indicates whether the parser should validate this document.

value Property

Contains the attribute value.

xml Property

Contains the XML representation of the node and all its descendants.

See Also


XML DOM Reference

Other Resources

XML Core Services and Document Object Model