ThmxTheme Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a Microsoft Office XML theme file. The methods and properties of this class enable read and write operations on the theme name, the color list, and the font list.

The ThmxTheme type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccentColor1 Gets the first accent color that belongs to this theme.
Public property AccentColor2 Gets the second accent color that belongs to this theme.
Public property AccentColor3 Gets the third accent color that belongs to this theme.
Public property AccentColor4 Gets the fourth accent color that belongs to this theme.
Public property AccentColor5 Gets the fifth accent color that belongs to this theme.
Public property AccentColor6 Gets the sixth accent color that belongs to this theme.
Public property AccessibleDescription Gets a brief description of this theme.
Public property DarkColor1 Gets the first dark color that belongs to this theme.
Public property DarkColor2 Gets the second dark color that belongs to this theme.
Public property File Gets the SPFile associated with this theme if applicable.
Public property FollowedHyperlinkColor Gets the color specified in the current theme to be applied to hypertext links that have been followed.
Public property HyperlinkColor Gets the color to be applied to hypertext links in the current theme.
Public property LightColor1 Gets the first light color to be applied in the current theme.
Public property LightColor2 Gets the second light color to be applied in the current theme.
Public property MajorFont Gets the major font to be used in this theme.
Public property MinorFont Gets the minor font to be used in this theme.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of this theme.
Public property ServerRelativeUrl Gets the server-relative URL of the current theme if applicable.
Public property ThemeType Gets the type of theme.



  Name Description
Public method ApplyTo(String) Applies the current theme to the given Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file.
Public method ApplyTo(SPWeb, Boolean) Applies the current theme to the given web.
Public method Close Closes the theme and the underlying package.
Public methodStatic member EnforceThemedStylesForWeb Reapplies the currently applied theme on the web site.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GenerateThemedStyles(Boolean, SPWeb) Ensures that the theme has been applied to all themable styles and that the themed styles are updated.
Public method GenerateThemedStyles(Boolean, SPWeb, String) Ensures that this theme has been applied to all themable styles and that corresponding themed styles are updated.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetManagedThemes Gets the list of managed themes available in the theme gallery of the given site collection.
Public methodStatic member GetThemedCssUrl Returns the URL where the themed Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) can be retrieved.
Public methodStatic member GetThemedCssUrlForEncodedUrl Returns the URL where the themed Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) can be retrieved.
Public method GetThemeFontByName Gets a theme font by name.
Public method GetThemeShadeByName Gets a theme shade by name.
Public methodStatic member GetThemeUrlForWeb Gets the server-relative URL for the ThmxTheme object whose theme is applied to the given SharePoint Web site.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member Open(Package) Opens the specified theme package.
Public methodStatic member Open(Stream) Opens a theme package on the specified stream.
Public methodStatic member Open(SPFile) Opens the specified theme package.
Public methodStatic member Open(SPSite, String) Opens the theme package associated with the specified SharePoint Web site and server-relative URL.
Public methodStatic member Open(Stream, FileMode, FileAccess) Opens a theme package using the given I/O stream, file mode, and file access.
Public methodStatic member Open(SPFile, Boolean, FileMode, FileAccess) Opens the specified theme package using the provided values for version, file mode, and file access.
Public methodStatic member RemoveThemeFromWeb Sets the theme on the web to none.
Public method Save Saves any changes made to this theme to the underlying stream.
Public methodStatic member SetThemeUrlForWeb(SPWeb, String) Applies the theme pointed to by the specified URL to the specified web.
Public methodStatic member SetThemeUrlForWeb(SPWeb, String, Boolean) Applies the theme pointed to by the specified URL to the specified web.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IDisposable.Dispose Releases any unmanaged resources in use by an object of this class.


See Also


ThmxTheme Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace