How to: Access HTTP-Specific Properties

This sample shows how to turn off the HTTP Keep-alive behavior and get the protocol version number from the Web server.


Dim HttpWReq As HttpWebRequest= _
    CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
' Turn off connection keep-alives.
HttpWReq.KeepAlive = False

Dim HttpWResp As HttpWebResponse = _
    CType(HttpWReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

' Get the HTTP protocol version number returned by the server.
Dim ver As String = HttpWResp.ProtocolVersion.ToString()
HttpWebRequest HttpWReq = 
// Turn off connection keep-alives.
HttpWReq.KeepAlive = false;

HttpWebResponse HttpWResp = (HttpWebResponse)HttpWReq.GetResponse();

// Get the HTTP protocol version number returned by the server.
String ver = HttpWResp.ProtocolVersion.ToString();

코드 컴파일

This example requires:

  • References to the System.Net namespace.

참고 항목


Accessing the Internet Through a Proxy

Using Application Protocols