Dynamically Binding Columns in Your Provider


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at Dynamically Binding Columns in Your Provider.

Make sure you really need dynamic column binding. You might need it because:

  • Your rowset columns are not defined at compile time.

  • You support an element such as bookmarks that adds columns.

To implement dynamic column binding

  1. Remove any PROVIDER_COLUMN_MAPs from your code.

  2. In the user record (your structure), add the following declaration:

    static ATLCOLUMNINFO* GetColumnInfo(void* pThis, ULONG* pcCols);  
  3. Implement the GetColumnInfo function. This function lays out how the information is stored. You might need to get properties or other information for this function. You might want to create a macro, similar to the COLUMN_ENTRY macro, to add your own information.

    The following example shows a GetColumnInfo function.

    // Check the property flag for bookmarks, if it is set, set the zero  
    // ordinal entry in the column map with the bookmark information.  
    CAgentRowset* pRowset = (CAgentRowset*) pThis;  
    CComQIPtr<IRowsetInfo, &IID_IRowsetInfo> spRowsetProps = pRowset;  
    DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL;  
    ULONG ulPropSet = 0;  
    HRESULT hr;  
    if (spRowsetProps)  
       hr = spRowsetProps->GetProperties(1, &set, &ulPropSet, &pPropSet);  
    if (pPropSet)  
       CComVariant var = pPropSet->rgProperties[0].vValue;  
       if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (var.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE))  
          ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY_EX(ulCols, OLESTR("Bookmark"), 0, sizeof(DWORD), DBTYPE_BYTES,   
             0, 0, GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, dwBookmark, DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISBOOKMARK)  
    // Next, set up the other columns.  
    ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Command"), 1, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF,   
       GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szCommand)  
    ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Text"), 2, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF,   
       GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szText)  
    ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Command2"), 3, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF,   
       GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szCommand2)  
    ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Text2"), 4, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF,   
       GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szText2)  
    if (pcCols != NULL)  
       *pcCols = ulCols;  
    return _rgColumns;  

See Also

Working with OLE DB Provider Templates