DELSTR Function (Code, Text)

Deletes a substring inside a string (text or code).


NewString := DELSTR(String, Position[, Length])  


Type: Text constant or code

The input string.

Type: Integer

The position of the first character that you want to delete. Position must be greater than zero (0).

If Position exceeds the length of String, DELSTR returns the original string, unchanged.

Type: Integer

Specifies how many characters to delete. Length must be greater than zero (0).

Property Value/Return Value

Type: Text constant or code

The resulting string.


If you omit Length, all the characters starting with Position are deleted until the end of the string.

If you omit Length and Position is less than 1, then an error is returned.

If you omit Length and Position is greater than the length of String, then String is returned unchanged.


This example requires that you create the following variables and text constants in the C/AL Globals window.

Variable name DataType Length
Str Text 40
Position Integer Not applicable
Length Integer Not applicable
NewStr Text 40
Text constant ENU value
Text000 Adjusting prices - Please wait.
Text001 The original string:>%1<
Text002 The modified string:>%2<
Str := Text000;  
Position := 11; // Remove the word 'prices' and a blank.  
Length := 7;  
NewStr := DELSTR(Str, Position, Length);  
MESSAGE(Text001, Str);  
MESSAGE(Text002, NewStr);  

The first message window displays the following:

The original string:

>Adjusting prices - Please wait.<

The second message window displays the following:

The modified string:

>Adjusting - Please wait.<

See Also

Code Data Type
Text Data Type