Display Driver Recommendations (Windows CE 5.0)

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The display driver recommendations enable you to implement your display driver more easily, although you can develop a fully functional driver even if your hardware does not conform to these recommendations.

Your display hardware should meet the following requirements. If it does not, you must modify the GPE classes to use them.

  • It should use a linear-frame buffer.
  • The display hardware memory should be contiguous.
  • One linear-access window should cover the entire frame buffer.
  • It should use a supported combination of pixel format, packing, and pixel ordering. For more information, see Display Buffer Formats.

The following list shows Microsoft recommendations for the display hardware's frame buffer:

  • Top-down format, with pixel (0, 0) at the top left and pixel (width - 1, height - 1) at the lower right.
  • The frame buffer's stride, the number of bytes in memory required to represent one scan line on the display, should be a multiple of 4 bytes, even if this means padding the end of each scan line with unused bytes.
  • The frame buffer must be accessible by the microprocessor without requiring the microprocessor to perform bank selection.
  • Frame buffers should not use bit planes, in which separate frame buffers are used for each color channel or intensity component.

The following list shows the display hardware that can accelerate operations, in order of decreasing importance:

  • Solid color fills, specifically blit operations, the pbo->iSolidColor member is not 0xFFFFFFFF.
  • SRCCOPY blit operations.
  • Cursor display, if your run-time image uses a cursor.
  • Solid horizontal and vertical line drawing.
  • Solid line drawing with subpixel precision.
  • Masked SRCCOPY blit operations.
  • Solid general line drawing with subpixel resolution.

See Also

Display Driver Development Concepts | Display Driver Extensions | Display Driver Samples

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