
Constructs a CMFCPropertyGridProperty object.

   const CString& strGroupName,
   DWORD_PTR dwData=0,
   BOOL bIsValueList=FALSE 
   const CString& strName,
   const _variant_t& varValue,
   LPCTSTR lpszDescr=NULL,
   DWORD_PTR dwData=0,
   LPCTSTR lpszEditMask=NULL,
   LPCTSTR lpszEditTemplate=NULL,
   LPCTSTR lpszValidChars=NULL 


  • [in] strGroupName
    The group name. A group is a collection of related properties in a property grid control. If the control is displayed hierarchically, the group name is displayed as a category title in the row above the group.

  • [in] dwData
    Application-specific data, such as an integer or a pointer to other data that is associated with the property. The default value is 0.

  • [in] strName
    The name of the property.

  • [in] varValue
    The property value.

  • [in] lpszDescr
    The property description. The default value is NULL.

  • [in] lpszEditMask
    The edit mask, if the property is a masked edit control. The default value is NULL.

  • [in] lpszEditTemplate
    The edit template, if the property is a masked edit control. The default value is NULL.

  • [in] lpszValidChars
    A list of valid characters, if the property is a masked edit control. The default value is NULL.

  • [in] bIsValueList
    TRUE if the property represents a list of values; FALSE if the property represents a single value. The default value is FALSE.


Header: afxpropertygridctrl.h

See Also


CMFCPropertyGridProperty Class

Hierarchy Chart