
Shows or hides the specified pane.

void ShowPane(
   CBasePane* pBar,
   BOOL bShow,
   BOOL bDelay,
   BOOL bActivate


  • [in] pBar
    A pointer to the control bar to show or hide.

  • [in] bShow
    If TRUE, the application shows the control bar. Otherwise, the application hides the control bar.

  • [in] bDelay
    If TRUE, delay the adjustment of the docking layout until the framework calls CFrameWndEx::AdjustDockingLayout. Otherwise, recalculate the docking layout immediately.

  • [in] bActivate
    If TRUE, make the control bar active. Otherwise, display the control bar in an inactive state.


Header: afxframewndex.h

See Also


CFrameWndEx Class

Hierarchy Chart