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Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


The SimReadPhonebookEntries function reads extended phone book entries on the SIM card. The extended phone book entries are specified by a starting index and the number of entries that need to be read. This function is part of the SIM Manager API set that enables access to information stored on the SIM or USIM card.


HRESULT SimReadPhonebookEntries(
  HSIM hSim,
  DWORD dwLocation,
  DWORD dwStartIndex,
  LPDWORD lpdwCount,
  LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize


  • hSim
    Points to a valid HSIM handle.
  • dwLocation
    A phone book storage location value; equal to one of the SIM_PBSTORAGE constant values.


    Emergency dial list.


    SIM fixed dialing list.


    SIM last dialing list.


    SIM own numbers lists.


    General SIM Storage.

  • dwStartIndex
    Starting index in the range of entries to retrieve.
  • lpdwCount
    On input, the total number of entries to read starting from dwStartIndex. On output, if the function succeeds the actual number of SIMPHONEBOOKENTRYEX structures returned in lpEntries.
  • lpEntries
    Buffer to hold an array of SIMPHONEBOOKENTRYEX structures and associated variable data.
  • lpdwBufferSize
    On input, the number of bytes contained in the buffer pointed to by lpEntries. On output, if the function fails it contains the minimum number of bytes to pass for the lpEntries parameter to retrieve the entries.

Return Value

HRESULTs are either S_OK for success, or one of the SIM_E error constants defined in the SIM Manager Error Constants table.


Header simmgr.h
Library cellcore.lib