IRowsetInfoImpl Class

Provides an implementation for the IRowsetInfo interface.

template <class T, class PropClass = T>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE IRowsetInfoImpl : 
   public IRowsetInfo,  
   public CUtlProps<PropClass>


  • T
    Your class, derived from IRowsetInfoImpl.

  • PropClass
    A user-definable property class that defaults to T.


A mandatory interface on rowsets. This class implements the rowset properties by using the property set map defined in your command class. Although the rowset class appears to be using the command class' property sets, the rowset is supplied with its own copy of the run-time properties, when it is created by a command or session object.


Header: altdb.h

See Also


IRowsetInfoImpl Members

OLE DB Provider Templates (C++)

The OLE DB Provider Template Architecture