TrackBarView_t::DrawTics (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method draws all of the tick marks for a trackbar.

static void DrawTics(HDC hdc,DWORD style,RECT* prc,PDWORD pTics,int nTics,int ticFreq,LONG lSelStart,LONG lSelEnd,LONG lLogMin,LONG lLogMax,LONG iSizePhys,bool bDrawSelectionTriangles);


  • hdc
    [in] Handle to a device context.
  • style
    [in] DWORD that specifies the style of the trackbar. The following table shows the possible values.
    Trackbar control style Description
    TBS_AUTOTICKS The trackbar has a tick mark for each increment in its range of values.
    TBS_BOTH The trackbar displays tick marks on both sides of the control. These sides are both top and bottom when used with TBS_HORZ or both left and right when used with TBS_VERT.
    TBS_BOTTOM The trackbar displays tick marks below the control. This style is only valid with TBS_HORZ.
    TBS_ENABLESELRANGE The trackbar displays a selection range only. The tick marks at the starting and ending positions of a selection range are displayed as triangles instead of vertical dashes and the selection range is highlighted.
    TBS_FIXEDLENGTH The trackbar control allows the size of the slider to be changed with the TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH message.
    TBS_HORZ The trackbar is oriented horizontally. This orientation is the default orientation.
    TBS_LEFT The trackbar displays tick marks to the left of the control. This style is only valid with TBS_VERT.
    TBS_NOTHUMB The trackbar does not display a slider.
    TBS_NOTICKS The trackbar does not display any tick marks.
    TBS_REVERSED The trackbar is reversed, so that a smaller number indicates higher and a larger number indicates lower.
    TBS_RIGHT The trackbar displays tick marks to the right of the control. This style is only valid with TBS_VERT.
    TBS_TOOLTIPS The trackbar supports ToolTips. When you create a trackbar by using this style, a default ToolTip control that displays the current position of the slider is automatically created.
    TBS_TOP The trackbar displays tick marks above the control. This style is only valid with TBS_HORZ.
    TBS_VERT The trackbar is oriented vertically.
  • prc
    [in] Pointer to a RECT structure that specifies the bounding rectangle of the trackbar.
  • pTics
    [in] An array of tick marks that specifies every tick mark that you want to draw between the left and right ends of the bounding rectangle of the trackbar.
  • nTics
    [in] Integer that specifies the number of tick marks in the pTics array.
  • ticFreq
    [in] Integer that specifies the frequency of the tick marks.
  • lSelStart
    [in] Long integer that specifies the start of the selection range.
  • lSelEnd
    [in] Long integer that specifies the end of the selection range.
  • lLogMin
    [in] Long integer that specifies the logical minimum of the trackbar.
  • lLogMax
    [in] Long integer that specifies the logical maximum of the trackbar.
  • iSizePhys
    [in] Long integer that specifies the size at which the thumb is placed.
  • bDrawSelectionTriangles
    [in] Boolean that specifies whether to draw triangular tick marks that indicate the selection range. TRUE indicates that the triangular tick marks should be drawn. FALSE indicates that the triangular tick marks should not be drawn.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Trackbarview.hpp.

See Also


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