Compile-Time Differences in the Commerce Server 2007 Orders System

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

The following list describes some issues occur when you compile Commerce Server 2002 site code in Commerce Server 2007.

  • Some class instance constructors have changed or have been removed in Commerce Server 2007. You must change code that uses the affected constructors to use newer constructors.

  • Code that calls the Dispose method of Orders System classes will not compile, because Commerce Server 2007 Orders classes do not implement the IDisposable interface.

  • Code that uses the Xml property of the OrderGroup class will not compile. The functionality that is provided by this property has been replaced with the GetXml method. This method produces XML that has a different schema than the schema returned from Commerce Server 2002.

  • The OrderGroupSearch and OrderGroupSearchOptions classes will not compile. Their functionality has been replaced with a new search mechanism. Use the BasketManager and PurchaseOrderManager classes for searching baskets and orders.

  • When you compile stand-alone console applications, be aware that there is a new mechanism for deploying application configuration settings and for creating an OrderContext class for console applications.

  • Code that uses the TaxIncluded property of the OrderGroup class will not compile, because this property has been removed.

  • Code that uses the Dictionary property of the OrderGroup class not compile, because this property has been removed.

  • Code that uses the ShippingAddress property of the LineItem class should be changed to use the ShippingAddressId property.

  • Code that uses the ID property of the OrderAddress class should be changed to use the OrderAddressId property.

  • Code that uses the TelephoneNumber property of the OrderAddress class should be changed to use the DaytimePhoneNumber, EveningPhoneNumber, or FaxNumber properties.

  • Code that uses the PurchaseOrderID property of the PurchaseOrder should be changed to use the OrderGroupId property.

  • Property names with the suffix "ID" have been changed to use the suffix "Id". This provides consistency with the .NET Framework guidelines. This can cause compiler errors in code that is requires case-sensitive identifiers, such as C#.

See Also

Other Resources

Changes to the Orders System