
Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


This topic applies to Windows Vista.

The put_SuppressEffects method specifies whether the Video Control configures the system for optimal video playback.


  HRESULT put_SuppressEffects(



[in]  Specifies a Boolean value. See Remarks for more information.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


If bSuppress equals VARIANT_TRUE, the Video Control configures several system parameters during video playback:

  • Disables the screen saver timeout.
  • Disables Microsoft ClearType smoothing.
  • Disables the drop shadow effect.
  • Disables alpha-blended mouse cursors.
  • Prevents the system from turning off the display (power management).

For applications based on the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI), these settings improve the video playback experience. When playback stops, the Video Control restores the original system settings.

If bSuppress equals VARIANT_FALSE, the Video Control does not modify any of these system settings.

The default value for this property is VARIANT_TRUE. Set this property to VARIANT_FALSE if your application wants to control all of the system settings; for example, if you are providing a custom presenter.


  Header: Dshow.h.

  Library: Quartz.dll.

See Also

  • IMSVidEVR Interface