
Creates an instance of a debug engine on the server.

HRESULT CreateInstanceInServer(
   LPCWSTR  szDll,
   WORD     wLangId,
   REFCLSID clsidObject,
   REFIID   riid,
   void**   ppvObject
int CreateInstanceInServer(
   string     szDll, 
   ushort     wLangID, 
   ref Guid   clsidObject, 
   ref Guid   riid, 
   out IntPtr ppvObject


  • szDll
    [in] Path to the dll that implements the CLSID specified in the clsidObject parameter. If this is NULL, then COM's CoCreateInstance function is called.

  • wLangId
    [in] Locale of the debug engine. This can be 0 if the IDebugEngine2::SetLocale method should not be called.

  • clsidObject
    [in] CLSID of the debug engine to create.

  • riid
    [in] Interface ID of the specific interface to retrieve from the class object.

  • ppvObject
    [out] IUnknown interface from the instantiated object. Cast or marshal this object to the desired interface.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.

See Also


