IPPROTO_IPV6 (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table describes IPPROTO_IPV6 Socket Options. See getsockopt and setsockopt for more information on getting and setting socket options. To enumerate protocols and discover supported properties for each installed protocol, use the WSAEnumProtocols function.

Some socket options require more explanation than these tables can convey; such options contain links to additional pages.


Option get/set/both Optval type Description
IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP set struct ipv6_mreq Join the supplied multicast group on the given interface index
IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP set struct ipv6_mreq Leave the supplied multicast group from the given interface
IPV6_HDRINCL both BOOL Indicates IPv6 header will be supplied on all outgoing data
IPV6_HOPLIMIT both BOOL Indicates that hop (TTL) information should be returned in the WSARecvMsg function
IPV6_JOIN_GROUP set struct ipv6_mreq Same as IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP set struct ipv6_m Same as IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP
IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS both DWORD Sets/gets the TTL value associated with IPv6 multicast traffic on the socket
IPV6_MULTICAST_IF both DWORD Sets the outgoing (IPv6) interface for multicast traffic. This is important for multihomed machines. The input value is the 4-byte interface index of the desired outgoing interface (use GetAdaptersAddresses to obtain index information).
IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP both BOOL Indicates multicast data sent on socket will be echoed to the sockets receive buffer if it is also joined on the destination multicast group
IPV6_PKTINFO both BOOL Indicates that packet information should be returned in the WSARecvMsg function
IPV6_PROTECTION_LEVEL both INT Enables restriction of a socket to a specified scope, such as addresses with the same link local or site local prefix. Provides various restriction levels and default settings. See Using IPV6_PROTECTION_LEVEL for more information.
IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS both DWORD Sets/gets the current TTL value associated with IPv6 socket

See Also

Socket Options

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