ReleaseKey method of the Msvm_Keyboard class

Simulates a key release. When successful, the key will be in the up state.


uint32 ReleaseKey(
  [in] uint32 keyCode


keyCode [in]

Type: uint32

The virtual key code of the key to release. For the list for virtual-key codes, see Virtual-Key Codes.

Return value

Type: uint32

A return value of zero indicates success. A nonzero value indicates a failure to modify the key state.

Completed with No Error (0)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Failed (32768)

Access Denied (32769)

Not Supported (32770)

Status is unknown (32771)

Timeout (32772)

Invalid parameter (32773)

System is in used (32774)

Invalid state for this operation (32775)

Incorrect data type (32776)

System is not available (32777)

Out of memory (32778)


The ReleaseKey method maps references to the VK_MENU (18), VK_CONTROL (17), and VK_SHIFT (16) to VK_LMENU (164), VK_LCONTROL (162), and VK_LSHIFT (160), respectively, because the VK_MENU, VK_CONTROL, and VK_SHIFT virtual key codes do not represent real keys on a keyboard.

Access to the Msvm_Keyboard class might be restricted by UAC Filtering. For more information, see User Account Control and WMI.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008
End of client support
None supported
End of server support
Windows Server 2012

See also


Virtual-Key Codes