
Converts an expression string to a parsed expression given the symbol provider and the address of the evaluating frame.

HRESULT Parse2 (
   LPCOLESTR                upstrExpression,
   PARSEFLAGS               dwFlags,
   UINT                     nRadix,
   IDebugSymbolProvider*    pSymbolProvider,
   IDebugAddress*           pAddress,
   BSTR*                    pbstrError,
   UINT*                    pichError,
   IDebugParsedExpression** ppParsedExpression
HRESULT Parse2 (
   string                     upstrExpression,
   enum_PARSEFLAGS            dwFlags,
   uint                       nRadix,
   IDebugSymbolProvider       pSymbolProvider,
   IDebugAddress              pAddress,
   out string                 pbstrError,
   out uint                   pichError,
   out IDebugParsedExpression ppParsedExpression


  • upstrExpression
    [in] The expression string to be parsed.

  • dwFlags
    [in] A collection of PARSEFLAGS constants that determine how the expression is to be parsed.

  • nRadix
    [in] Radix to be used to interpret any numerical information.

  • pSymbolProvider
    [in] Interface of the symbol provider.

  • pAddress
    [in] Address of the evaluating frame.

  • pbstrError
    [out] Returns the error as human-readable text.

  • pichError
    [out] Returns the character position of the start of the error in the expression string.

  • ppParsedExpression
    [out] Returns the parsed expression in an IDebugParsedExpression object.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


This method produces a parsed expression, not an actual value. A parsed expression is ready to be evaluated, that is, converted to a value.


The following example shows how to implement this method for a CEE object that exposes the IDebugExpressionEvaluator3 interface.

HRESULT CEE::Parse2 ( LPCOLESTR in_szExprText,
  IDebugSymbolProvider *pSymbolProvider,
  IDebugAddress *pAddress,
  BSTR* out_pbstrError,
  UINT* inout_pichError,
  IDebugParsedExpression** out_ppParsedExpression )
    // precondition
    REQUIRE( NULL != in_szExprText );
    //REQUIRE( NULL != out_pbstrError );
    REQUIRE( NULL != inout_pichError );
    REQUIRE( NULL != out_ppParsedExpression );

    if (NULL == in_szExprText)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if (NULL == inout_pichError)
        return E_POINTER;

    if (NULL == out_ppParsedExpression)
        return E_POINTER;

    if (out_pbstrError)
        *out_pbstrError = NULL;

    *out_ppParsedExpression = NULL;

    INVARIANT( this );

    if (!this->ClassInvariant())
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // function body
    EEDomain::fParseExpression DomainVal =
        this,                   // CEE*
        in_szExprText,          // LPCOLESTR
        in_FLAGS,               // EVALFLAGS
        in_RADIX,               // RADIX
        out_pbstrError      ,   // BSTR*
        inout_pichError,        // UINT*
        out_ppParsedExpression  // Output

    return (*m_LanguageSpecificUseCases.pfParseExpression)(DomainVal);

See Also

