PortalSiteMapProvider Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Provides PortalSiteMapNode objects that represent a merging of the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010SPNavigation store and dynamic site structure, including sites and pages.

The PortalSiteMapProvider type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method PortalSiteMapProvider Specifies the default constructor for the PortalSiteMapProvider class.



  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member CombinedNavSiteMapProvider Gets the PortalSiteMapProvider object that is attached to the global navigation or top navigation menu by default.
Public propertyStatic member CurrentNavSiteMapProvider Gets the PortalSiteMapProvider object that is attached by default to the current navigation or Quick Launch.
Public propertyStatic member CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode Gets the PortalSiteMapProvider object that is attached to the breadcrumb navigation by default.
Public property CurrentNode Gets a PortalSiteMapNode object that represents the item a site user is currently visiting. (Overrides SiteMapProvider.CurrentNode.)
Public property CurrentSite Gets or sets the SPSite object that is used by the PortalSiteMapProvider object.
Public property CurrentWeb Gets or sets the SPWeb object that the PortalSiteMapProvider object uses as a security context.
Public property Description (Inherited from ProviderBase.)
Public property DynamicChildLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of dynamic child items to show at each level. Dynamic child items are subsites (that is, any SPWeb objects) and pages.
Public property EnableAudienceTargeting Gets or sets whether to respect audience targeting settings when returning navigation nodes.
Public property EnableLocalization (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public property EncodeOutput Gets or sets whether to HTML-encode the Title property of each PortalSiteMapNode object.
Public property FlattenHeadings Gets a Boolean value that represents whether to flatten heading nodes.
Public propertyStatic member GlobalNavSiteMapProvider Gets a PortalSiteMapProvider object that has the NavigationType value equal to "Global".
Public property IncludeAuthoredLinks Gets a Boolean value that represents whether to return link nodes.
Public property IncludeHeadings Gets a Boolean value that represents whether to return heading nodes.
Public property IncludePages Gets or sets the method used to determine whether pages are returned by this provider.
Public property IncludeSubSites Gets or sets the method used to determine whether this provider returns subsites.
Public property Name (Inherited from ProviderBase.)
Public property NavigationType Gets or sets the type of navigation of this navigation provider.
Public property ParentProvider (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public property RequireUniqueKeysForNodes Gets or sets a value that indicates if nodes require unique keys.
Public property ResourceKey (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public property RootNode (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public property RootProvider (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public property SecurityTrimmingEnabled (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public property TryGetRootNode Gets the root node only if it is cached.
Public property Version Represents the version of the PortalSiteMapProvider object.
Public propertyStatic member WebSiteMapProvider Gets a PortalSiteMapNode object used to enumerate the Web sites in this collection.



  Name Description
Protected method AddNode(SiteMapNode) (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Protected method AddNode(SiteMapNode, SiteMapNode) (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method CreateAdditionalSiteMapNodes Enables the addition of PortalSiteMapNode objects under any PortalWebSiteMapNode object.
Public method CreateCustomSiteMapNode Enables custom handling of any SPNavigationNode objects marked as Custom.
Public method CreateErrorPortalSiteMapNode This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method CreateErrorSiteMapNodeCollection This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindSiteMapNode(HttpContext) (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method FindSiteMapNode(String) Returns the PortalSiteMapNode object for a specified URL and context. (Overrides SiteMapProvider.FindSiteMapNode(String).)
Public method FindSiteMapNode(String, SPWeb) Returns the PortalSiteMapNode for the given URL.
Public method FindSiteMapNodeFromKey (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method GetCachedList Gets a PortalListSiteMapNode object that represents a specified SPList object.
Public method GetCachedListItemsByQuery Gets a collection of PortalListItemSiteMapNode objects that represent the list items returned by a specified query.
Public method GetCachedSiteDataQuery Returns the cached result of a SiteDataQuery object.
Public method GetChildNodes(SiteMapNode) Returns a security-trimmed collection of child nodes from a specified parent node. (Overrides SiteMapProvider.GetChildNodes(SiteMapNode).)
Public method GetChildNodes(PortalSiteMapNode, NodeTypes) Returns a security-trimmed collection of child nodes of a specified node type from a specified parent.
Public method GetChildNodes(PortalSiteMapNode, NodeTypes, NodeTypes) Returns a security-trimmed collection of child nodes for a specified parent node, specified node types to include, and specified node types to include if hidden.
Public method GetChildNodes(PortalSiteMapNode, NodeTypes, NodeTypes, NodeOrder, Boolean) This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method GetChildNodes(PortalSiteMapNode, NodeTypes, NodeTypes, OrderingMethod, AutomaticSortingMethod, Boolean, Int32) Returns a sorted, security-trimmed collection of child nodes for a specified parent node, types of nodes to include, types of hidden nodes to include, and sorting options.
Public method GetCurrentNodeAndHintAncestorNodes (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method GetCurrentNodeAndHintNeighborhoodNodes (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetParentNode Returns the parent of a specified PortalSiteMapNode object. (Overrides SiteMapProvider.GetParentNode(SiteMapNode).)
Public method GetParentNodeRelativeToCurrentNodeAndHintDownFromParent (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method GetParentNodeRelativeToNodeAndHintDownFromParent (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Protected method GetPermissionCache Returns a Dictionary of the permission GUIDs and associated permissions represented as a Boolean value.
Protected method GetRootNodeCore Represents an override of the method on the SiteMapProvider class. (Overrides SiteMapProvider.GetRootNodeCore().)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HintAncestorNodes (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method HintNeighborhoodNodes (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method Initialize Initializes the PortalSiteMapProvider object using the specified setting. (Overrides SiteMapProvider.Initialize(String, NameValueCollection).)
Public method IsAccessibleToUser (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method RemoveNode (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Protected method ResolveSiteMapNode (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public event SiteMapResolve (Inherited from SiteMapProvider.)



  Name Description
Protected field currentSite Specifies the field that contains a SPSite object that represents the current site.
Protected field currentWeb Specifies the field that contains an SPWeb object that represents the current Web site.
Public fieldStatic member EmptyCollection Specifies the field that contains a read-only empty SiteMapNodeCollection object.


See Also


PortalSiteMapProvider Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Navigation Namespace