pupdbscripts Table

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

The pupdbscripts table is involved in the configuration related to the use of the GenericPuP object.


The GenericPuP object is deprecated in Commerce Server 2007. Therefore, this entire database table is also deprecated.

The following table describes the columns of the pupdbscripts table.


Do not modify the definition of this table for any reason. It is described here for reference.




An integer that identifies a particular resource as being associated with a particular site. This column corresponds to the i_SiteID columns in the SiteResources and Sites tables.


An integer that identifies the resource with which this GenericPuP object entry is associated. Values in this column correspond to the values in the i_ResourceID columns in the ResourceProps, Resources, and SiteResources tables.


The name of the script with which this GenericPuP object entry is associated. This name appears in the comma-separated list in either the s_PupParam2 column or the s_PupParam3 column in the Resources table.


The SQL script associated with this GenericPuP object entry, if any. Use the GetSQLScript, PutSQLScript, and DeleteSQLScript methods of the SiteConfigFreeThreaded object to manage script entries in this column.

See Also

Other Resources

ExtendedProps Table

ResourceProps Table

Resources Table

SiteResources Table

Sites Table

SystemProps Table

Resource Tables in the Administration Database