방법: SOAP 헤더를 사용하여 사용자 지정 인증 수행

이 항목은 레거시 기술과 관련된 것입니다. 이제 XML Web services와 XML Web services 클라이언트는 다음을 사용하여 만들어야 합니다. Windows Communication Foundation.

ASP.NET에서 다음과 같은 사용자 지정 솔루션을 빌드하여 SOAP 헤더를 통한 인증 메커니즘을 제공할 수 있습니다. 이 솔루션은 다음 단계를 실행하는 웹 서버의 사용자 지정 IHttpModule을 포함합니다.

  1. HTTP Module은 HTTP 메시지의 구문을 분석하여 SOAP 메시지인지 여부를 확인합니다.

  2. HTTP Module은 SOAP 메시지가 검색되면 SOAP 헤더를 읽습니다.

  3. SOAP 메시지에 인증 자격 증명이 있는 SOAP 헤더가 있으면 HTTP Module은 사용자 지정 global.asax 이벤트를 발생시킵니다.

제공된 예제에서 HTTP Module은 사용자를 인증하고 웹 서비스에서 클라이언트에 웹 서비스 액세스 권한을 부여할지 여부를 결정하는 Context 속성을 설정합니다.

이 예제에서 텍스트는 네트워크를 통해 암호화되지 않은 읽기 쉬운 형식으로 전송됩니다. 표시되는 텍스트가 응용 프로그램에 맞게 보안되지 않은 경우 암호화 알고리즘을 추가합니다.


다음 코드 예제에서는 HTTP 메시지에서 SOAP 요청을 구문 분석하는 HTTP 모듈을 보여 줍니다. HTTP 메시지가 SOAP 메시지이면 사용자 지정 WebServiceAuthenticationEvent가 발생합니다.

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;

namespace Microsoft.WebServices.Security {

      public sealed class WebServiceAuthenticationModule : IHttpModule 
         private WebServiceAuthenticationEventHandler 
                       _eventHandler = null;

         public event WebServiceAuthenticationEventHandler Authenticate 
           add { _eventHandler += value;}
           remove {_eventHandler -= value;}
         public void Dispose() 

         public void Init(HttpApplication app) 
           app.AuthenticateRequest += new

         private void OnAuthenticate(WebServiceAuthenticationEvent e) 
           if (_eventHandler == null)

             _eventHandler(this, e);
             if (e.User != null)
                e.Context.User = e.Principal;

         public string ModuleName
           get{ return "WebServiceAuthentication"; }

         void OnEnter(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) {
           HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;
           HttpContext context = app.Context;
           Stream HttpStream = context.Request.InputStream;

           // Save the current position of stream.
           long posStream = HttpStream.Position;

           // If the request contains an HTTP_SOAPACTION 
           // header, look at this message.
           if (context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_SOAPACTION"]
                          == null)

           // Load the body of the HTTP message
           // into an XML document.
           XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();
           string soapUser;
           string soapPassword;


             // Reset the stream position.
             HttpStream.Position = posStream;

             // Bind to the Authentication header.
             soapUser =
             soapPassword =
           catch (Exception e) 
             // Reset the position of stream.
             HttpStream.Position = posStream;

             // Throw a SOAP exception.
             XmlQualifiedName name = new
             SoapException soapException = new SoapException(
                       "Unable to read SOAP request", name, e);
             throw soapException;

           // Raise the custom global.asax event.
           OnAuthenticate(new WebServiceAuthenticationEvent                        (context, soapUser, soapPassword));
Public NotInheritable Class WebServiceAuthenticationModule
        Implements IHttpModule

        Public Delegate Sub WebServiceAuthenticationEventHandler(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As WebServiceAuthenticationEvent)
        Private _eventHandler As WebServiceAuthenticationEventHandler = Nothing

        Public Custom Event Authenticate As 
            AddHandler(ByVal value As 
                _eventHandler = value
            End AddHandler
            RemoveHandler(ByVal value As 
                _eventHandler = value
            End RemoveHandler
            RaiseEvent(ByVal sender As Object, 
                    ByVal e As WebServiceAuthenticationEvent)
            End RaiseEvent
        End Event

        Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.Web.IHttpModule.Dispose

        End Sub 'Dispose

        Public Sub Init(ByVal app As HttpApplication) Implements System.Web.IHttpModule.Init
            AddHandler app.AuthenticateRequest, AddressOf Me.OnEnter

        End Sub 'Init

        Private Sub OnAuthenticate(ByVal e As WebServiceAuthenticationEvent)
            If _eventHandler Is Nothing Then
            End If
            _eventHandler(Me, e)
            If Not (e.User Is Nothing) Then
                e.Context.User = e.Principal
            End If

        End Sub 'OnAuthenticate 

        Public ReadOnly Property ModuleName() As String
                Return "WebServiceAuthentication"
            End Get
        End Property

        Sub OnEnter(ByVal [source] As [Object], ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs)
            Dim app As HttpApplication = CType([source], HttpApplication)
            Dim context As HttpContext = app.Context
            Dim HttpStream As Stream = context.Request.InputStream

            ' Save the current position of stream.
            Dim posStream As Long = HttpStream.Position

            ' If the request contains an HTTP_SOAPACTION 
            ' header, look at this message.
            If context.Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_SOAPACTION") Is Nothing Then
            End If
            ' Load the body of the HTTP message
            ' into an XML document.
            Dim dom As New XmlDocument()
            Dim soapUser As String
            Dim soapPassword As String


                ' Reset the stream position.
                HttpStream.Position = posStream

                ' Bind to the Authentication header.
                soapUser = dom.GetElementsByTagName("User").Item(0).InnerText
                soapPassword = dom.GetElementsByTagName("Password").Item(0).InnerText
            Catch e As Exception
                ' Reset the position of stream.
                HttpStream.Position = posStream

                ' Throw a SOAP exception.
                Dim name As New XmlQualifiedName("Load")
                Dim soapException As New SoapException("Unable to read SOAP request", name, e)
                Throw soapException
            End Try

            ' Raise the custom global.asax event.
            OnAuthenticate(New WebServiceAuthenticationEvent(context, soapUser, soapPassword))

        End Sub 'OnEnter
    End Class 'WebServiceAuthenticationModule

다음 코드 예제에서는 SOAP 요청을 받으면 HTTP Module에 의해 발생하는 사용자 지정 인증 이벤트를 보여 줍니다.

namespace Microsoft.WebServices.Security {
    using System;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Security.Principal;

    public class WebServiceAuthenticationEvent : EventArgs {
       private Iprincipal _IPrincipalUser;
       private HttpContext _Context;
       private string _User;
       private string _Password;

       public WebServiceAuthenticationEvent(HttpContext context)
            _Context = context;

       public WebServiceAuthenticationEvent(HttpContext context,
                       string user, string password)
           _Context = context;
           _User = user;
           _Password = password;
       public  HttpContext Context 
         get { return _Context;}
       public IPrincipal Principal 
         get { return _IPrincipalUser;} 
         set { _IPrincipalUser = value;}
       public void Authenticate()
         GenericIdentity i = new GenericIdentity(User);
         this.Principal = new GenericPrincipal(i, new String[0]);
       public void Authenticate(string[] roles)
         GenericIdentity i = new GenericIdentity(User);
         this.Principal = new GenericPrincipal(i, roles);
       public string User 
         get { return _User; }
         set { _User = value; }
       public string Password
         get { return _Password; }
         set { _Password = value; }
       public bool HasCredentials {
              if ((_User == null) || (_Password == null))
                return false;
              return true;
Imports System
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Security.Principal

