
The framework calls this member function when the user clicks an authorable button.

afx_msg void OnTCard(
   UINT idAction,
   DWORD dwActionData 


  • idAction
    Indicates the action the user has taken. This parameter can be one of these values:

    • IDABORT    The user clicked an authorable Abort button.

    • IDCANCEL    The user clicked an authorable Cancel button.

    • IDCLOSE    The user closed the training card.

    • IDHELP    The user clicked an authorable Windows Help button.

    • IDIGNORE    The user clicked an authorable Ignore button.

    • IDOK    The user clicked an authorable OK button.

    • IDNO    The user clicked an authorable No button.

    • IDRETRY    The user clicked an authorable Retry button.

    • HELP_TCARD_DATA    The user clicked an authorable button. The dwActionData parameter contains a long integer specified by the help author.

    • HELP_TCARD_NEXT    The user clicked an authorable Next button.

    • HELP_TCARD_OTHER_CALLER    Another application has requested training cards.

    • IDYES    The user clicked an authorable Yes button.

  • dwActionData
    If idAction specifies HELP_TCARD_DATA, this parameter is a long integer specified by the help author. Otherwise, this parameter is zero.


This function is called only when an application has initiated a training card with Windows Help. An application initiates a training card by specifying the HELP_TCARD command in a call to the WinHelp function.


Header: afxwin.h

See Also


CWnd Class

Hierarchy Chart




CWnd Members