Public Class WebServiceAuthenticationEvent
    Inherits EventArgs
    Private _IPrincipalUser As Iprincipal
    Private _Context As HttpContext
    Private _User As String
    Private _Password As String
    Public Sub New(ByVal context As HttpContext) 
        _Context = context
    End Sub 'New
    Public Sub New(ByVal context As HttpContext, ByVal user As String, ByVal password As String) 
        _Context = context
        _User = user
        _Password = password
    End Sub 'New
    Public ReadOnly Property Context() As HttpContext 
            Return _Context
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Property Principal() As IPrincipal 
            Return _IPrincipalUser
        End Get
            _IPrincipalUser = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Overloads Public Sub Authenticate() 
        Dim i As New GenericIdentity(User)
        Me.Principal = New GenericPrincipal(i, New String(-1) {})
    End Sub 'Authenticate
    Overloads Public Sub Authenticate(ByVal roles() As String) 
        Dim i As New GenericIdentity(User)
        Me.Principal = New GenericPrincipal(i, roles)
    End Sub 'Authenticate
    Public Property User() As String 
            Return _User
        End Get
            _User = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property Password() As String 
            Return _Password
        End Get
            _Password = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property HasCredentials() As Boolean 
            If _User Is Nothing OrElse _Password Is Nothing Then
                Return False
            End If
            Return True
        End Get
    End Property
End Class 'WebServiceAuthenticationEvent

다음 코드 예제에서는 사용자 지정 WebServiceAuthenticationEvent 이벤트에 대한 대리자를 보여 줍니다.

namespace Microsoft.WebServices.Security 
   using System;

   public delegate void WebServiceAuthenticationEventHandler(Object sender,  WebServiceAuthenticationEvent e);
Imports System
Public Delegate Sub WebServiceAuthenticationEventHandler(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As WebServiceAuthenticationEvent)

다음 코드 예제에서는 클라이언트가 전달해야 하는 Authentication SOAP 헤더를 정의하는 웹 서비스를 보여 줍니다. 웹 서비스에서는 인증을 수행할 필요가 없습니다. 대신 User.Identity.IsAuthenticated 속성을 조사하여 HTTP Module에서 사용자를 인증했는지 여부를 확인할 수 있습니다.

<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="SecureWebService" %>

using System;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;

public class Authentication : SoapHeader {
  public string User;
  public string Password;

public class SecureWebService : WebService{
  public Authentication authentication;

  public string ValidUser(){
    if (User.IsInRole("Customer"))
      return "User is in role customer";

    if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
      return "User is a valid user";
    return "not authenticated";
<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="SecureWebService" %>

Imports System 
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

Public Class Authentication
    Inherits SoapHeader
    Public User As String
    Public Password As String
End Class 'Authentication

Public Class SecureWebService
    Inherits WebService
    Public authentication As Authentication
    <WebMethod(), SoapHeader("authentication")>  _
    Public Function ValidUser() As String 
        If User.IsInRole("Customer") Then
            Return "User is in role customer"
        End If 
        If User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
            Return "User is a valid user"
        End If
        Return "not authenticated"
    End Function 'ValidUser
End Class 'SecureWebService

다음 코드 예제에서는 Authentication SOAP 헤더에서 사용자 지정 SOAP 헤더 인증 메커니즘에 필요한 자격 증명을 전달하는 웹 서비스를 보여 줍니다.

// Create a new instance of a Web service proxy class.
SecureWebService s = new SecureWebService();

// Create the Authentication SOAP header and set values.
Authentication a = new Authentication();
a.User = user.Value;
a.Password = password.Value;

// Assign the Header.
s.AuthenticationValue = a;

string result = s.ValidUser();
span1.InnerHtml = result;
' Create a new instance of a Web service proxy class.
Dim s As New SecureWebService()

' Create the Authentication SOAP header and set values.
Dim a As New Authentication()
a.User = user.Value
a.Password = password.Value

Assign the Header.
s.AuthenticationValue = a

Dim result As String = s.ValidUser()
span1.InnerHtml = result

참고 항목


방법: Windows 인증에 대해 XML Web services 구성




ASP.NET을 사용하여 만든 XML Web services에 보안 설정

기타 리소스

Securing ASP.NET Web Applications
ASP.NET을 사용하는 XML Web services